随着互联网创新金融的迅猛崛起以及金融市场的快速发展,金融机构之间为了抢夺 市场份额,竞争日趋激烈。由“二八”定律可以知晓,商业银行约20%的客户贡献了银 行80%的利润,有限的客户资源成为了众多金融机构猛烈抢夺的重要目标。因而,客户 关系管理在当前环境下显得尤为重要,也逐步被银行在内的金融机构普遍使用。S银行 作为地区商业银行,正面临着复杂多变的金融经济环境,以及同欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司之间的激烈竞争, 在客户资源有限的情况下,为了抢夺这些资源,S银行势必要进行战略调整,升级优化 客户关系管理。但与国内大行相比,S银行的客户关系管理系统开发较晚,发展还存在 着许多问题,因此,开展S银行的客户关系管理研究具有重要的现实意义。 本文以S银行为例,对商业银行客户关系管理存在的问题及原因进行系统化分析, 基于客户关系管理策略优化的相关理论提出优化策略和保障措施。首先通过对国内外相 关客户关系管理的文献进行梳理,确定本文研究的内容和技术路线;在此基础上,界定 本文有关概念,并对关系营销、客户价值理论、客户忠诚培育等理论进行论述;然后分 析出当前S银行在客户关系管理方面的现实情况,包括客户的拉新和留存方式、客户经 理激励现状以及CRM系统使用现状等;并采用深度访谈和问卷调查的方式,分析了S银 行在客户关系管理中的障碍;最后,从对客户信息、营销、服务三方面的管理角度提出 S银行的优化措施,并从员工队伍建设、绩效考核评估以及管理流程等方面提出现代化 策略的保障手段。 通过本文的研究发现:S银行存在缺乏以客户需求为核心的金融服务理念,客户市 场的细分与金融资产价值评价体系有待完善,缺少信息科技的有效支撑等问题;S银行 需要在提高品牌知名度、CRM系统客户信息管理,强化客户营销管理、改善客户服务管 理、加强客户管理人员的队伍建设、健全客户关系管理流程等方面做出努力;S银行需 要通过引进人才、优化考核、内管培训等途径,增强客户经理的专业度水平,促进客户 关系的高水平发展。本文的研究可以为其他遇到相同或相似问题的商业银行,在客户关 系管理问题实操上提供参考。 关键词:S银行;客户关系管理;客户满意度;客户忠诚度 ii Abstract With the gradual maturity of the financial market and the rapid rise of Internet finance, the competition among different financial institutions is increasingly fierce. According to the "pareto" principle, about 20% of the customers of commercial Banks contribute 80% of the profits of Banks, and customer resources have become an important strategic resource fiercely fought for among financial institutions. Therefore, as an advanced business management concept, customer relationship management has gradually been valued and widely used by financial institutions including banks. As a regional commercial bank, S Bank is facing a complex and changeable economic environment and fierce competition in the same industry. In the case of limited customer resources, in order to snatch these resources, S Bank must manage customer relations. Customer relationship management is not only an important means of S- bank management, but also vital to its core competitiveness. However, compared with domestic big banks, S-bank's customer relationship management is lagging behind, and there are still many problems in its development. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to carry out research on S-bank's customer relationship management. This article takes S Bank as an example to systematically analyze the status, problems and causes of customer relationship management in commercial banks, and proposes optimization strategies and backups based on the relevant theories of optimization of the customer relationship management strategy. First, by painting the national and foreign literature on customer relationship management, the content and the route of this study are determined; based on this, the relevant concepts of this article are defined and the theories of relationship marketing, customer value theory, customer loyalty theory, etc. are implemented. Discuss; then analyze the current situation of S Bank customer relationship management, including methods of attracting and retaining customers, the incentive status of the customer manager and the use status of the CRM system; and use in-depth interviews and questionnaires to analyze S Obstacles for banks in customer relationship management; Finally, from the point of view of customer information management, marketing and services, measures to optimize Bank S are proposed, and from the point of view of training talent teams, evaluating performance and iii management processes, optimization strategies are provided. Through the research in this article, it is found that S Bank lacks the concept of financial services centered on customer needs, customer market segmentation and financial asset value evaluation system need to be improved, and lack of effective support of information technology. , CRM system customer information management, strengthen customer marketing management, improve customer service management, strengthen the team building of customer management personnel, improve customer relationship management process and other aspects; S bank needs to pass, introduce talent, optimize assessment, internal management training And other ways to enhance the professional level of the account manager and promote the high-level development of customer relations. The research in this paper can help other commercial banks encountering the same or similar problems in the practical operation of customer relationship management. Key words: S bank; Customer relationship management; Customer satisfaction; Customer loyalty iv 目录 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景和选题意义 .... 2 1.2 研究目的及意义 ............ 2 1.2.1研究目的 .............. 2 1.2.2研究意义 .............. 2 1.3 国内外研究现状 ............ 2 1.3.1国外研究现状 ...... 3 1.3.2国内研究现状 ...... 4 1.4 研究内容及方法 ............ 7 1.4.1研究内容 .............. 7 1.4.2研究方法 .............. 8 第二章 客户关系管理策略优化的相关理论 .......... 11 2.1 概念界定 ...................... 11 2.1.1客户关系管理 .... 11 2.1.2客户满意 ............ 11 2.1.3客户忠诚 ............ 11 2.1.4银行客户关系管理 ........................... 12 2.1.5银行客户关系管理策略 ................... 12 2.2 相关理论 ...................... 12 2.2.1关系营销理论 .... 12 2.2.2客户价值理论 .... 13 2.2.3客户忠诚培育理论 ........................... 13 第三章 S银行客户关系管理现状 ........................... 14 3.1 S银行介绍 .................... 14 3.1.1 S银行总部介绍 . 14 3.1.2 S银行介绍 ......... 14 3.2 S银行客户关系管理现状 ........................... 14 3.2.1新客户开发 ........ 14 3.2.2维护老客户 ........ 16 3.2.3客户经理激励 .... 17 3.2.4信息化管理 ........ 18 3.2.5 CRM系统使用 .. 18 第四章 S银行客户关系管理存在问题分析 ........... 20 4.1 调查设计与施行 .......... 21 4.1.1调查目标 ............ 21 4.1.2访谈实施 ............ 21 4.1.3问卷设计 ............ 22 4.1.4调查问卷的发放与回收 ................... 22 4.2 调查结果统计分析 ...... 22 4.2.1银行员工问卷统计分析 ................... 22 v 4.2.2银行客户问卷统计分析 ................... 26 4.3 客户关系管理存在的问题与分析 ............. 35 4.3.1以客户需求为核心的金融服务不够充分 ...................... 35 4.3.2客户市场的细分与金融资产价值评价体系有待完善 .. 36 4.3.3缺少信息科技的有效支撑 ............... 37 第五章 S银行客户关系管理策略的优化方案 ....... 39 5.1 CRM系统信息化策略的优化方案 ............ 39 5.1.1建立CRM系统大数据库 ................ 39 5.1.2加强员工CRM系统使用培训 ........ 39 5.1.3多部门协同推进CRM系统建设 .... 40 5.2 客户营销管理策略的优化方案 ................. 41 5.2.1提高银行的品牌认知度 ................... 41 5.2.2提高客户经理营销的专业能力水平 .............................. 41 5.2.3加强线上客户营销管理 ................... 42 5.3 客户服务管理策略的优化方案 ................. 42 5.3.1客户服务标准的制定 ....................... 42 5.3.2提高客户维护服务能力策略 ........... 43 第六章 S银行客户关系管理策略优化方案实施的保障措施 .............. 45 6.1 加强客户管理人员的队伍建设 ................. 45 6.1.1外招内聘培养 .... 45 6.1.2明确客户经理职责,保障客户经理成效 ...................... 45 6.1.3加大培训,培养新型人才团队 ....... 46 6.2 完善客户经理绩效考核体系 ..................... 46 6.2.1建立绩效考核体系 ........................... 47 6.2.2制定分配激励政策 ........................... 47 6.3 健全客户关