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互联网背景下,金融生态呈现“便捷、高效、合作、开放”等新的特征,这 在一定程度上动摇了国有控股商业银行的结算中介地位,降低了国有控股商业银 行的利差和中间业务收入,进一步加大了银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的竞争。 本研究以互联网背景下商业银行客户关系管理优化为研究课题,以ZG银行 M分行为具体研究案例,运用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、案例研究法及K-Means聚类分析数据 挖掘算法等研究方法,结合国内外研究现状及相关理论,分析互联网对商业银行 客户关系管理的影响及ZG银行M分行对公客户关系管理优化的必要性,进而展 开对应的优化分析及策略研究。本研究首先指出了互联网背景下分行对公客户关 系管理存在的问题,主要有流程不科学、技术不完善、应用不充分三个方面,接 着基于存在的问题提出对公客户关系管理系统改进的建议。最后站在全局的角度, 针对分行对公客户关系管理提出优化客户结构、客户服务维系相关的建议与策略, 主要有分层管理争抢长尾市场客户、构建银企体内循环生态圈、打破渠道界限实 现联通共享、产品服务创新提升综合竞争力四个方面,同时给出客户关系管理改 进方案的实施与保障的后评价监督机制,以此推动ZG银行M分行提升客户综合 贡献度,增强银行综合竞争力。本研究的创新之处表现为在互联网的背景下及大 数据的维度下,精准分析客户类型,准确定位维护层次,为银行进一步提升对公 客户关系管理水平,提升银行竞争力,提供了理论和实际指导建议。由于国内客 户欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司属于商业银行保密信息,在欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司搜集的完备性和丰富性方面有待提升,文 中数据量涉及商业机密,经过脱敏处理,但数据信息并未失真,具有参考性,研 究结论具有稳健和普适性。 在这种背景下,开展银行对公客户关系管理优化研究,通过提取客户行为大 数据开展精准营销,既可以提升客户价值,达到银企合作共赢的目标,又可以强 化银行公司金融业务的风险管理,具有重要的现实意义。 关键字:客户关系管理,互联网,金融科技 II Research on Optimization of Customer Relationship Management of Commercial Banks Under the Background of Internet -------Take the M Branch of ZG Bank as an Example Abstract Under the background of Internet, the financial ecology has showed some new features, namely, “convenience, efficiency, cooperation and openness”, which has shaken the intermediary status of State-controlled Commercial Banks for balance accounts and reduced its interest rate margin and intermediate business income to a certain extent, further expanding the competition of banking industry. This thesis has taken the optimization of customer relationship management of commercial banks under the background of internet as the research topic and the M branch of ZG bank as the specific research case. Through the methods of literature review, case study, K-Means clustering analysis data and mining algorithm with the combination of the research status and related theories at home and abroad, it has analyzed the impact of the internet on the customer relationship management of commercial banks and the necessity of the optimization of corporate customer relationship management of M branch of ZG bank. Then, the corresponding analysis of optimization and operational research have been carried out. Firstly, this research has pointed out the problems of corporate customer relationship management in the branch under the background of internet, including unscientific process, imperfect technology and shortage of application. Secondly, it has put forward several suggestions to improve the corporate customer relationship management system based on the existing problems. Finally, this thesis also gives some suggestions and strategies to optimize the customer structure and maintain customer service in the light of corporation customer relationship management of the branch from the perspective of the overall situation, which includes four aspects, namely, the layer management to grab long-tail market users, the establishment of circular ecosystem in banks and enterprises, the breakthrough in the channel boundary to realize alliance and sharing with each other, and the innovation in product and service to enhance comprehensive competitiveness. Meanwhile, it also provides an evaluation and III supervision mechanism for the implementation and guarantee of improvement program of customer relationship management, which aims to enhance the comprehensive contribution of customers and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness for M branch of ZG bank.Under the background of the internet and the dimension of big data, the innovation of this research is that it helps to provide theoretical and practical guidance and suggestions for banks to further improve the quality of corporate customer relationship management and enhance the competitiveness of banks with the accurate analysis of the types of customers and precise determination of the level of maintenance. Since the domestic customer information belongs to the confidential information of commercial banks, there is still room for the improvement in the completeness and richness of data collection. Although the data in this thesis has been carried out the desensitization for involving trade secrets, the data information is not distorted with referential significance, and the conclusion of this research is moderate and universal. In this situation, it is of great practical significance to carry out the research on the optimization of corporate customer relationship management of banks and precision marketing by extracting the big data of customer behaviors, which can not only enhance customer value with the realization of the goal of win-win cooperation between banks and enterprises, but also strengthen the risk management of banking corporation financial services. Keywords: Customer Relationship Management,the Internet, Financial Technology IV 目 录 中文摘要 ......................................................... I Abstract ........................................................ II 第一章 绪论 ...................................................... 1 1.1研究背景和意义 ................................................ 1 1.1.1研究背景 .................................................. 1 1.1.2研究意义 .................................................. 2 1.2文献综述 ...................................................... 2 1.2.1国外研究现状 .............................................. 3 1.2.2国内研究现状 .............................................. 4 1.2.3文献评述 .................................................. 5 1.3研究内容与研究方法 ............................................ 6 1.3.1主要研究内容 .............................................. 6 1.3.2研究方法 .................................................. 6 1.3.3研究技术路线 .............................................. 7 第二章 相关理论概述 .............................................. 9 2.1客户关系管理的概述 ............................................ 9 2.1.1客户关系管理的概念 ........................................ 9 2.1.2客户关系管理理论基础 ..................................... 10 2.2聚类分析的定义和算法流程 ..................................... 11 2.2.1聚类分析的定义 ........................................... 11 2.2.2聚类分析算法流程 ......................................... 11 第三章 互联网对商业银行CRM的影响 ............................... 13 3.1互联网发展对银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争环境的影响 ............................. 13 3.1.1互联网背景下的金融发展 ................................... 13 V 3.1.2互联网发展推动商业银行探索转型 ........................... 14 3.1.3互联网发展促进商业银行金融监管 ........................... 15 3.2互联网对商业银行客户基础的影响 ............................... 15 3.3互联网对商业银行CRM模式的影响 ............................... 16 3.3.1对思维模式的影响 ......................................... 16 3.3.2对经营模式的影响 ......................................... 17 第四章 ZG银行M分行CRM现状及问题分析 ........................... 18 4.1分行CRM现状及新特征 ......................................... 18 4.1.1 ZG银行M分行CRM现状 .................................... 18 4.1.2互联网背景下商业银行CRM新特征 ........................... 20 4.2互联网背景下分行CRM存在的问题 ............................... 22 4.2.1流程不科学效率难以提升 ................................... 22 4.2.2技术不完善数据管理薄弱 ................................... 23 4.2.3应用不

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