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近年来,人们对自身睡眠状况与睡眠质量的关注度显著提高。由睡眠不足引 发的生理健康到心理健康问题,引起了各界人士的重视。那么,睡眠不足的情形 下,个体的消费行为是否会受到影响?在具体的消费情境下,例如,可爱产品vs. 不可爱产品的选择,是否存在某种消费偏好?尽管这一问题的答案具有重要的实 践意义,其中的影响机制具有较高的理论价值,但是迄今为止,还未有学者就睡 眠不足对个体的可爱产品偏好进行直接的探究。因此,本文以补偿性消费理论为 依据,基于消费者的内隐自我类型,探讨了睡眠不足对消费者可爱产品偏好影响 的现象、内在机制,以及该效应存在的边界条件。 本研究在睡眠不足、可爱产品、内隐自我理论等已有相关研究的基础上,建 立了睡眠不足影响消费者可爱产品偏好的研究框架,通过一个问卷调查(研究1) 和三个实验室实验(研究2、3、4)对本文的推论进行了验证。问卷调查采用匹 兹堡睡眠质量量表对被试的睡眠质量进行了测量,同时采用内隐自我类型的量表 测量了被试的内隐自我类型。因变量为可爱产品(vs.不可爱产品)的选择。研究 结果表明,睡眠不足的情形下,实体自我得分高(vs.渐进自我得分高)的消费者 更倾向于选择可爱产品。问卷调查结果支持了假设1的推论。问卷调查之后,本 文采用三个实验室实验就睡眠不足对消费者可爱产品的偏好影响做进一步的探 究。其中,研究2采用2(睡眠状况:睡眠不足vs.睡眠充足)*2(内隐自我类型: 实体自我vs.渐进自我)的双因素被试间设计。为了更加贴近真实情境,本文采 用部分睡眠剥夺的方式操纵了被试的睡眠状况,并且采用文字启动的方式操纵了 被试的内隐自我类型,因变量为被试对可爱产品(vs. 不可爱产品)的偏好。实 验结果再次验证了假设1,证明了睡眠不足会影响实体自我的消费者对可爱产品 的偏好,而不会改变渐进自我消费者的可爱产品偏好。研究2还进一步探究了这 一影响过程的内在机制,即检验产品恢复活力信念的中介作用。研究结果为假设 2提供了支持,说明产品恢复活力信念在睡眠不足对消费者可爱产品偏好的影响 II 过程中起到了中介作用。研究3采用单因素被试间设计。通过测量被试的内隐自 我类型,将其划分为两组(内隐自我类型:渐进论者vs. 实体论者)。同时,测 量被试的睡眠质量,因变量为被试对婴儿式可爱产品(vs.不可爱产品)的偏好, 并增加了异想天开式可爱产品(vs.不可爱产品)的偏好选择,检验了睡眠不足对 消费者可爱产品偏好的边界条件,从而验证了假设3,即睡眠不足增加了实体自 我消费者对可爱产品的偏好,这一效应只在可爱产品是婴儿式可爱产品时成立, 而在产品为异想天开式可爱类型时,影响效应消失。研究4为了进一步验证边界 条件,以及产品的选择会帮助消费者恢复活力,采用2(睡眠状况:睡眠充足vs. 式,同时给予被试不同的可爱产品,通过测量其拥有产品前后的活力差异,验证 了睡眠不足的情形下,选择婴儿式可爱产品的实体论者会恢复活力,从而再次验 证了假设3。 本研究首次探究了睡眠不足对个体可爱产品偏好的影响,通过一个问卷调查 和三个实验室实验验证了睡眠不足影响消费者可爱产品偏好的基本结果,并探讨 了其中的调节变量、内在机制和边界条件。理论上,本文对睡眠不足与消费者可 爱产品偏好之间关系的探讨将对睡眠不足研究、可爱产品研究、内隐自我理论研 究以及补偿性消费行为研究提供理论推进。实践上,本文对消费者在睡眠不足情 形下的可爱产品偏好的探究,帮助消费者更好的了解自身的消费行为,并且为企 业营销战略的制定和产品定位等提供了理论依据和实践指导。 关键词:睡眠不足,可爱产品偏好,实体自我,渐进自我,补偿性消费 III The Effect of Lack of Sleep on Consumers' Preferences for Cute Products -- An Implicit Self Perspective Abstract In recent years, people pay more attention to their sleep conditions and quality. All around the world people start to place importance on physical health and mental health problems caused by the lack of sleep. Then, will individual consumption be affected due to lack of sleep? Is there a consumption preference? For example, is there a preference for cute products or uncute products? Although the answer to this question has important practical significance and the influence mechanism has high theoretical value, no scholars have directly studied the effect of lack of sleep on individuals' preferences for cute products. Therefore, based on the theory of compensatory consumption and the implicit-self type of consumers, this paper discusses the phenomenon, internal mechanism and boundary conditions of the effect of lack of sleep on consumers' preferences for cute products. On the basis of relevant researches on lack of sleep, cute products, implicit-self theory, etc., this study establishes a research framework for the influence of lack of sleep on consumers' preferences for cute product, and the statements are verified through a questionnaire survey (Study 1) and three laboratory experiments (Study 2, 3, 4). The participants’ sleep quality is measured by Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI), and their implicit-self type, by the implicit-self type scale in the questionnaire. The dependent variable is the cute products (vs. not cute products). The results show that consumers with high entity self (vs. high incremental self ) have a higher preference for cute products when they are lacking in sleep. The results of the questionnaire support the inference of Hypothesis 1. After the questionnaire, three laboratory experiments have been conducted to further explore the effect of lack of sleep on consumers' preferences for cute products. Study 2 adopts a between-subjects two-factor design of 2 (sleep conditions: lack of sleep vs. enough sleep) *2 (implicit-self type: incremental theorists vs. entity theorists). This paper controls the participants' sleep conditions by IV way of sleep deprivation, and their implicit-self types by way of text priming, with the purpose of create a simulation of humans’ sleeping process. The dependent variable is the participants' preferences for cute products (vs. not cute products). The results confirms Hypothesis 1 again, demonstrating that lack of sleep affects the preference for cute products of consumers with entity self, but does not change the preferences for cute products of consumers with incremental self. Study 2 also explores the underlying mechanism of this process, which is to examine the intermediate influence of products on the restoration of vitality. Its results support Hypothesis 2, that is, the product rejuvenation belief has an intermediate influence on consumers' preference for cute products when they have a lack of sleep. Study 3 adopts a single factor between-subjects design. Participants are divided into groups according to their implicit-self types (implicit-self types: incremental theorists vs. entity theorists), and their sleep quality are measured at the same time. The dependent variable is their preferences for the kindchenschema cute products (vs. not cute products), and the whimsical cute products (vs. not cute products) preference choice, with the aim of examining the boundary conditions of consumers’ preferences for cute products. Its results verify Hypothesis 3, namely the lack of sleep increased the extent that entity-self consumers have preferences for cute products. Only when the products belong to kindchenschema cuteness, can the conclusion be valid. When the products belong to whimsical cuteness, the effect disappeared. Study 4 studies further the boundary conditions, as well as the choice of products to help consumers to restore vitality, with a between-subjects design: 2 (sleep conditions: lack of sleep vs. enough sleep) *2 (implicit-self type: incremental theorists vs. entity theorists) * 2 (cute product type: kindchenschema cuteness vs. whimsical cuteness). The experiment measures the participants’ sleep conditions and manipulate their implicit-self types. They are given various cute products, in order to measure their vitality before and after owning the products. The data show that the entity theorists will restore vitality after receiving the cute products, which verifies Hypothesis 3 again. This study is the first to explore the effect of lack of sleep on individual preference for cute products. It verified the basic statements of the effect of lack of sleep on consumers' preferences for cute products through a questionnaire and three laboratory experiments, and discusses the regulatory variables, the underlying mechanism and boundary conditions. Theoretically, the exploration of the relationship between lack of sleep and consumers' preferences for

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