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伴随着国家供给侧结构性改革及高质量高水平发展战略的不断推进,浙江省作为民 营经济大省,占据半壁江山的中小企业该如何抢抓改革机遇、实现创新发展,已成为全 省共同关注的焦点。然而中小企业究竟应该选择何种创新方式,如何开展创新活动,哪 些因素又会影响创新实施等问题仍然有待进一步探讨。此外,经济转型下的环境不确定 性不断加剧,信息技术革命引致员工和外部顾客在价值链中的地位不断提升,中小企业 如何通过科学配置资源、提高协助能力、推动价值共创进而提升战略柔性应对外部风险 也已成为战略管理领域关注的热点问题。本文提出了或许可以通过授权赋能和战略柔性 推动管理创新的有效实施。 基于社会交换理论、价值共创理论和开放式创新理论,本研究首先对授权赋能、战 略柔性、管理创新各自的研究现状进行了梳理。其次依托现有理论研究基础,进一步分 析了三者之间可能存在的相互关系,提出了相关研究假设并构建了初步理论模型。然后 采用问卷调查和访谈记录相结合的方式对浙江省内重要城市的中小制造业企业进行调 研,并采用 SPSS17.0 和 AMOS21.0 统计软件对数据和模型进行了实证分析和检验,最 终得出以下结论: 1.授权赋能对战略柔性有显著正向影响。其中员工授权赋能显著正向影响资源柔性 和协调柔性,顾客授权赋能显著正向影响资源柔性和协调柔性。 2.授权赋能对管理创新有显著正向影响。其中员工授权赋能显著正向影响管理创新 采纳和实施,顾客授权赋能显著正向影响管理创新采纳和实施。 3.战略柔性对管理创新有显著正向影响。其中资源柔性显著正向影响管理创新采纳 和实施,协调柔性显著正向影响管理创新采纳和实施。 4.战略柔性在授权赋能对管理创新显著正向影响的过程中起到显著的中介作用。而 且授权赋能通过战略柔性间接对管理创新产生的正向影响要远远大于其本身直接对管 理创新形成的正向影响。 最后,依据实证检验相关结果,综合中小企业访谈实录,提出了三点建议: 一是打造以授权赋能为核心的企业管理平台,变“组织控制”为“平台赋能”。通II 过授权赋能员工与顾客,建立“价值共创体”,设计好责权匹配、资源支持、价值共创 和利益共享机制,从而赢得管理创新优势、跨界创新优势与生态创新优势以及新动能、 新市尝新产品组合的机会,最终实现管理创新的稳步提升以及组织和利益相关者共生、 共享、共赢的最佳状态。 二是构建以管理创新为特征的创新发展体系,变“技术创新”为“双元创新”。通 过调节技术创新与非技术创新之间力度的动态平衡,加快管理创新专业人才队伍、规章 制度、信息平台等的建设和企业现有资源和能力的重新配置,从而推动管理理念、组织、 方法及文化创新的高效实施,稳步形成自身创新优势,实现创新发展再出发。 三是培育以战略柔性为重点的能力支持,变“变化的适应者”为“变化的引领者”。 利用大数据分析、网络互动平台等技术深入挖掘潜在资源,提高更多资源配置的可能性。 通过提升有效管理和运作资源的能力,实现资源使用效率的稳步提高。最后通过企业、 员工及顾客三者之间的协同配合,积极适应变化,进一步利用变化,并尝试主动引领变 化,为管理创新活动的开展和支持性资源的获取培育良好的内部核心竞争力和外部环境 优势,从而提升管理创新活动绩效。 关键词:中小企业;授权赋能;战略柔性;管理创新III RESEARCH ON THE RELATIONSHIP AMONG EMPOWERMENT, STRATEGIC FLEXIBILITY AND MANAGEMENT INNOVATION OF SMES ABSTRACT With the advance of country’s supply-side structural reform and high quality and level development advance. As a large province of private economy, how should the small and medium-sized enterprises (occupy half of the advance) seize reform opportunities and realize innovative development has become the focus of the province's common concern. However, it still remains to be further discussed which innovation mode should smes choose, how to carry out innovation activities, and what factors will affect the implementation of innovation. In addition, the economic transformation of the environment lead to rising uncertainty, information technology revolution lead to the rising status of employees and external customers in the value chain. How to scientifically allocate resources, improve assistance capability, promote value co-creation and improve strategic flexibility to deal with external risks has become a hot issue in the field of strategic management. This paper proposes that it may be possible to promote management innovation through empowerment and strategic flexibility. Based on social exchange theory, value co-creation theory and open innovation theory, this study firstly sorts out the research status of empowerment, strategic flexibility and management innovation. Secondly, based on the existing theoretical research foundation, the possible interrelationships among the three are further analyzed, the relevant research hypotheses are proposed and the preliminary theoretical model is constructed. Thirdly, Smes in important cities of ZheJiang province were selected for questionnaire survey and interview records,then the data and model were empirically analyzed and tested with SPSS17.0 and AMOS21.0 statistical software. Here's what we found: 1. Empowerment has a significant positive impact on strategic flexibility. EmployeeIV empowerment can significantly positively affect resource flexibility and coordination flexibility, while customer empowerment can significantly positively affect resource flexibility and coordination flexibility. 2. Empowerment has a significant positive impact on management innovation. Employee empowerment has a significant positive impact on the adoption and implementation of management innovation, while customer empowerment has a significant positive impact on the adoption and implementation of management innovation. 3. Strategic flexibility has a significant positive impact on management innovation. Resource flexibility has a significant positive impact on the adoption and implemen-tation of management innovation, while coordination flexibility has a significant positive impact on the adoption and implementation of management innovation. 4. Strategic flexibility plays a significant mediating role in the process that empowerment has a significant positive impact on management innovation. Moreover, the indirect positive impact of empowerment on management innovation through strategic flexibility is far greater than the direct positive impact of empowerment on management innovation. Finally, based on the results of empirical tests and the interviews with Smes, this paper puts forward three suggestions: 1. Firstly, building an enterprise management platform with empowerment as the core, and changing "organizational control" to "platform empowerment ". Through empowering staff and customers, establishing " Value community ", designing mechanisms of power and responsibility division, resource support, value creation and benefit sharing, Smes will win the management innovation advantage, cross-border innovation advantage, ecological innovation advantages and the opportunity of new kinetic energy, new market opportunities, new product portfolio. Finally they will realize the stable improvement of management innovation and ideal state of symbiosis, share, and win-win between organization and stakeholders. 2. Secondly, building an innovative development system characterized by manage-ment innovation, and changing "technological innovation" to "dual innovation". Adjusting the dynamic balance between technical innovation strength and non-technical innovation strength. Speeding up the management innovation construction of professional talent team, regulations, information platform and reconfiguration of existing resources and ability. Promoting theV efficient implementation of management concepts, organizations, methods and cultural innovations to form own innovation advantage and achieve second innovation development. 3. Thirdly, cultivating the ability support focusing on strategic flexibility, and changing the "change adaptor" to the "change leader". Through big data analysis, network interactive platform and other technologies to explore potential resources, improve the possibility of more resource allocation. Through improving the ability of effectively manage and operate resources, the utilization efficiency of resources can be improved steadily. Finally, through the coordination among the enterprise, employees and customers to adapt the change actively, makes further use of the change, and try to lead the change to cult

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