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消费金融是将消费与金融结合在一起的新的领域,其以信用卡的出 现作为消费金融的起点,随着经济的发展和科技的进步,消费金融产品 不仅包括了传统的信用卡,还包括了很多互联网消费金融产品,比如花 呗、白条等。基于大学生群体具有强大的消费需求、较强的还款能力等 特点,导致校园消费金融市场发展迅速。高校消费市场作为整个消费市 场的重要组成部分,一直备受金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的关注,2017 年的市场规模已 经超过千亿元大关,可以预见高校消费金融市场将是未来金融机构或平 台重点争夺的市常在这种背景下,兴业消费金融将持续发力校园消费 金融市场,通过“助学宝”产品满足大学生学费、生活金贷款需求来拓 展在杭高校消费金融市常 本文通过发放调查问卷的方式,了解在杭高校的市场潜力和大学生 使用消费金融产品的意愿,从而得到一个粗略的用户画像,进而为将来 兴业消费金融拓展在杭高校消费金融市场提供数据支撑。同时,笔者运 用市场营销相关理论,通过调研在杭大学生的消费需求和使用消费金融 产品的意愿,对杭州高校目标市场进行分析和定位,然后运用 4P 营销 组合理论即产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略等策略来提出兴 业消费金融在杭高校市场拓展的建议,为兴业消费金融在未来加大市场 营销的力度、提升客户的粘合度等奠定坚实的基矗 本文研究认为,作为消费金融细分市场之一,校园消费金融市场发兴业消费金融产品在杭高校市场营销策略研究 展迅速但也存在一定的问题,比如校园消费金融市场的规模比较孝客 户的还款能力没有保证等,加之我国的信用体系尚未健全,存在一定的 违约风险。国家对校园消费金融的态度并不明朗,拓展校园消费金融市 场也存在着一定的政策风险。但无论如何,任何金融企业都无法忽略高 校消费金融市场的巨大潜力,而且随着社会征信体系的健全、金融知识 的普及等因素,加之国家加大打击非法“校园贷”的力度,校园消费金 融市场的发展正在逐渐的规范化、成熟化。今后,校园消费金融市场将 以持牌正规金融机构为主,校园消费金融市场也将呈现良性发展的趋势。 关键词: 兴业消费金融,高校市场,营销策略兴业消费金融产品在杭高校市场营销策略研究 Research on the Development Strategy of Industrial Finance Products in Hangzhou Colleges and Universities ABSTRACT Consumer finance is a new field which combines consumption and finance. The emergence of credit cards is the starting point of consumer finance. With the development of economy and the progress of science and technology, consumer financial products include not only traditional credit cards, but also many Internet consumer financial products, such as Huaxiao and White Tips. Based on the strong consumer demand and repayment ability of College students, the campus consumer financial market develops rapidly. As an important part of the whole consumer market, the University consumer market has always attracted the attention of the financial industry. The market scale in 2017 has exceeded 100 billion yuan. It can be predicted that the University consumer financial market will be the key market for financial institutions or platforms in the future. In this context, Societe Generale Bank will continue to develop the campus consumer financial market, and expand the consumer financial market in Hangzhou universities through the products of "learning aids" to meet the needs of College Students'tuition fees and living allowance loans. In this paper, by issuing questionnaires to understand the market potential of Hangzhou universities and the willingness of college students to use consumer financial products, we can get a rough user portrait, and then provide data support for Societe Generale Bank to expand its consumer financial market in Hangzhou universities in the future. At the same time, the author uses marketing theory to analyze and orientate the target market of Hangzhou universities by investigating the consumer demand and the willingness to use consumer financial products of兴业消费金融产品在杭高校市场营销策略研究 college students in Hangzhou. Then, the author uses 4P marketing mix theory, i.e. product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy and promotion strategy, to put forward Xingye Bank. The suggestions of market expansion in Hangzhou universities will lay a solid foundation for Societe Generale Bank to increase its marketing efforts and enhance the cohesion of its customers in the future. This paper considers that, as one of the consumer financial market segments, the campus consumer financial market has developed rapidly, but there are also some problems, such as the relatively small scale of the campus consumer financial market, customer repayment ability is not guaranteed, and China's credit system is not yet sound, there is a certain risk of default. The attitude of the state towards campus finance is not clear, and there are certain policy risks in expanding the campus consumer financial market. However, in any case, any financial enterprise can not ignore the huge potential of the consumer financial market in Colleges and universities. With the improvement of the social credit system, the popularization of financial knowledge and other factors, as well as the intensification of the national efforts to combat illegal "campus loans", the development of the campus consumer financial market is gradually standardizing and maturing. In the future, the campus consumer financial market will be dominated by licensed formal financial institutions, and the campus consumer financial market will also present a benign development trend. KEYWORDS: Consumer Finance,Universities,College Students,Marketing Strategy兴业消费金融产品在杭高校市场营销策略研究 目 录 第一章 绪论............................1 第一节 研究背景............1 第二节 研究目的和意义2 一、研究目的..................2 二、研究意义..................2 第三节 研究思路、方法与创新...................3 一、研究思路与内容......3 二、研究方法..................3 三、创新点......................4 第二章 文献综述与理论基础.............................. 5 第一节 国内外研究综述5 一、校园互联网消费金融的定义.................5 二、校园互联网消费金融的发展现状和趋势............................5 三、校园互联网消费金融的用户特征.........5 第二节 核心概念界定....6 一、大学生消费概念的界定.........................6 二、大学生消费偏好概念的界定.................6 三、消费金融概念的界定.............................7 第三节 消费金融使用意愿相关理论...........7 一、用户行为理论..........7 二、感知风险理论..........8 三、消费意愿理论..........8 第四节 消费金融产品营销特征分析...........9 一、市场营销理论发展演变.........................9 二、消费金融产品营销特征.......................10 第三章 兴业消费金融校园消费产品业务现状分析.......................12兴业消费金融产品在杭高校市场营销策略研究 第一节 兴业消费金融公司简介.................12 第二节 兴业消费金融校园消费金融业务现状........................13 一、兴业消费金融校园消费金融产品.......13 二、兴业消费金融公司校园消费金融产品利率......................14 三、兴业消费金融校园消费金融营销渠道..............................15 四、兴业消费金融校园消费金融营销策略..............................15 第三节 兴业消费金融校园消费金融业务发展问题分析........16 一、产品单一................16 二、用户信用意识不足16 三、市场拓展成本较高17 四、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司竞争激烈........17 第四章 杭州高校消费金融行为调研与分析....19 第一节 大学生消费金融市场概述.............19 第二节 杭州高校消费金融调研.................20 一、调查问卷设计........20 二、调查对象、调查方法...........................21 三、问卷发放与回收....21 第三节 杭州高校消费金融普及情况.........22 一、评价积极................22 二、消费旺盛,安全意识较强...................22 三、信用意识较弱........23 第四节 杭州大学生消费金融用户画像.....26 一、消费需求多样........26 二、城市户籍学生接受度更高...................27 三、接触渠道众多........27 第五章 兴业消费金融拓展在杭高校市场策略建议.......................30 第一节 兴业消费金融产品策略建议.........30 一、深挖需求、开发代表性产品...............30 二、注重产品设计、迎合大学生品味.......31兴业消费金融产品在杭高校市场营销策略研究 三、扩展消费场景,服务大学生生活.......32 第二节 兴业消费金融价格策略建议.........33 一、设置合理的费率....33 二、科学制定产品额度33 第三节 兴业消费金融渠道策略建议.........34 一、充分利用数据,进行精准营销...........34 二、拓展线上推广渠道35 三、加大线下宣传力度36 第四节 兴业消费金融促销策略建议..

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