改革开放为中国的进出口贸易建立了一个广阔的平台,尤其是进入 21 世纪以来, 中国充分抓住经济全球化深入发展的机遇,对外货物贸易总量跻身世界前列。但随着 中国劳动力、土地、能源、环境保护等生产要素的成本大幅提高,加之美国贸易摩擦 的不断升温以及东南亚制造业的崛起,近年来对外贸易的经营环境日趋严峻,企业如 何在复杂环境下走出一条适合其发展的道路则显得尤为重要。 本研究的对象 HS 家纺公司是一家经营了 20 年的传统制造型出口企业。各项成 本的上升与贸易环境的严峻,使得 HS 家纺公司的经营愈加艰难,最近两年的销售业 绩与利润也出现了双下滑的现象。因公司管理层没有引入战略管理理念,缺乏前瞻性 的战略规划能力,无法适应环境的变化,导致 HS 家纺公司逐渐失去了其竞争力。随 着中国“一带一路”倡议的不断深入,HS 家纺公司为了提升竞争力,产生了 “走出 去”发展的想法,为了帮助 HS 家纺公司成功制定并执行适合其发展的国际化战略,本 研究运用外部环境分析框架模型分析了 HS 家纺公司所在的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司大环境,并根据五力 模型分析了该欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的当前发展状况,指出了面临的机遇与挑战。然后,通过分析 HS 家纺公司销售业绩与利润数据,结合对高层管理人员的深度访谈以及对中层与骨干人 员的问卷调查,发现了 HS 家纺公司目前经营产生的问题,总结了产生问题的原因并 提出了相应的解决方案。 本文运用战略竞争力理论帮助 HS 家纺公司梳理了未来的发展方向,明确了企业 的愿景、使命与价值观,通过能力基础论从三个方面对 HS 家纺公司的自身能力进行 了全面分析,结合企业寻求的发展方向以及具备的能力匹配国际化战略理论,为其制 定出了适合企业发展的公司层、业务层和职能层国际化战略。 本文研究的目的是通过科学而匹配的经营战略的制定,在战略管理相关理论的指 导下,分析 HS 家纺公司存在问题的原因,并制定符合其发展的战略方案,帮助 HS 家 纺公司提高综合竞争力,改善经营现状。也希望本研究能够为其他家纺公司和传统制 造企业提供战略参考。 关键词:战略管理;国际化战略;家纺欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司III Abstract The reform and opening up has established a broad platform for China's import and export trade. Especially since entering the 21st century, China has fully grasped the opportunity of the development of economic globalization, the total volume of foreign trade in goods has been in a leading position in the world. However, with the sharp increase in the cost of labor, land, energy, environmental protection and other production factors in China, the rising trade friction in the United States and the rise of Southeast Asian manufacturing industry, the business environment of foreign trade has become increasingly severe in recent years. It is particularly important for enterprises how to choose a correct way for their development in a complex environment. The object of this study is HS home textile company, which has been running the business in this industry for 20 years. The rise of various costs and severe trade environment make the operation of HS home textile company more and more difficult. The sales performance andprofit of HS hometextile companyhave also declinedin thepast twoyears. Because the company's management did not introduce the concept of strategic management, and it is lack of forward-looking strategic planning ability, as a result, it is unable to adapt to changes in the environment and gradually lost its competitiveness.Along with the policy of China's "one belt, one road", HS home textile company has developed the idea of "going out" to enhance its competitiveness. In order to help HS home textile company successfully develop and implement the internationalization strategy to suit for its development, the external environment analysis framework model in this paper is used to analyze the industry environment of HS home textile company as well as the current development situation of the industry according to Michael Porter’s five force model, here are a lot opportunities and challenges HS home textile company faced are pointed out in this paper. Then, through the analysis of sales performance and profit data of HS home textile company, plus in-depth interviews with senior managers and questionnaire survey of middle-level and backbone personnel, the problems of HS home textile company's current operation were dug out, theIV causes of the problems were summarized and the corresponding solutions were put forward. This paper uses the theory of strategic competitiveness to help HS home textile company to sort out the direction of future development, clarify the vision, mission and values of the enterprise. Through the capacity-based theory and internationalization strategy theory, it makes a comprehensive analysis of HS home textile company's own ability from three aspects, and it formulates the suitable internationalization strategy to match with the development of HS home textilecompany from perspectiveof companylevel, business level and function level. The purpose of this paper is to make a scientific and matching business strategy, under the guidance of strategic management theory, analyze the reasons for the problems existing in HS home textile company, and formulate a strategic plan in line with its development, so as to help HS home textile company improve its comprehensive competitiveness and improve its business status. It is also hoped that this study could provide a reference for other relevant home textile companies and traditional manufacturing enterprises in terms of their strategic management. Keywords: Strategic management; Internationalization strategy; Home textile industry目录 致谢.............I 摘要...........II Abstract .... III 第 1 章 绪论.............................1 1.1 选题背景及研究意义........ 1 1.1.1 选题背景...................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义...................... 2 1.2 研究内容及基本框架........ 3 1.2.1 研究内容...................... 3 1.2.2 基本框架......................4 1.3 国内外研究现状................. 5 1.3.1 国外研究现状.............. 5 1.3.2 国内研究现状.............. 6 1.3.3 国内外研究现状综述.. 8 1.4 研究方法与创新点............ 8 1.4.1 研究方法...................... 8 1.4.2 创新点..........................9 第 2 章 相关理论概述...........10 2.1 战略管理相关理论........... 10 2.1.1 战略竞争力理论........ 10 2.1.2 国际化战略理论........ 11 2.1.3 能力基础论................ 12 2.2 战略分析理论工具........... 12 2.2.1 外部环境分析框架模型........................... 13 2.2.2 五力竞争模型............ 142.2.3 国际市场进入模式及特点分析模型.......14 2.3 本章小结........................... 15 第 3 章 HS 家纺公司外部环境分析 ...................16 3.1 HS 家纺公司简介 ............ 16 3.2 HS 家纺公司宏观环境分析 ........................... 17 3.3 HS 家纺公司欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 ........................... 22 3.3.1 家纺欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场现状分析........................... 22 3.3.2 家纺欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司市场发展趋势分析................... 23 3.3.3 HS 家纺公司五力竞争模型分析............. 24 3.4 HS 家纺公司主要竞争对手分析 ................... 27 3.4.1 经营模式.................... 27 3.4.2 能力基础.................... 30 3.4.3 经营战略....................31 3.5 本章小结........................... 32 第 4 章 HS 家纺公司经营战略现状 ...................33 4.1 HS 家纺公司现有能力分析 ........................... 33 4.2 HS 家纺公司优势与劣势 37 4.2.1 优势分析.................... 37 4.2.2 劣势分析....................40 4.3 核心竞争力分析.............. 41 4.4 问题调研........................... 43 4.4.1 企业深度访谈概况.... 43 4.4.2 企业深度访谈提纲....44 4.4.3 企业深度访谈内容梳理...........................45 4.4.4 调查问卷....................47 4.5 HS 家纺公司目前存在的困境 ....................... 524.5.1 无法适应环境变化.... 52 4.5.2 成本提高导致价格失去竞争力............... 53 4.5.3 本土化劳动力匮乏.... 54 4.5.4 现有战略无法支持可持续发展...............54 4.6 HS 家纺公司经营战略问题产生的原因分析 .............................. 55 4.6.1 不完善的现有战略.... 55 4.6.2 不足或不适当的现有资源....................... 55 4.6.3 欠缺的战略制定与实施能力...................56 4.7 本章小结........................... 56 第 5 章 HS 家纺公司国际化经营战略的制定 ...58 5.1 国际化经营战略制定的思路.......................... 58 5.1.1 国际化经营战略制定的目的..................58 5.1.2 国际化经营战略制定的原则..................59 5.1.3 国际化经营战略国家的选择.....