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创新是实现经济高质量发展的根本保证。高技术产业是创新驱动发展的中 坚力量,鼓励高技术企业科技创新,提升高技术企业研发成果转化效果,是推 动经济高质量发展的核心要求。在国家科技政策的不断完善下,高技术产业发 展步入快车道,具有实力的高技术企业积极“走出去”,通过研发国际化战略的 实施来提升自主创新能力,增强国际化竞争优势。我国高技术企业在研发国际 化战略的实施过程中,海外研发投入呈现出研发国际化深度与研发国际化广度 两种趋势。在复杂多变的国际化环境背景下,明确哪种研发国际化趋势更有助 于提升高技术企业的创新绩效,对于我国高技术企业研发国际化战略的推进至 关重要。 在梳理高技术企业研发国际化理论与创新理论的基础上,本研究结合社会 网络理论,引入网络位置变量,分析高技术企业研发国际化两个维度对企业创 新绩效作用机理,并探讨网络位置特征对高技术企业研发国际化与企业创新绩 效的调节作用机制。以沪深两市中220家上市的高技术企业作为研究样本,通过 国家知识产权总局等数据库获取高技术企业研发国际化、专利等相关数据,使 用SPSS25.0、Ucinet 6.125等软件工具进行数据处理,利用知识生产函数双对 数模型进行假设验证。实证研究结果表明:高技术企业研发国际化深度与研发 国际化广度均对企业的创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;高技术企业在研发协作 网络中的中心位置以及结构洞位置对企业创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;结构 洞位置在研发国际化深度和研发国际化广度与企业创新绩效的关系之间均起正 向的调节作用;网络中心位置在研发国际化广度与创新绩效之间起显著的正向 调节作用,而在研发国际化深度与创新绩效之间的调节作用不显著。 研究结论对高技术企业进一步推进研发国际化战略具有一定的管理启示。 高技术企业在加深研发国际化深度的同时,应注重企业在研发协作网络中位置 和结构洞位置的构建,而在推进研发国际化广度时,更多关注企业在研发协作 网络中的结构洞位置,对高技术企业的创新绩效有更显著的促进作用。 关键词:高技术企业,研发国际化,网络位置,创新绩效 II Research on the Impact of High-tech Enterprise R&D Internationalization and Network Location on Innovation Performance Abstract Innovation is the fundamental guarantee for achieving high-quality economic development. The high-tech industry is the backbone of innovation-driven development. Encouraging high-tech enterprises to innovate in science and technology and improving the transformation effect of high-tech enterprises' R&D achievements are the core requirements for promoting high-quality economic development. With the continuous improvement of the national science and technology policy, the development of high- tech industries has entered a fast lane, and powerful high-tech enterprises have actively "going out" to enhance their independent innovation capabilities and enhance their international competitive advantage through the implementation of R&D internationalization strategies. In the process of implementing the R&D internationalization strategy of Chinese high-tech enterprises, overseas R&D investment shows two trends: the depth of R&D internationalization and the breadth of R&D internationalization. In the context of a complex and ever-changing international environment, clarifying which R&D internationalization trend is more helpful to improve the innovation performance of high-tech enterprises is crucial to the promotion of the R&D internationalization strategy of China's high-tech enterprises. On the basis of sorting out the high-tech enterprise R&D internationalization theory and innovation theory, this research combines social network theory, introduces network location variables, analyzes the differences between the two dimensions of high-tech enterprise R&D internationalization on the innovation performance mechanism of enterprises, and discusses The role of network location in regulating high-tech companies' R&D internationalization and their innovation performance. Take 220 listed high-tech companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen as research samples, and III obtain relevant data such as R&D internationalization and patents of high-tech companies through databases such as the State Intellectual Property Office, and use software tools such as SPSS25.0 and Ucinet 6.125 for data processing The hypothesis test was performed using the double logarithmic model of the knowledge production function. The empirical research results show that both the depth of R&D internationalization and the breadth of R&D internationalization of high-tech companies have a significant positive impact on the innovation performance of enterprises; the central position of high-tech companies in the R&D collaboration network and the location of structural holes have an impact on the innovation performance of enterprises Significant positive impact; structural position plays a positive role in regulating the relationship between the depth of R&D internationalization and the breadth of R&D internationalization and corporate innovation performance; the central position of the network plays a significant role between the breadth of R&D internationalization and innovation performance Positive regulatory role, but not between the depth of internationalization of research and development and innovation performance. The research conclusions have certain management implications for the further promotion of R & D internationalization strategies of high-tech enterprises. While deepening the depth of R & D internationalization, high-tech companies should pay attention to the construction of the position and structure hole position of the R & D collaboration network. Improvement of corporate innovation performance. Key words: High-tech enterprise,R&D internationalization,Network location, Innovation performance 目 录 摘要 ................................................... I Abstract ................................................ II 第一章 绪论 .............................................. 1 1.1 研究背景及研究意义 .......................................... 1 1.1.1 研究背景............................................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义............................................... 2 1.2 研究内容、研究方法及研究路线 ................................ 3 1.2.1 研究内容............................................... 3 1.2.2 研究方法............................................... 3 1.2.3 技术路线图............................................. 4 1.3 创新点 ...................................................... 6 第二章 理论基础与相关文献综述 ............................ 7 2.1 创新理论及研究述评 .......................................... 7 2.1.1 创新理论............................................... 7 2.1.2 创新绩效内涵........................................... 7 2.2 研发国际化理论及研究述评 .................................... 9 2.2.1 研发国际化概念......................................... 9 2.2.2 研发国际化相关理论..................................... 9 2.2.3 研发国际化动机、影响因素与发展模式..................... 9 2.2.4研发国际化与创新绩效 .................................. 10 2.3 社会网络理论及研究述评 ..................................... 12 2.3.1 网络位置及衡量........................................ 12 2.3.2 社会网络理论.......................................... 13 2.3.3 网络位置与创新绩效.................................... 14 2.4. 文献述评与研究展望 ........................................ 14 第三章 理论模型与研究假设 ............................... 16 3.1研发国际化与创新绩效的关系.................................. 16 3.1.1 研发国际化深度与创新绩效的关系........................ 16 3.1.2 研发国际化广度与创新绩效的关系........................ 16 3.2 网络位置与创新绩效的关系 ................................... 17 3.2.1 网络中心位置与创新绩效的关系.......................... 17 3.2.2 结构洞位置与创新绩效的关系............................ 17 3.3网络位置的调节作用.......................................... 18 3.3.1网络中心位置的调节作用 ................................ 18 3.3.2 结构洞位置的调节作用.................................. 18 第四章 研究设计 ......................................... 20 4.1 研究变量的测量 ............................................. 20 4.1.1 因变量................................................ 20 4.1.2 自变量................................................ 20

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