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工作和家庭是个人生活中两个密切相关的领域,也是生活的两个必要支撑点。 人们不仅仅是为了简单地满足家庭生活的需要而工作,而是为了追求个人价值的 实现,所以对个人价值的追求使人们以工作为生活的重心,对工作给予更多的热 情。然而,很多人在事业上可能非常成功,但事业的投入或牺牲却影响了个人和 家庭的生活,甚至造成了无法弥补的遗憾。 本文对X银行员工工作-家庭平衡状况展开调查,并针对调查中发现的问题 研究分析,探究其原因,并据此提出对策建议。本文主要采用问卷调查法、访谈 法、文献法、观察法四种分析方法,遵循发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的思路, 得出以下研究结果: (1)X银行员工的工作影响了家庭事务。X银行员工的工作时间占用家庭时 间,工作弹性较低,影响了员工的家庭事务,导致X银行员工的工作-家庭冲突 较多,而家庭-工作冲突较少。 (2)X银行员工的工作生活满意度欠佳。X银行员工的生活目标导向并非是 工作第一,但是工作时间较长、工作弹性程度较低、加班临时性较多,工作时间 占用家庭时间较多,现实与预期有偏差,使得员工的工作生活满意度欠佳。 (3)X银行员工期望工作和家庭能够相互促进。X银行员工工作-家庭促进 较少,家庭-工作促进相对较多。他们期望能有融洽的家庭氛围和同事出现工作 -家庭平衡问题时,员工多数采取事后弥补的方式,有的采取事前沟通的方式, 只是从员工个体层面进行处理,被动性较强。 (4)针对以上问题和原因,提出相应的对策建议:首先,社会层面重塑社 会价值观,重视工作-家庭平衡问题;第二,政府层面设立良好的工作-家庭平衡 制度;第三,X银行应从企业层面培养良好的工作-家庭平衡文化;第四,家庭层 面应给予更多的理解与关怀;第五,员工自身应更多的努力与改变。 该论文有图45幅,表113个,参考文献80篇。 关键词:工作-家庭平衡;问题发现;对策研究 II Abstract Work and family are two closely related areas in one's life, and they are also two necessary support points in life. People work not only to simply satisfy the needs of family life, but also to pursue the realization of personal value. Therefore, the pursuit of personal value makes people take work as the focus of life and give more enthusiasm to work. However, many people may be very successful in their careers, but the devotion or sacrifice of their careers has affected the lives of individuals and families, and even caused irreparable regrets. This paper investigates the work-family balance of employees in Bank X, analyses the problems found in the survey, explores the reasons and puts forward countermeasures and suggestions accordingly. This paper mainly uses four methods of analysis: questionnaire survey, interview, documentation and observation. Following the ideas of finding problems, analyzing problems and solving problems, the following results are obtained: (1) The work of Bank X employees affects family affairs. The working hours of X bank employees occupy family time, and their work flexibility is low, which affects their family affairs, resulting in more work-family conflicts and fewer family-work conflicts among X bank employees. (2) The employees of Bank X are not satisfied with their work and life. The life goal orientation of X Bank employees is not the first job, but the longer working hours, the lower degree of work flexibility, the more temporary overtime, the more family time occupied by working hours, and the deviation between reality and expectation make the employees'job life satisfaction unsatisfactory. (3) Bank X employees expect work and family to promote each other. Bank X employee work-family promotion is less, and family-work promotion is relatively more. They expect to have a harmonious family atmosphere and colleagues work-family balance problems, most of the employees take the way of remedy after the event, some take the way of communication before the event, only from the individual level of employees to deal with, passive. (4) In view of the above problems and reasons, the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward: firstly, remolding social values at the social level and III attaching importance to work-family balance; secondly, establishing a good work- family balance system at the government level; thirdly, X Bank should cultivate a good work-family balance culture at the enterprise level; fourthly, family level should give more understanding and care; Fifth, employees themselves should make more efforts and change. This paper has 45 figures, 113 tables and 80 references.

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