I 摘要 “这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代。”对于现阶段银行人力资源管理部 门而言,狄更斯的这句名言或多或少有些共鸣,如果一个企业人力资源管理不善,容 易造成企业人才的流失,进而对企业的发展造成影响。在此背景下,银行企业员工的 忠诚度势必决定着银行本身的发展,对银行的发展有着重要的影响,如何刻画银欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司 员工的忠诚度,哪些因素会对银行员工的忠诚度产生影响,采取何种措施来提高银行 员工的忠诚度等都是银行管理者亟需解决的问题。 本文以 ZZ 银行员工忠诚度为研究对象,以 Meyer 和 Allen(1991)组织忠诚的 三因素模型理论为支撑,系统研究了 ZZ 银行员工忠诚度问题。将员工忠诚分为情感 忠诚、持续忠诚以及规范忠诚等三个方面。进一步研究中将员工忠诚度的影响因素分 为两部分,一部分为企业层面因素,包括企业文化、领导特征、薪酬绩效等因素;另 一部分为职业层面,包括职业发展、沟通交流以及管理参与等因素,设计了调查员工 忠诚度的 20 个问题和影响员工忠诚度因素的 40 个问题,共发放试卷 209 份,回收 209 份,使用 SPSS23.0 对调查结果进行了矩阵因子统计分析、信度分析和效度分析。矩 阵因子和信度分析表明,员工忠诚度的情感(10 个问题)、规范(7 个问题)、持续忠 诚(3 个问题)和影响忠诚度企业文化(5 个问题)、领导特征(5 个问题)、薪酬绩效 (12 个问题)、职业发展(6 个问题)、沟通交流(9 个问题)、管理参与(3 个问题) 的 Cronbach's 系数均大于 0.7,说明问卷可信度高,数据可靠。通过效度分析,删除 了区分性不太好的个别问题。同时进一步使用 AMOS21.0 软件对忠诚度影响因素的调 查数据进行了模型构建、模型计算修正与评价,并进行模型解释,结果发现:(1)情 感忠诚最能代表潜在变量忠诚度;(2)企业文化、领导特征、职业发展、管理参与等 四个因素对忠诚度具有显著影响,而薪酬绩效、沟通交流则对忠诚度并无显著性影响; (3)按照影响程度划分,企业文化具有最大影响,其次是职业发展、管理参与,影 响程度最弱者为领导特征,并且这四个影响因素观测变量,会对三个测量忠诚度的指 标因素产生间接影响,且皆对情感忠诚影响程度最大。 根据研究结论,提出从员工自身层面、企业自身层面和社会层面三大方面提升员 工忠诚度策略。首先员工要摆正心态,清醒认识自己在银行身份;其次企业文化的建 设应该以人为本,以增加人文关怀为主,银行管理者的管理对员工身份认识的改变, 让员工有感到主人翁地位,平时关注员工的发展,另外要建立一个公平透明、具有激 励性、竞争性的薪酬制度等。最后建立银行员工离职的原因分析库和银行自身社会地 位的提升提出了提升员工忠诚度策略。 关键词:忠诚度;情感忠诚;持续忠诚;规范忠诚;结构方程模型西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 II ABSTRACT “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This Dickens’s famous saying is more or less resonant for the human resources management department of banks at this stage. If the human resources management of enterprise is not good, it is easy to cause the loss of enterprise talents, and then affect the development of an enterprise. Against this background, the loyalty of bank employees certainly will determine and impact significantly the development of banks. There are some problems need to be solved urgently by bank managers,such as how to characterize the loyalty of banking employees, what factors will affect the loyalty of bank employees, and what measures to take for improving the loyalty of bank employees. This article takes the loyalty of ZZ bank employees as the research object, uses Meyer and Allen (1991) three-factor model theory for organizational loyalty as the support, and systematically studies the employee loyalty problems of ZZ bank. The employee loyalty can be divided into three aspects: emotional loyalty, continuous loyalty and normative loyalty. In further research, the influencing factors of employee loyalty are divided into two parts. One is corporate-level factors, including corporate culture, leadership characteristics, performance-pay and so on. The other is professional-level, including career development, communication and management participation factors. We designed 20 and 40 questions to investigate the loyalty of employees and the affecting factors, respectively. A total of 209 test papers were issued and were all recovered. The survey results were analyzed through using SPSS23.0 to conduct matrix factor statistical analysis, reliability analysis and validity analysis. Matrix factor and reliability analysis show that the Cronbach's coefficients of employee loyalty affects (10 issues), norms (7 issues), continuous loyalty (3 issues) and corporate culture that affects loyalty (5 issues), leadership characteristics (5 issues), performance-pay (12 questions), career development (6 questions), communication (9 questions), and management participation (3 questions) are all greater than 0.7, indicating that the questionnaire has high reliability and reliable data. Through the validity analysis, the individual issues that are not very distinguishable are deleted. At the same time, AMOS21.0 software was further used to build, computationally correct, evaluate and interpretate the model of the survey data of loyalty influencing factors. The results exhibited that: (1) emotional loyalty can be as the most representable potential variable ofABSTRACT III loyalty; (2) four factors, including corporate culture, leadership characteristics, career development and management participation, have a significant impact on loyalty, while performance-pay and communication have almost no significant effect on loyalty; (3) according to the degree of influence, corporate culture has the greatest impact, followed by career development, management participation, and the least influential is the leadership characteristic. The observation variables of these four influencing factors will have an indirect impact on the three indicators of loyalty measurement, and all have the greatest impact on emotional loyalty. According to the research conclusion, we propose three strategies to improve employee loyalty: the employee's own level, the company's own level and the social level. First of all, employees must set their minds and clearly understand their identity in the bank; secondly, the construction of corporate culture should be people-oriented and focus on increasing humanistic care. The management of bank managers should change the recognitions of employees’identities to make the employees feel the master status, and pay attention to their development at ordinary times. The development of employees requires the establishment of a fair, transparent, motivating, competitive, and remuneration system. Finally, the establishment of an analysis database of the reason for the bank's employee dimission and the improvement of the bank's own social status put forward the strategies to enhance employee loyalty. Keywords: Loyalty, Emotional loyalty, Continuous loyalty, Normative loyalty, Structural equation model目 录 I 目 录 摘要...............I ABSTRACT .II 第一章 绪论.............................1 1.1 研究背景 ........................... 1 1.2 研究目的和意义 ............... 2 1.2.1 研究目的 ..................... 2 1.2.2 研究意义 ..................... 2 1.3 国内外研究现状综述 ....... 2 1.3.1 国外研究综述 ............. 2 1.3.2 国内研究综述 ............. 3 1.3.3 国内外研究评述 ......... 5 1.4 研究思路内容与方法 ....... 5 1.4.1 研究思路 ..................... 5 1.4.2 研究方法 ..................... 6 第二章 员工忠诚度概念与相关理论....................8 2.1 相关概念 ........................... 8 2.1.1 忠诚 ............................. 8 2.1.2 忠诚度 ......................... 8 2.1.3 员工忠诚度 ................. 8 2.2 相关理论........................... 9 2.2.1 忠诚度概念 ................ 9 2.2.2 组织忠诚的三因素模型 ............................ 9 2.2.3 组织忠诚的测量 ....... 10 第三章 ZZ 银行员工忠诚度现状调查................12 3.1ZZ 银行基本情况(员工基本情况)............ 12 3.3 ZZ 银行员工忠诚度现状调查....................... 14 3.3.1 调研思路 ................... 14西北农林科技大学硕士学位论文 II 3.3.2 调查问卷的设计 ....... 15 3.3.3 忠诚度及其影响因子设定 ...................... 17 3.3.4 信度分析 .................. 20 3.3.5 效度分析 .................. 20 第四章 基于结构方程模型的银行员工忠诚度影响因素分析.........24 4.1 员工忠诚度影响因素理论分析 .................... 24 4.2 员工忠诚度影响因素描述