随着金融市场的不断发展,金融业改革与开放正在持续深化,互联网银行、 外资银行不断涌入,市场竞争日益残酷。人才是企业提升自身市场竞争力的核心 因素之一,在金融市场如此激烈的竞争中,商业银行需要将核心人才作为企业可 持续发展的关键因素,持续加强员工培养,着力发展人才质量、人才数量,优化 人才结构和种类,以提高员工的综合能力来面对激烈的市场竞争。兰州银行是一 家地方性城市商业银行,以服务区域经济和中小企业为己任,在金融市场的变化 中面临着强烈的冲击,在这种冲击下加强员工培训工作变得尤为重要。 本文以兰州银行员工培训管理工作提升为研究主题,在回顾总结以往关于培 训管理相关理论和方法的基础上,通过问卷调查方法,诊断分析了兰州银行目前 员工培训管理中存在的主要问题,包括培训计划安排不合理、培训与员工需求匹 配度不高、培训形式不够丰富、员工学习激励机制不清晰这四个方面的问题,并 针对问题分析其产生的原因。 针对兰州银行培训管理存在的问题及成因,构建提出了兰州银行员工培训积 分管理方案,通过培训积分管理的方式解决目前兰州银行存在的培训管理问题。 培训积分管理方案主要包括兰州银行员工培训积分管理方案的构建思路和框架、 培训积分的渠道设计和规则、员工培训积分任务设定标准、员工所获得的培训积 分管理细则、员工培训积分奖惩机制五个部分,并在此基础上提出了培训积分系 统的研发建设、加强培训组织管理、培训人才队伍建设和培养、配套制度的有效 支撑四个方面的支撑措施。希望能够借此帮助提升兰州银行员工培训管理效果, 助推兰州银行持续发展。 关键词:商业银行,培训,积分 III RESEARCH ON THE CONSTRUCTION OF STAFF TRAINING POINTS MANAGEMENT PLAN IN THE BANK OF LANZHOU Abstract Since the financial market is constantly developing, the reform and opening of the financial industry continue to deepening, the internet banks and foreign banks are increasingly flood in, and the market competition has also become crueler. Qualified personnel are the core factor of strengthening business market competition. With such a fierce financial competition, commercial banks are bound to take core personnel as the key factor for the sustainable development, It is necessary to continuously strengthen staff training and concentrate on developing the quality and quantity of qualified personnel, as well as optimize the structure and types, so as to improve their comprehensive ability to handle the fierce market competition. The Bank of Lanzhou is a local municipal commercial bank which serves regional economy and small and medium-sized enterprises. It faces a strong impact in the changes of the financial market, so strengthening staff training is particularly important at the moment. This paper subject is the staff training for work ability enhancement in the Bank of Lanzhou , based on the reviewing and summary about the theories and methods related to previous training management, combined with the questionnaire survey, then carry out a diagnostic analysis of current problems in the bank’s training management, which including the unreasonable training plan arrangement, low matching rate between training and employees' needs, unclear incentive mechanism for staffs' learning, and insufficient training forms, then make a analysis on the causes of the problems accordingly. Aiming at the existing problems in the training management of the Bank of Lanzhou, this paper puts forward a training points management scheme among staff, which solves the existing training management problems of the bank. It mainly divided into five parts: the construction idea and framework of the scheme, the design of points acquisition and rule, the standards setting of the training tasks, the management rules for the training points obtained, and the reward and punishment IV mechanism for the training points. On this basis, the author proposes four supporting measures: the development and construction of training points system, strengthening of training organization and management, building and training of talent team, effective support of cooperating system. It is hoped that this is helpful to enhance the staff training management effect of the Bank of Lanzhou, thus to promote its sustainable development. Key words: commercial bank, training, points V 目 录 中文摘要 ................................................ II Abstract ............................................... III 目 录 ................................................... V 第一章 引言 ............................................. 1 1.1 研究的背景与意义 ............................................ 1 1.1.1 研究的背景 .............................................. 1 1.1.2 研究的意义 .............................................. 3 1.2 研究的对象与方法 ............................................ 3 1.2.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法 .............................................. 4 1.2.2 问卷调查法 .............................................. 4 1.2.3 调研访谈法 .............................................. 4 1.3 研究的思路与框架 ............................................ 5 1.3.1 研究的思路 .............................................. 5 1.3.2 本文框架 ................................................ 6 第二章 员工培训相关理论概述与文献综述 ................... 7 2.1 培训理论 .................................................... 7 2.1.1 培训的定义 .............................................. 7 2.1.2 国外对员工培训的理论研究 ................................ 7 2.1.3 国内对企业员工开展培训的理论研究 ........................ 8 2.2 人力资源培训管理方案的构建理论 .............................. 8 2.3 积分制管理理论 .............................................. 8 2.4 文献综述 .................................................... 9 第三章 兰州银行员工培训现状分析 ........................ 13 3.1 兰州银行概况 ............................................... 13 3.1.1 兰州银行简介 ........................................... 13 VI 3.1.2 兰州银行人力资源现状 ................................... 14 3.1.3 兰州银行培训基本情况 ................................... 17 3.2 兰州银行培训现状调研与分析 ................................. 19 3.2.1 问卷设计 ............................................... 19 3.2.2 问卷内容 ............................................... 20 3.2.3 问卷发放 ............................................... 20 3.2.4 问卷调查分析 ........................................... 20 3.3 兰州银行培训现状存在的问题总结及原因分析 ................... 24 3.3.1 培训计划安排不合理 ................................... 24 3.3.2 培训资源分配不均衡........................................... 25 3.3.3 培训形式单一不丰富........................................... 25 3.3.4 员工培训激励机制不清晰....................................... 26 第四章 兰州银行员工培训积分管理方案设计 ................ 27 4.1 兰州银行员工培训积分管理方案构建的思路和框架 ............... 27 4.1.1 兰州银行员工培训积分管理方案构建思路 ................... 27 4.1.2 兰州银行员工培训积分管理方案设计的原则 ................. 27 4.1.3 兰州银行员工培训积分管理方案构建框架 ................... 28 4.2 兰州银行员工培训积分渠道设计及认证规则 ..................... 29 4.2.1 内训积分渠道 ........................................... 29 4.2.2 外部学习培训积分渠道 ................................... 30 4.2.3 网络在线学习积分渠道 ................................... 31 4.2.4 兼职授课积分渠道 ....................................... 32 4.2.5 在岗业务自学积分渠道 ................................... 33 4.2.6 发表文章积分渠道 ....................................... 35 4.2.7 研究创新积分渠道 ....................................... 35 4.2.8 比赛竞赛积分渠道 ....................................... 36 4.2.9 教材研发积分渠道 ....................................... 36 4.2.10 轮岗培训学习积分渠道 .................................. 37 4.2.11 日常业务练习积分渠道 .................................. 37 4.3 兰州银行员工培训积分任务设定标准 ........................... 37 4.3.1 培训积分任务设定原则 ................................... 38 VII 4.3.2 培训积分任务设定思路 ................................... 39 4.3.3 培训积分任务设定标准 ................................... 39 4.3.4 培训积分任务折减标准 ................................... 40 4.4 兰州银行员工培训积分管理细则 ............................... 4