随着中国改革开放进一步深入发展,“中国制造2025”的提出,以及5G时 代即将到来,人才作为产品创新的驱动力,成为了企业竞争的重要筹码。企业间 人才竞争已经趋于白炽化。如何吸引和留住人才也成为了企业持续发展的重要战 略之一。台大公司从90年代开始就把台湾的工厂搬迁到东莞,建立零组件制造 基地。21世纪初期在其东莞的制造工厂内设立了研发中心,从事电源产品设计, 就近服务于国内相关客户,如联想,浪潮,海康威讯等。近年来,由于IT产业 的快速发展,IT 类人才需求急速上升,企业竞争对手间纷纷开出优越的条件来 招聘有经验的专业人才,导致人才频频跳槽。台大公司东莞研发中心同样也遭受 着大量测评人员离职的痛楚。 本论文以台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职对策为研究对象。通过了解测 评部人员目前基本状况及近年来人员离职情况者选择了8位不同层级的离职人 员进行面对面访谈,梳理分析出测评人员离职的主要影响因素。结合访谈结果, 借鉴Price-Mueller(2000)模型,设计出离职影响因素调查问卷,对测评部现有 在职人员进行实地问卷调查。本文运用SPSS25统计软件,对问卷调查数据进行 相关性及回归性分析,发现了导致测评人员离职的主要因素为:薪酬与福利、绩 效考核制度、工作压力、个人发展与提拔制度及企业文化建设。针对导致测评部 人员离职的关键因素,构建了测评人员的能力评价系统,设计出一套能实现内部 公平,外部具有竞争力的薪酬福利体系,同时从管理机制及文化建设方面提出有 效的对策。为了保障对策能有效落地,成立了多个顾问组及委员会,提供策略支 持,推动对策实施及有效追踪。 本文针对测评部存在的问题,提出有效的留才缓解对策,降低研发中心设计 及相关支援部门人员的离职率。同时也发现了公司人才管理方面的不足,为公司 提供了相应的管理改善措施。另外,也为业界同行提供了一定的参考及借鉴意义, 其他企业可以根据自身的实际人员状况进行分析及研究,寻求符合自己企业发展 的留才之路。 关键词:测评人员,离职因素,离职对策 MBA学位论文 作者:谢留群 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职问题对策研究 II RESEARCH ON THE RESIGNATION OF EVALUATIONS IN DONGGUAN R&D CENTER OF TAIDA COMPANY Abstract With the further development of China's reform and opening up, the proposal of "Made in China 2025" and the coming of 5G era, talent, as the driving force of product innovation, has become an important bargaining chip for enterprises to compete. Competition for talent among companies has become incandescent. How to attract and retain talents has become one of the important strategies for the sustainable development of enterprises. Since the 1990s, Taida company has been relocating factories in Taiwan to Dongguan to build a component manufacturing base. In the early 21st century, it set up a research and development center in its manufacturing factory in Dongguan, engaged in the design of power products, and served relevant domestic customers, such as Lenovo, Inspur and Hikvision. In recent years, due to the rapid development of the IT industry, the demand for IT talents is rising rapidly, and enterprises' competitors are offering superior conditions to recruit experienced professionals, leading to frequent job-hopping of talents. The research and development center of Taida company in Dongguan is also suffering from a large number of evaluation staff leaving the pain. This thesis takes the measures of the evaluation staff turnover in the R&D center of Taida company in Dongguan as the research object. Through understanding the current basic situation of the personnel in the evaluation department and the turnover situation in recent years, eight dimission personnel of different levels were selected for face-to-face interviews, and the main influencing factors of the dimission of the evaluation personnel were analyzed. Based on the interview results and the Price-Mueller (2000) model, a questionnaire was designed to investigate the influencing factors of resignation, and a field survey was conducted on the existing staff in the evaluation department. This paper uses SPSS25 statistical software to analyze the correlation and regression of the questionnaire survey data, and finds that the main factors leading to the turnover of the assessors are: salary and welfare, performance appraisal system, work pressure, personal development and promotion system, and corporate culture construction. In view of the key factors leading to the turnover of personnel in the evaluation department, this paper constructs the evaluation system of personnel's ability, designs a set of compensation and welfare system that can realize internal fairness and external competitiveness, and puts forward effective countermeasures from the aspects MBA学位论文 作者:谢留群 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职问题对策研究 III of management mechanism and cultural construction. In order to ensure the effective implementation of countermeasures, a number of advisory groups and committees were established to provide strategic support, promote the implementation of countermeasures and effective tracking. In view of the problems existing in the evaluation department, this paper puts forward effective measures to reduce the turnover rate of staff in R&D center design and related support departments. At the same time also found the company's talent management shortcomings, to provide the company with the corresponding management improvement measures. In addition, it also provides certain reference and reference significance for peers in the industry. Other enterprises can conduct analysis and research according to their actual personnel conditions, and seek the way to retain talents in line with their own enterprise development. Key word: Evaluation Staff, Turnover Factor, Turnover Solution MBA学位论文 作者:谢留群 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职问题对策研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ............................................................ I Abstract ......................................................................................................................... II 第一章 绪论 ......................................................... 1 1.1选题背景及意义 .............................................. 1 1.1.1选题背景 ................................................. 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ................................................ 2 1.2 研究方法 .................................................... 3 1.3 研究的内容与思路 ............................................ 3 第二章 概念与理论 ................................................... 6 2.1 相关概念界定 ................................................ 6 2.1.1 人才的概念界定 .......................................... 6 2.1.2 测评人员 ................................................ 7 2.1.3 离职的概念界定 .......................................... 7 2.2 相关理论介绍 ................................................ 8 2.2.1马斯洛需求层次理论 ....................................... 8 2.2.2 双因素理论 .............................................. 9 2.3 文献研究综述 ............................................... 10 2.3.1国外离职研究模型 ........................................ 10 2.3.2 国内离职研究模型 ....................................... 13 2.2.3 国内外离职研究小结 ..................................... 14 第三章 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职现状分析 .................... 16 3.1台大公司基本介绍 ........................................... 16 3.2 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员人力资源现状 ................... 18 3.3 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职情况及其影响 ............... 20 3.3.1 测评人员离职情况分析 ................................... 20 3.3.2 测评人员离职影响 ....................................... 22 第四章 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职因素调查与分析 ............. 24 4.1离职人员访谈 ............................................... 24 4.1.1 访谈对象选择 ........................................... 24 MBA学位论文 作者:谢留群 台大公司东莞研发中心测评人员离职问题对策研究 V 4.1.2 访谈提纲设计 ........................................... 25 4.1.4 访谈欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司整理 ........................................... 26 4.1.5 访谈结果分析 ........................................... 27 4.2在职人员问卷调查 ........................................... 29 4.2.1 问卷调查设计 ........................................... 29 4.2.2 问卷调查实施 ...........................