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市场经济的蓬勃发展,使得企业之间突出的人才竞争问题越来越引起社会关注,同 时,时代特征赋予个人不同的时代烙印,并且与人的特征有着密不可分的关系。当前, 信息技术拓宽了人们的信息渠道,使得人才市场招聘信息更及时、全面地进入大众视野, 这就带给许多企业留人难的棘手情况。员工的高离职倾向、频繁跳槽等现象不仅会影响 企业组织的稳定性,同时,也会挫伤员工的工作积极性。对于企业来说,企业人员流动 过于频繁,会使得企业面临较高的运营风险,进而增加运营成本,企业信誉也会遭受挑 战。企业员工的心理问题越来越受到企业管理领域的高度重视,是企业取得和保持长期 竞争优势的不竭动力。已有研究表明,离职倾向对预测离职行为具有较高的指导意义, 因此,本文的研究内容是企业员工的心理特质对离职倾向的影响机制,探索各影响因素 之间的作用,对人才的选用育留的企业管理政策的制定和实施提供相应的指导作用。 本文的研究对象仅仅限定为90后知识型员工,对成熟量表进行修改,线上发放并 回收调查问卷,具体探讨在中国情境下,不同知识型员工个体的情绪智力水平的高低, 对理解组织支持进而获取不同的组织支持感,最终对离职倾向产生影响。正式样本中一 共采集到有效问卷236份,通过SPSS22.0与AMOS21.0开展统计分析,所得出的研究 结论为:(1)90后知识型员工情绪智力中的情绪调控能力和情绪运用能力能够显著影响 到其是否产生离职倾向;(2)90后知识型员工的情绪智力中的自我情绪评估、他人情绪 评估、情绪调控、情绪运用均能够显著影响到其组织支持感;(3)90后知识型员工组织 支持感中的工作支持、员工价值认同、关心利益均会显著影响其离职倾向;(4)90后知 识型员工的组织支持感在其情绪智力中的情绪调控能力、情绪运用能力与离职倾向之间 起中介作用;(5)90后知识型员工工作嵌入程度会在其情绪智力中的情绪调控、情绪运 用与离职倾向之间起调节作用。 本文在实证分析结果的基础之上,立足于中国现实情境,针对中国企业人力资源管 理中的90后知识型员工管理方面提供了相对应的管理建议,同时,在本文的最后,指 出本文研究所存在的研究不足之处,同时对后续未来研究方向提出了展望,也一并予以 指出。 关键词:情绪智力,离职倾向,工作嵌入,组织支持感 II Abstract With the vigorous development of the market economy, the outstanding talent competition among enterprises has attracted more and more social attention. Meanwhile, the characteristics of The Times have endowed individuals with different characteristics of The Times, which are closely related to the characteristics of people.At present, information technology has broadened people's information channels, making the recruitment information in the talent market more timely and comprehensively enter the public's vision, which brings many enterprises to the difficult situation of keeping people.The phenomenon of high turnover tendency and frequent job-hopping of employees will not only affect the stability of enterprises and organizations, but also frustrate the enthusiasm of employees.For enterprises, too frequent turnover of personnel will cause them to face higher operational risks, thus increasing operating costs and challenging their reputation.More and more attention is paid to the psychological problems of enterprise employees in the field of enterprise management, which is the inexhaustible power for enterprises to obtain and maintain long-term competitive advantages.Existing studies have shown that turnover intention to forecast turnover behavior has high significance, therefore, the research content of this article is the enterprise employees' psychological traits impact on turnover intention mechanism, explore, between various influencing factors on the selection of talent education leave policy formulation and implementation of enterprise management to provide the corresponding guidance. The research object of this article only limited to 90 knowledge workers, after modify maturity scale and online distribution and recycling questionnaire, the specific situation in China is discussed, and different knowledge staff after 90 individual level of emotional intelligence, to understand perceived organizational support and for different organizational support, eventually impact on turnover intention.A total of 236 valid questionnaires were collected from the formal samples, and statistical analysis including correlation analysis and regression analysis were conducted by using SPSS22.0 and AMOS21.0. The following conclusions were drawn :(1) the emotional intelligence level of post-90s knowledge employees significantly affects the sense of organizational support and turnover intention of post-90s knowledge employees;(2) the sense of organizational support of post-90s knowledge workers plays a part in mediating between the emotional intelligence level of post-90s knowledge workers and their turnover intention;(3) knowledge staff work after 90 embedded level adjustment after the 90 knowledge employees' emotional intelligence level and turnover intention, the relationship between the knowledge staff work after 90 embedded level is higher, with the higher emotional intelligence after 90's knowledge staff, the more the perceived organizational support, job embedded in 90 after the knowledge staff the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intention is to strengthen effect. In this paper, based on the results of empirical analysis, based on the realistic situation in China, in view of the enterprise human resources management in China after 90 knowledge workers management provides the corresponding management advice, at the same time, in the end of this article, this article research institute research deficiencies are pointed out, the vision for further future research direction is put forward at the same time, also pointed out. III Key words: emotional intelligence; Perceived Organizational Support; Work embedding; Turnover intention IV 目录 摘要 ...................... I Abstract.......... II 第一章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 ............................. 1 1.2研究目的 ............................. 3 1.3研究意义 ............................. 4 1.3.1理论意义 ....................... 4 1.3.2现实意义 ....................... 4 1.4研究方法及内容 ................. 5 1.4.1研究方法 ....................... 5 1.4.2研究内容 ....................... 6 1.5研究思路及技术路线 ......... 6 1.6研究创新点 ......................... 7 第二章 文献综述 ........................... 9 2.1关于90后知识型员工的研究 .......................... 9 2.2.1 90后知识型员工概念界定 ....................... 10 2.2.2 90后知识型员工特征 11 2.2关于组织支持感的研究 ... 13 2.2.1组织支持感概念界定 . 13 2.2.2组织支持感的相关研究 ............................ 14 2.2.3组织支持感的维度及测量 ........................ 15 2.3关于情绪智力的研究 ....... 16 2.3.1情绪智力概念界定 ..... 16 2.3.2情绪智力的概念模型 . 17 2.3.3情绪智力的相关研究 ............. 19 2.3.4情绪智力的维度及测量 ............................ 20 2.4关于工作嵌入的研究 ....... 21 2.4.1工作嵌入概念界定 ..... 21 2.4.2工作嵌入的相关研究 . 22 2.4.3工作嵌入的维度及测量 ............................ 23 2.5关于离职倾向的研究 ....... 25 2.5.1离职倾向概念界定 ..... 25 2.5.2离职倾向的相关研究 . 26 2.5.3离职倾向的相关模型 . 27 2.5.4离职倾向的测量 ......... 27 V 2.6文献总结 ........................ 28 第三章 研究假设与理论模型 ... 29 3.1研究构思与假设 ............... 29 3.1.1情绪智力与离职倾向的研究假设 ............ 29 3.1.2情绪智力对组织支持感的研究假设 ........ 30 3.1.3组织支持感对离职倾向的研究假设 ........ 30 3.1.4组织支持感中介作用的研究假设 ............ 31 3.1.5工作嵌入调节作用的研究假设 ................ 32 3.2研究的理论模型 ............... 33 第四章 研究设计 ....................... 35 4.1量表设计 ........................... 35 4.1.1组织支持感量表选取 . 35 4.1.2情绪智力表选取 ......... 36 4.1.3工作嵌入量表选取 ..... 37 4.1.4离职倾向量表选取 ..... 37 4.1.5控制变量 ..................... 37 4.2问卷设计 ........................... 37 4.2.1问卷构成 ..................... 38 4.2.2问卷实施过程 ............. 38 4.3预调查与正式问卷的确定 .............................. 38 4.3.1预调查样本的描述性统计分析 ................ 38 4.3.2量表信度和效度分析 . 40 第五章 实证分析 ..................... 50 5.1描述性统计分析 ............... 50 5.2偏差检验分析 ................... 52 5.3量表的信效度检验 ........... 52 5.3.1信度分

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