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在中美贸易战背景下,在华美企如在夹缝中生存,要想在东道国顺利开展业 务,需要得到中国政府、社区和公众的认可及支持。微软从1992年进入中国, 经过20多年的发展已经成为在华外企代表之一,微软一直力求扎根中国实现本 土化,在该战略指导下,微软(深圳)公司积极开展企业社会责任活动,但存在 发起CSR活动的部门众多、组织松散、缺乏战略性、营销效果一般,与政府和 公众的关系也没有得到明显提升,员工参与积极性却逐次下降等问题。本文基于 当前的国际环境和美企生存状况,对微软深圳公司企业社会责任绩效开展做了深 入调查,研究企业社会责任开展中效率不高的原因,并对企业社会责任方案做优 化设计。 本文运用文献综述、问卷调查等研究方法,首先,系统梳理了国内外企业社 会责任、企业社会责任绩效等关键概念和理论。其次,以中国100强企业社会责 任评价标准分别从管理责任、市场责任、社会责任和环境责任等方面对微软深圳 企业社会责任现状进行了阐述。再次,通过专家评价方式和层次分析法对深圳微 软企业社会责任绩效存在的问题进行了评分,并用ISO26000七大核心理论对其 背后的原因进行了分析。接着采用绩效棱柱模型提出了微软深圳公司社会责任绩 效的提升方案,从组织、制度、文化等方面保障措施的落地执行,用关键绩效指 标法监督管理提升方案的开展。 通过专家评价得出微软深圳公司的企业社会责任在股东责任、遵纪守法、节 能环保等方面履行情况尚可,在社区责任、信息公开和员工责任等方面开展欠佳。 接着分析得出微软深圳CSR绩效不佳的原因在于组织结构、意识形态、管理风 格及技能培训等方面,用绩效棱柱模型理论结合实践提出了微软深圳公司企业社 会责任绩效提升的总体方案,在总方案的指导下进一步细分为管理责任提升、市 场责任提升、社会责任提升和环保责任提升四个方面。最后运用KPI关键绩效法 和多种保障措施确保方案的落地执行。 本文基于实例评价微软深圳公司企业社会责任开展效果,明确企业社会责任 绩效中存在的问题,提出改进的方案,增强微软深圳公司在华的可持续发展。本 文研究为微软深圳公司企业社会责任绩效提升了提供新的思路,也为其它企业的 社会责任提升提供参考和借鉴。 关键词:微软深圳,企业社会责任,绩效,提升 MBA学位论文 作者:汤桂鸿 微软(深圳)企业社会责任绩效提升研究 II RESEARCH ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PERFORMANCE OF MICROSOFT (SHENZHEN) Abstract Under the background of Sino-US trade wars, US companies are trying to survive in a tight corner in China. To successfully carry out business in the host country, they need to be recognized and supported by the Chinese government, the community and the public. Shenzhen Microsoft Company actively carried out corporate social responsibility activities, but without the corporate social responsibility department, the organization was loose, and activities were inefficient. Many activities were weakly related to the company's strategies, the marketing effect was inconspicuous, and the relationship with the government and consumers were not improved, while employees complained that there were too many activities and no post-effect feedback and the participation declined. Based on the current international environment, this thesis has conducted in-depth research on the promotion of corporate social responsibility performance in Shenzhen Microsoft Corporation. The main problem is to find out the reason why Shenzhen Microsoft is not efficient in corporate social responsibility by MBA research tools, and to optimize the design of corporate social responsibility program. This dissertation comprehensively uses literature review questionnaire survey and other research methods. Firstly, it reviews and analyzes the corporate social responsibility and its performance and reveals the nature of corporate social responsibility of Shenzhen Microsoft company. Secondly, the performance of Shenzhen Microsoft corporate social responsibility is expounded from the aspects of management responsibility, market responsibility, social responsibility and environmental responsibility. Thirdly, through the expert evaluation method, the existing problems of Shenzhen Microsoft's corporate social responsibility were investigated, and the reasons behind were analyzed by using the seven core theories of ISO26000. Then the social responsibility performance improvement plans of Microsoft Shenzhen are raised basing on the performance prism model. Improving measures are proposed to be implemented in terms of organization, system, and culture. The key performance indicator method MBA学位论文 作者:汤桂鸿 微软(深圳)企业社会责任绩效提升研究 III will be the tool to monitor the implementation. According to expert evaluations, it is concluded that the performance of Microsoft Shenzhen's corporate social responsibility is satisfactory in terms of shareholder responsibility, technological innovation, and environmental protection, and there is room for improvement on employee responsibility, consumer responsibility, and community responsibility. The reason lies in the organizational structure, ideology, management style, and skills training. The theory and practice put forward the overall plan for improving the corporate social responsibility performance of Microsoft Shenzhen Company, and further subdivided into the management responsibility improvement, Promotion of market responsibility, promotion of social responsibility and environmental responsibility. This article evaluates the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility development of Microsoft Shenzhen based on real examples, clarifies the problems in the performance and proposes improving solutions to enhance the sustainable development of Microsoft Shenzhen in China. The research in this article provides new ideas for the improvement of corporate social responsibility performance of Microsoft Shenzhen, and also provides references to other companies on the improvement of social responsibility performance. Keywords: Microsoft Shenzhen, Corporate social responsibility, Performance, Improvement MBA学位论文 作者:汤桂鸿 微软(深圳)企业社会责任绩效提升研究 IV 目 录 中文摘要 ........ I ABSTRACT .. II 目 录 ........... IV 第一章 绪论 .. 1 1.1 研究背景和意义 . 1 1.1.1 研究背景 ...................... 1 1.1.2 研究意义 ...................... 2 1.2 研究设计 ............. 2 1.2.1 研究内容 ...................... 2 1.2.2 研究思路 ...................... 3 1.3 研究方法和工具 . 5 1.3.1 研究方法 ...................... 5 1.3.2 研究工具 ...................... 5 第二章 理论综述 .......................... 7 2.1 关键概念界定 ..... 7 2.1.1 企业社会责任 .............. 7 2.1.2 企业社会责任绩效 ...... 7 2.1.3企业公民和利益相关者 .............................. 8 2.2 企业社会责任相关理论研究 ............ 9 2.2.1 国外研究 ...................... 9 2.2.2 国内研究 .................... 10 2.3 企业社会责任绩效评价方法 .......... 11 2.3.1评价要素 ..................... 11 2.3.2评价指标 ..................... 12 2.3.3评价方法 ..................... 13 第三章 微软(深圳)企业社会责任绩效评价与问题分析 ................ 15 MBA学位论文 作者:汤桂鸿 微软(深圳)企业社会责任绩效提升研究 V 3.1 微软深圳企业社会责任管理环境 .. 15 3.1.1 公司简介 .................... 15 3.1.2外部环境要求 ............. 18 3.1.3内部发展需要 ............. 19 3.2 微软深圳企业社会责任绩效评价设计 ......................... 21 3.2.1 评价设计 .................... 21 3.2.2 权重赋值 .................... 23 3.2.3 评价过程 .................... 24 3.3微软深圳企业社会责任绩效结果及问题分析 .............. 27 3.3.1 评价结果 .................... 27 3.3.2 问题总结 .................... 31 3.3.3原因分析 ..................... 33 第四章 微软(深圳)企业社会责任绩效提升方案 ............................ 36 4.1设计思路 ............ 36 4.1.1 提升定位 .................... 36 4.1.2 提升目标 .................... 37 4.2 提升方案 ........... 39 4.2.1总体方案 ..................... 39 4.2.2 管理责任方案 ............ 42 4.2.3 市场责任方案 ............ 44 4.2.4 社会责任方案 ............ 45 4.2.5 环境责任方案 ............ 47 第五章 提升方案实施和保障措施 ......................... 49 5.1 提升方案的实施 .............................. 49 5.1.1 实施步骤 .................... 49 5.1.2 实施难点 .................... 53 5.1.3 绩效考核 .................... 54 5.2 保障措施 ........... 57 5.2.1 组织保障 .................... 57 5.2.2 制度保障 .................... 58 MBA学位论

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