随着共享经济浪潮的兴起,出行领域迎来了新的变革,共享汽车作为未来的 出行方式,吸引了一大批互联网企业的跨界成立,同时传统汽车制造商和租车公 司也开始跨越原有边界进入共享汽车欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司寻求新的发展。随着欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的竞争越来 越激烈,共享汽车企业之间的竞争也上升为商业模式之间的竞争。尤其是目前行 业整体上处于快速发展阶段,企业面对着瞬息万变的用户需求和市场,积极探索 可行的商业模式才能够及时抓住机遇,有效应对不断出现的挑战,因此商业模式 的创新是共享汽车企业保持可持续发展需要解决的关键问题。现有对于共享汽车 的商业模式研究相对较少,而且缺少从多种角度对企业商业模式创新进行分析, 然而企业在实际经营过程中的跨界融合做法越来越普遍,因而将跨界融合与企业 商业模式创新联系起来有助于深化商业模式的研究内容。本研究采用多案例研究 方法,针对选取的六家典型共享汽车企业进行详细的分析和探讨。研究过程中, 通过把企业访谈、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司会议、非正式沟通和档案文件等渠道获取的一手欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司和二 手欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司结合起来,对这些欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行系统记录、整理和持续补充建立起完整的案例 数据库。完成丰富的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司收集后,首先选取主案例进行研究,然后利用复制逻辑 的方法进行多个案例的对比分析,区分出原样复制和差异复制的企业,并分析这 种差异的原因、过程以及未来可能形成的结果,形成初步的主题,通过与原有理 论的衔接和对话以及个别案例的回溯,最终形成命题。 本研究得出以下结论:企业跨界融合对企业商业模式创新形式的影响包含两 个阶段,这是由于跨界融合的内涵决定的。在跨界过程中,跨界企业通过异质性 资源提出新的价值主张进而实现多种商业模式架构,形成多元化的商业模式创新。 融合是企业进行资源整合的过程,企业通过自身的资源整合方式选择某一核心要 素进行改变进而引起商业模式的部分创新或全局的创新,不同的资源整合方式形 成了多元化的商业模式创新。企业跨界和融合是跨界融合中两个相对独立的概念, 其中企业的跨界层次推动了资源整合的范围和水平。企业的商业模式创新绩效由 资源整合能力和商业模式创新速度共同决定,企业的资源整合能力较弱或者商业 模式重要内容调整过慢都会降低企业的绩效。 关键词:共享汽车,跨界融合,商业模式,商业模式创新 II Research on the Business Model Innovation of Car-sharing Enterprises from the Perspective of Cross-Border Integration Abstract With the rise of the sharing economy, the travel sector has ushered in a new revolution. As a future mode of travel, car sharing has attracted a large number of cross-border Internet companies to set up, and at the same time, traditional car manufacturers and car rental companies have begun to cross the original boundaries to enter the car sharing industry for new development. With the increasingly fierce competition in the industry, the competition among car-sharing enterprises also rises to the level of competition among business models. Especially in the industry as a whole is in rapid development stage, the enterprise in the face of rapidly changing user needs and the market, and actively explore feasible business model can seize the opportunity in time, effectively cope with emerging challenges, Therefore, the innovation of business model is a key problem that needs to be solved in the process of sustainable development of car-sharing enterprises. Existing for car-sharing business model research is relatively small, and lacked from various angles to analyze enterprise business model innovation, however, enterprises in the actual management in the process of cross-border integration approach is becoming more common, and therefore the cross-border integration with enterprise business model innovation helps to deepen the research content of the business model. This study adopts the method of multi-case study to analyze and discuss the six typical car-sharing enterprises in detail. In the research process, a complete case database was built by combining the primary and secondary data obtained through enterprise interviews, industry conferences, informal communication and archives. Completion of abundant data collection, select the first case study, and then use copy the logical method of comparison and analysis of multiple cases, distinguish between copying and differences between the copy of enterprise, and analyzes the cause of the differences, the process and the result of the future may form, form the preliminary theme, with the original theory of cohesion and dialogue as well as the individual case back, eventually form a proposition. This study draws the following conclusions: The impact of cross-border III integration of enterprises on the innovation of corporate business models involves two stages, which are determined by the connotation of cross-border integration. In the cross-border process, cross-border enterprises propose new value propositions through heterogeneous resources to realize multiple business model architectures and form diversified business model innovation. Integration is a process in which an enterprise conducts resource integration. Through its own resource integration mode, an enterprise selects a core element to change and then causes partial or global innovation of its business model. Different resource integration modes form diversified business model innovation. Enterprise cross-border and integration are two relatively independent concepts in cross-border integration, in which the enterprise cross-border level promotes the scope and level of resource integration. The business model innovation performance of an enterprise is determined by its resource integration ability and the speed of business model innovation. Weak resource integration ability of an enterprise or slow adjustment of important contents of the business model will reduce its performance.。。。。。。以下内容略