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十八大以来,习近平总书记历次重要讲话中都提到“创新”的重要性。在日新月异的当 下,企业想要适应知识经济市场新形式和新要求,在激烈竞争中谋求进取,必然要通过不断 创新来提高自身产品或服务的竞争优势。创新的实现需要依靠知识转移和集成运用,信息、 技能等在各载体之间互通与跃迁,激发组织新的发展活力。然而,这一过程并非是天然产生 的职场行为,知识共享受到组织氛围、情感心理感知及个体特征多种因素共同影响。当有限 资源面临组织内员工的多元化需求,缺口的出现使得利己目的的政治性行为、社交在暗中大 肆进行,员工立足于自身感知和认知水平,知识共享的行为势必有所不同。特别是,在“教 会徒弟,饿死师傅”的中国传统文化熏陶下,员工的个性特征究竟会促使其继续为集体贡献 自我价值?还是迫于地位丧失的威胁而及时止损?对于知识共享研究而言,这些探讨对于现 代组织内管理实践有着十分重要的意义。 本研究在阅读大量文献后,基于压力理论、资源保存理论和社会交换理论,梳理了组织 政治知觉、组织支持感、知识共享和传统性四个构念的内涵与测量方法。另一方面,探讨在 中国本土化情境下知识密集型企业中员工组织政治知觉和知识共享之间的作用路径,考虑组 织支持感的中介作用和个体传统性的调节效应,构建整体理论模型,提出研究假设。在实证 分析环节,运用 SPSS 22.0 和 AMOS 21.0 数据分析软件对 313 个样本数据进行检验与分析, 验证假设,得到研究结论:(1)组织政治知觉各维度显著负向影响员工知识贡献与知识吸收; (2)组织政治知觉显著负向影响组织支持感;(3)组织支持感显著正向影响员工知识共享; (4)组织支持感在组织政治知觉与知识共享间起到部分中介作用;(5)个体传统性强化了 组织政治知觉对知识共享的负向作用。 因此,知识密集型企业应致力于降低员工组织政治知觉,完善薪酬和晋升体系,扩建员 工交流平台实现信息对等,营造公正、和谐的组织氛围;丰富员工物质性和情感性支持,激 励其积极促成知识在组织内的积累与更新。以保持企业核心竞争力,实现企业长远发展。 关键词: 组织政治知觉,组织支持感,知识共享,传统性,自助法II Abstract Since the 18th CPC National Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping has mentioned the importance of "innovation" in several important speeches. In the ever-changing present, if an enterprise wants to adapt to the new forms and new requirements of the knowledge economy market and strives for progress in the fierce competition, it must inevitably improve its product or service's competitive advantage through continuous innovation. Innovation is an integrated process of knowledge transfer and application. Information and skills are exchanged and transferred between various carriers to stimulate new development vitality of the organization. However, knowledge sharing is not a naturally occurring behavior in the workplace. This process is affected by many factors such as organizational atmosphere, psychological perception and individual characteristics. When limited resources conflict with the diversified needs of employees in the organization, the emergence of a resource gap has led to self-serving political behavior and social activities to be carried out in secret. Based on the level of employees' perception and cognition, the result of knowledge sharing is bound to be different. In particular, under the influence of the traditional Chinese culture of “Church apprentice, starved master”, will employees' personal characteristics motivate them to continue to provide self-worth or stop loss in time for the threat of status? With respect to the research of knowledge sharing, these discussions are of great significance for management practices in modern organizations. Based on the theory of stress, resource conservation and social exchange, this study sorted out the connotations and measurement methods of perceptions of organizational politics, organizational support, knowledge sharing and traditionality after reading a large amount of literature. On the other hand, it explored the role path between perceptions of organizational politics and knowledge sharing among Chinese knowledge-intensive employees, and considered the intermediary role of organizational support and the regulatory effect of traditional characteristics. Then, it built a theoretical model and put forward research hypotheses. During the empirical analysis, 313 sample data were tested and analyzed by SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 21.0. The hypothesis was verified and the conclusions of the study are as follows: (1)The perceptions of organizational politics significantly negatively affect employees' knowledge contribution and knowledge absorption; (2)The perceptions of organizational politics significantly negatively affect organizational support; (3)Organizational support significantly positively affects employee knowledge sharing; (4)Organizational support plays a part of mediating role between perceptions of organizational politics and employees' knowledge sharing; (5)Individual tradition strengthened the negative effect of perceptions of organizational politics on knowledge sharing. Therefore, knowledge-intensive enterprises should be committed to reducing employeeIII organizational political awareness, improving the compensation and promotion system, expanding the employee communication platform to achieve information equality, and creating a just and harmonious organizational atmosphere. In addition, companies should try their best to meet the material needs and provide emotional care, to motivate workers to actively promote the accumulation and update of knowledge in the organization. The ultimate goal is to maintain the core competitiveness of the enterprise and realize its long-term development. Key words: perceptions of organizational politics, organizational support, knowledge sharing, traditionality, bootstrapIV 目 录 摘要.....................I Abstract..............II 第一章 绪论......1 1.1 选题背景与问题的提出..1 1.2 研究目的和意义.............. 2 1.2.1 研究目的..............2 1.2.2 研究意义..............2 1.3 研究方法.......................... 3 1.4 研究思路及技术路线......4 1.4.1 研究思路..............4 1.4.2 技术路线..............5 1.5 论文的创新点.................. 5 第二章 文献综述与理论基础........ 7 2.1 理论基础.......................... 7 2.1.1 压力理论..............7 2.1.2 社会交换理论......7 2.1.3 资源保存理论......7 2.2 组织政治知觉.................. 8 2.2.1 组织政治知觉的涵义.........................8 2.2.2 组织政治知觉的维度和测量.............9 2.2.3 组织政治知觉的相关变量研究.........9 2.2.4 小结....................10 2.3 组织支持感.................... 11 2.3.1 组织支持感的涵义...........................11 2.3.2 组织支持感的维度和测量...............11 2.3.3 组织支持感的影响研究...................12 2.3.4 小结....................13 2.4 传统性............................ 13 2.4.1 传统性的涵义....13 2.4.2 传统性的维度和测量.......................14 2.4.3 传统性的相关研究...........................14 2.4.4 小结....................15 2.5 知识共享........................ 15 2.5.1 知识共享的涵义15 2.5.2 知识共享的维度和测量...................16 2.5.3 知识共享的影响研究.......................17 2.5.4 小结....................17 2.6 研究述评........................ 18 第三章 研究假设和模型构建...... 19 3.1 理论分析与研究假设....19 3.1.1 组织政治知觉与员工知识共享的关系..........................19 3.1.2 组织政治知觉与组织支持感的关系..............................20 3.1.3 组织支持感与知识共享的关系.......21 3.1.4 组织支持感的中介作用...................22 3.1.5 传统性的调节作用...........................22 3.1.6 研究假设汇总....24 3.2 论文模型构建................ 24 第四章 研究设计与数据收集...... 25 4.1 研究步骤........................ 25 4.2 变量界定及测量............25 4.2.1 组织政治知觉的界定及测量...........25 4.2.2 组织支持感的界定及测量...............26V 4.2.3 传统性的界定及测量.......................27 4.2.4 知识共享的界定及测量...................27 4.2.5 控制变量的测量28 4.3 问卷设计与收集............28 4.3.1 问卷设计说明....28 4.3.2 问卷发放与回收29 4.3.3 数据分析............29 第五章 实证研究与假设检验...... 30 5.1 样本描述性统计分析....30 5.1.1 控制变量的描述性统计分析...........30 5.1.2 核心变量的描述性统计分析...........31 5.2 量表信度分析................ 33 5.2.1 组织政治知觉信度分析...................33 5.2.2 组织支持

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