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I 摘要 茶是大多数中国人日常生活的必需品,更是中国传统饮食文化的关键组成部 分。长期以来我国茶叶市场却呈现出茶叶种类繁多、种植加工分散、经营主体多、 知名品牌少、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展质量相对较低、市场竞争较为混乱等特点。为应对这一纷 乱的市场现状,使企业从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,研究和探索茶业企业的竞争战 略具有极强的现实指导意义。 云南CP茶业集团有限公司(以下简称“CP茶业”)成立于2005年,是一 家集普洱茶种植、加工、销售、科研、茶文化教育和推广为一体的高科技产业化 公司,凭借区位优势、自然资源、产业整合、渠道创新等资源和举措,一度成为 普洱茶欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内的龙头企业,但受到内外环境因素的影响,目前公司业绩增长乏力。 本文以实地观察、现场访谈、文献研究、对比分析等方法,运用PEST理论、五 力模型、资源基础理论、SWOT模型等理论工具,对CP茶业的竞争战略展开研究。 首先,从政治、经济、技术、社会文化等方面,对CP茶业所处的外部环境进行 了系统分析。第二,运用五力模型理论,对CP茶业所处的欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司进行分析。第三, 对CP茶业现状进行详细介绍,并从实物、人力、技术、品牌等视角运用资源基 础理论对CP茶业自身资源与能力展开分析。第四,运用SWOT分析模型形成矩阵, 结合CP茶业自身资源禀赋,勾勒其战略布局图。最后,为CP茶业设定科学的竞 争战略。根据研究,CP茶业应考虑差异化竞争战略,通过产品文化、产品定制、 产品功能等方面实现产品差异化,并通过渠道多元化、培育电商渠道、扩大销售 城市覆盖面以及积极开发海外市场等举措实现销售渠道差异化。论文最后从组织 变革、人力资源、信息化建设以及企业文化建设等方面提出了保障战略有效实施 的建议。 本研究通过对CP茶业内外部环境及自身资源禀赋的系统分析,为其提供了 一套切实可行的竞争战略,对公司的持续健康发展具有重要的指导意义,对其他 产业企业、农产品企业也具有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:茶业公司;竞争战略;差异化 Abstract II ABSTRACT Tea is not only a daily necessity for most Chinese people, but also a key component of Chinese traditional food culture.For a long time, China's tea market has been characterized by a wide variety of tea varieties, scattered planting and processing, many business entities, few well-known brands, relatively low development quality of the industry, and chaotic market competition.In order to cope with this turbulent market situation and make enterprises stand out from the fierce competition, it is of great practical guiding significance to study and explore the competitive strategy of tea enterprises. Yunnan CP tea group co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "CP tea") was founded in 2005, is a collection of tea cultivation, processing, marketing, scientific research, education and promote the tea culture as one of the high-tech industrialization of the company, relying on geographical advantages, natural resources, innovation of industry consolidation, channel resources and efforts, it became the site of puer tea industry leading enterprises, but under the influence of internal and external environmental factors, at present, the company earnings growth.In this paper, the competitive strategy of CP tea industry is studied by means of field observation, on-site interview, literature research, comparative analysis and other theoretical tools such as PEST theory, five Forces model, value chain model and SWOT model.First of all, the external environment of CP tea industry is systematically analyzed from the aspects of politics, economy, technology, social culture and so on.Secondly, the five Forces model theory is used to analyze the CP tea industry.Thirdly, the status quo of The CP tea industry is introduced in detail, and the value chain theory is used to analyze the resources and capabilities of the CP tea industry from the perspectives of object, manpower, technology and brand.Fourthly, SWOT analysis model is used to form a matrix, and CP tea industry's own resource endowment is combined to outline its strategic layout.Finally, set scientific Abstract III competitive strategy for CP tea industry.According to the research, CP Tea should consider the differentiation competition strategy, achieve product differentiation through customized production mode, product form innovation, product function development and other measures, and achieve channel differentiation through four channels, including franchising, e-commerce, direct selling and tourism shopping.Finally, the paper puts forward some suggestions from the aspects of organization and leadership, resource allocation and cultural construction. Through the systematic analysis of the internal and external environment of the tea industry and its own resource endowment, this study provides a set of feasible competitive strategies for CP tea industry, which is of great guiding significance for the sustainable and healthy development of the company, and also has certain reference significance for other industrial enterprises and agricultural products enterprises. Key Words: Tea company;Competitive strategy;Differentiation 目 录 IV 目 录 摘要 .................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................. II 第一章 绪论 ............................................... 1 第一节 研究背景 ................................................. 1 第二节 研究目的和意义 .......................................... 3 一、研究目的 ......................................................... 3 二、研究意义 ......................................................... 3 第三节 理论基础和文献综述 ...................................... 4 一、理论基础 ......................................................... 4 二、文献综述 ......................................................... 9 第四节 研究内容和方法 ......................................... 14 一、研究内容 ........................................................ 14 二、研究方法和技术路线 .............................................. 15 第二章 CP茶业公司外部环境分析 ........................... 17 第一节 宏观环境分析 ........................................... 17 一、政治环境 ........................................................ 17 二、经济环境 ........................................................ 19 三、技术环境 ........................................................ 21 四、社会文化环境 .................................................... 22 五、宏观环境分析总结 ................................................ 22 第二节 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司环境分析 ........................................... 23 一、中国和世界茶欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司概况 ............................................ 23 二、云南省茶欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状 ................................................ 25 第三节 竞争环境分析 ........................................... 26 一、欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内现有竞争者分析 ............................................ 26 二、供应商议价能力分析 .............................................. 30 三、顾客议价能力分析 ................................................ 31 目 录 V 四、新进入者的威胁 .................................................. 32 五、替代者的威胁 .................................................... 34 六、本章小结 ........................................................ 35 第三章 CP茶业公司内部环境分析 ........................... 36 第一节 CP茶业基本情况分析 ..................................... 36 一、公司概况 ........................................................ 36 二、经营状况分析 .................................................... 38 三、产品结构分析 .................................................... 38 四、本章小结 ........................................................ 39 第四章 CP茶业公司SWOT分析 .............................. 40 第一节 SWOT分析模型介绍 ....................................... 40 第二节 CP茶业公司的机会分析 ................................... 40 一、政策支持机会 .................................................... 40 二、普洱茶市场前景广阔 .............................................. 41 三、互联网时代的机遇 ................................................ 42 四、健康文化 ........................................................ 43 第三节 CP茶业公司的威胁分析 ................................... 44 一、茶叶种类多,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司企业多 .......................................... 44 二、产品同质化,新式茶饮料进入 ...................................... 45 三

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