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在如今的信息时代背景下,人类社会的半只脚已将迈入了 “万物 互联、智能计算、开放共享”的新时代。传统欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司纷纷向数字化转型, 智能制造、 工业互联网等新模式崛起,推动制造型企业在生产方式和 商业模式上发生变革。面对错综复杂的内外部环境,在充分竞争的市 场环境下,获取有价值的情报对于企业来说尤为重 要。 笔者工作所在的H集团是上海国资委系统的大型化工集团公司, 选择以H集团为背景研究建立情报共享体系与平台。本论文的内容包 括下面几个方面: 本论文首先从课题的 研究背景入手,同时介绍课题的研究意义、 研究方法和技术路线。第二章介绍论文的理论基础,讲述情报的定义 和情报共享的概念,接着从情报共享的研究领域、共享模式、问 题和 成因以及绩效研究等方面分析国内外研究情况。在第三章,通过对H 集团现有的情报资源和获取方式进行梳理,分别对总部和下属子公司 情报体系现状进行诊断分析,从组 织结构、情报人员、情报产品和情 报管理四方面总结问题。在第四章,为了解决H集团暴露的相关问题, 通过问卷调查和访谈的方式,详细了解和分析H集团总部和下属公司 对情 报的需求,构建了“集中采购、集中管理、共享服务”的情报共 享体系模型。第五章,H集团通过搭建情报共享平台来推动情报共享 H化工集团情报共享体系及平台构建研究 II 体系建设,本章首先介绍了情报共享平台的设计内容,随后为了保障 平台顺利运转,情报资源得以共享,提出了绩效管理模式。最终,在 运行使用后,对情报共享平台的应用效 果进行分析,与设计目标相互 印证。 本论文从系统、实用的角度为H集团公司研究、设计、构建了一 个高效的情报共享体系平台,能够有效解决H集团公司面临的情报共 享管理 问题,帮助情报人员和H集团管理人员进行情报分享。同时, 希望通过本文能起到抛砖引玉的作用,对其他企业的相关领域工作起 到一定的指导与借鉴作用。 关键词: 情报共享 ;体系设计;平台构建 H化工集团情报共享体系及平台构建研究 III Research on Intelligence Sharing and Platform Construction for H Chemical Group Company ABSTRACT In today's world, with the fantastic development of IT technology, human society will enter a new era of "interconnecting everything, combining virtual with reality, intelligent computing, and open sharing." Various industries have turned to digital transformation, and the rise of new models such as intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet has promoted changes in production methods, organizational forms, and business models for manufacturing enterprises. Facing the complicated internal and external environment, in a fully competitive market environment, it is especially important for enterprises to obtain valuable information. The H Group where the author works is a large chemical group company under the Shanghai State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and chose to study and establish an information sharing system and platform with the H Group as the background. This thesis starts with the background and significance of the topic selection, introduces the domestic and foreign research of the paper, reviews the relevant documents, and introduces the research content and research methods of the paper. Secondly, this article introduces the related content of intelligence, big data, sharing economy, enterprise information sharing system and model, and information sharing platform work system construction, etc., and lays a theoretical foundation for the research of H group information sharing system and platform construction researched in this article. Subsequently, this paper sorts out the existing intelligence resources and acquisition methods of the H Group, diagnoses and analyzes the current status of intelligence sharing between the headquarters and its subsidiaries, and summarizes the problems. Then, through questionnaire surveys and interviews, user needs are obtained, design goals are set around the needs, and finally a shared system model is constructed. On this basis, a performance management model is proposed on how to implement the H化工集团情报共享体系及平台构建研究 IV design requirements, implement and ensure the smooth operation of the platform. In the end, after the platform was designed and constructed, the effects of using the platform by the parties at the group headquarters and its subsidiary companies were analyzed, confirming with the design goals. This thesis researches, designs, and constructs an efficient information sharing system platform for H Group companies from a systematic and practical perspective. It can effectively solve the information sharing management problems faced by H Group companies and help intelligence personnel and H Group managers to share information. At the same time, it is hoped that this article can play a role in attracting bricks and attracting jade, and play a certain guiding and reference role in the related field work of other enterprises. Yang Xiaodong (MBA) Supervised by Zhang Kejing KEY WORDS:Information Sharing; System Design; Platform Construction H化工集团情报共享体系及平台构建研究 V 目 录 摘要 .......................................................... I 1 绪论 ......................................................... 1 1.1 研究背景 .............................................. 1 1.2 研究意义 .............................................. 2 理论意义 ....................................... 2 现实意义 ....................................... 3 1.3 研究方法及技术路线 .................................... 4 研 究方法 ....................................... 4 技术路线 ....................................... 5 1.4 论文创新点 ............................................ 6 2 相关文献综述 ................................................. 7 2.1 理论基础 .............................................. 7 情报的概念和定义 ............................... 7 情报共享的实质 ................................. 7 2.2 研 究现状 .............................................. 8 情报共享的研究领域 ............................. 8 情报共享模式的研究 ............................ 10 情报共享模式问题与成因的研究 .................. 11 情报共享绩效的研究 ............................ 11 2.3 文献评述 ............................................. 12 3 H集团情报共享体系现状与问题分析 ............................ 13 3.1 H集团情报获取与共享体系现状 ......................... 13 H集团概况 .................................... 13 H集团情报获取方式与情报来源 .................. 14 H集团情报资源汇总分析 ........................ 15 H集团情报需求特点 ............................ 18 3.2 H集团情报体系现状及问题分析 ......................... 20 H化工集团情报共享 体系及平台构建研究 VI 组织结构的问题 ................................ 20 情报人员的问题 ................................ 21 情报产品的问题 ................................ 22 情报管理的问题 ................................ 22 3.3 本章小结 ............................................. 23 4 H集团 情报共享体系设计与优化方案研究 ........................ 24 4.1 共享体系构建的需求分析和设计目标 ..................... 24 4.2 共享体系构建调研 ..................................... 24 调研问卷设计 .................................. 24 调研问卷结果分析 .............................. 27 4.3 共享体系构 建模型 ..................................... 30 共享体系设计目标 .............................. 30 共享体系模型设计 .............................. 30 集中采 购模式 .................................. 32 集中管理模式 .................................. 33 共享服务模式 .................................. 34 4.4 本章小 结 ............................................. 35 5 H集团情报共享平台建设方案 .................................. 36 5.1 情报共享平台框架设计 ................................. 36 总体框架设计 .................................. 36 子模块内容设计 ................................ 36 5.2 情报共享平台的 绩效管理模式 ........................... 41 绩效管理模式建立的必要性 ...................... 41 情报共享平台运行保障机制 ...................... 42 情报共享平 台情报共享机制 ...................... 43 情报共享平台奖惩机制 .......................... 45 5.3 情报共享平台应用效果分析 ............................. 45 5.4 本章小结 .......................

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