I 摘要 自女权运动开展以来,女性相比之前取得了前所未有的独立,在社会生活 的各个方面参与度也得到了极大地提高。然后由于女性本身、工作家
庭以及传 统观念等多方面的影响,女性在职业生涯发展的过程中仍然会比男性遇到更多 的阻碍。本文从这一切入点入手,以A企业的实际数据为案例,全面分析了影 响女性职业
生涯高原感受的因素。 本文首先分析了国内外关于女性职业生涯高原的研究现状,国外主要侧重 于职业发展天花板,国内主要侧重于性别歧视的方面,接下来对全文的结构和 研
究方法做了简要介绍。第二章以理论介绍为主,对人力资本与人力资源、职 业生涯、公平理论、职业生涯高原等概念做了概述,介绍了运用文献研究法、 问卷调研法对数据进行
研究的适用条件。第三章介绍了当前金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司现状,并 引入样本数据集A企业,对A企业的公司概况和人员从业数据进行了数据展示 和简要说明,引出了女性更容易遇到职业生涯
高原的推论。第四章针对A企业 的员工职业生涯高原调查问卷调研报告进行数据分析,从个人、家庭、工作、 社会四个方面对问卷中各因子进行分类归纳,对影响职业生涯高原感
受的各个 因素进行了分析,得出相应的结论。最后对这些因素展开分析,讨论其是如何 影响职业生涯高原感受的。第五章针对对A企业的分析结果,从个人、家庭、 企业和社会
四个角度提出了解决办法,希望可以对女性员工的发展起到一定的 指导意义。论文的最后,进行了总结并分析了可能存在的不足,对未来女性员 工的职业发展进行了展望,希望
可以对相关个人、家庭、企业和社会等有关方 面起到一定的指导作用。 关键字: 金融女性、职业生涯高原、数据分析 目录 II Abstract Since the development of feminist
movement, women have been more independent compared with the previous period. Women’s participation in social activities has been largely improved in
different aspects. However, women still encounter more obstacles compared with men in the process of career development due to women themselves, family,
work, many traditional concepts and so on. The present research makes the comprehensive analysis of factors on women’s plateau feelings about career
development. It is based upon the case study from A company. At the beginning, the paper reviews the present research upon women’s plateau feelings about
career development at home and abroad. Foreign studies are mainly concerned with career development ceiling. Domestic researches are mainly about gender
discrimination. The whole structure of the paper and research methods have been illustrated. The second chapter is about theoretical basis. Many concepts
such as human capital and human resources, career, fairness theory and career plateau have been illustrated. Application conditions for the literature
research and the questionnaire method have also been presented. The third chapter is about the present condition of financial industry. The data from A
company have been analyzed. Based upon the brief introduction of A company and description of personnel employment data, we can draw the conclusion that
women are more likely to encounter the career plateau. The fourth chapter includes questionnaire analysis about career plateau from A company. The analyses
have been done in terms of four factors including individual, family, work and society. Then, we came to the conclusion. Finally, these factors were analyzed
in detail. How the factors influence career plateau was discussed. The fifth chapter is mainly about solutions to analysis results. The solutions include
four aspects including individual, family, enterprise and society, which can be meaningful for the development of women’s career. In the end, the paper is
about summary of the present research and some possible shortcomings. We 目录 III look forward to development of women’s career in the future. The present
research may be helpful to individual, family, enterprise and society. Key Words: Financial women; Career plateau; Data analysis 目录 IV 目录 摘要 I Abstract
II 目录 IV 第一章 绪论 ···································································
···················· 1 第一节 研究背景及意义 ··············································
··············································· 1 第二节 国内外研究现状 ···················
·········································································· 2 第三节
论文研究方法及主要结构 ···································································
·········· 5 第四节 论文特色及不足 ························································
····································· 6 第五节 本章小结 ································
········································································· 7 第二章
相关理论综述 ······································································· 8
第一节 人力资源理论 ····································································
····························· 8 第二节 相关理论概念 ······································
························································· 10 第三节 本章小结 ···········
·············· 13 第三章 A企业女性从业现状 ··················································
········ 14 第一节 金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展背景概述 ······················································
·························· 14 第二节 女性从业者发展变迁······································
·············································· 17 第三节 A公司现状 ······················
18 第四节 A企业上海分公司从业数据统计 ···························································
····· 19 第五节 企业人员收入情况对比分析 ·······················································
················ 27 第六节 本章小结 ····················································
··················································· 30 第四章 女性职业生涯高原现象原因分析 ·······
··································· 31 目录 V 第一节 A企业女性职业生涯高原调查概述 ···················
········································· 31 第二节 调研数据统计分析 ·······················
································································ 32 第三节 影响因素数据及概念
概述 ···········································································
34 第四节 影响因素相关性分析 ···························