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新世纪经济形势的飞速发展,使企业面临前所未有的市场挑战,企业归根结底 是人才的竞争。人力资源是企业最有价值的资源,如何吸引人才、留住人才、激励 人才、充分调动员工的积极性、挖掘发挥员工的潜能,已经成为众多企业面临的挑 战。薪酬管理是人力资源管理中最核心的要素之一。探索科学有效的薪酬管理是企 业提高核心竞争力面临的紧迫问题。 沧州炼油厂作为一个大型的国有石化企业,原有的薪酬分配制度已经不能适应企 业竞争的发展需要,加快分配制度改革,建立与现代企业制度相适应的薪酬制度是 适应市场竞争的必由之路。 本文首先阐述了沧州炼油厂薪酬体系改革问题提出的原因和背景。综述了国内 外相关的薪酬管理理论,分析了沧州炼油厂原薪酬体系中存在的问题,提出了薪酬 改革方案。从构建经营管理、专业技术、技能操作三支队伍岗位序列入手,做好定 岗定编和职位分析,完善岗位说明书,为薪酬改革打下基础。根据企业生产经营实 际,设计了岗位薪点工资制度和绩效考核方案。并对实施薪酬改革和相配套的人事 制度改革提出了对策和建议。 关键词 炼油企业,薪酬体系,改革,岗位薪点工资 i沧州炼油厂薪酬体系改革方案设计 SALARY REFORMATION DESIGN IN CANGZHOU REFINERY FACTORY ABSTRACT With the development of economy, the enterprises confront with unprecedented market challenges. Competitions among enterprises are in fact the competitions of talented people. Personnel resource is the most important resource in the enterprise. Enterprises now confront with the challenges on how to attract the talented people, how to inspire the talented people, how to motivate the talented people as well as how to fully motivate the whole staff’s potential. Salary management is one of the most important factors in personnel resource management. The urgent problem of how to enhance nuclear competition of the enterprise is to find out a scientific and effective salary management. As a large-scale state-owned enterprise, the former salary assignment in Cangzhou Refinery Factory cannot cope with the competition of the enterprise. Speeding up the reformation of the salary assignment and establishing suitable salary rules is a must road to cope with market competition. In the dissertation, the author first states the background and the necessities of salary reformation in Cangzhou Refinery Factory. By introducing related theories on salary system in China and abroad, the author analyzes the major problems in Cangzhou Refinery Factory’s salary system and consequently puts forward salary reformation design. The design begins with building up Three Post Teams--- management team, professional technique team and skills operation team. At the same time, the design reflects the post assignment and the number of personnel in a post as well as post duty analysis, which lays a solid foundation for Salary Reformation. In the end, the author ii河北工业大学工程硕士学位报告 designs post salary scheme and performance assessment scheme according to practical experience and puts forward suggestions on related Personnel System Reformations concerning Salary Reformation. KEY WORDS: refinery enterprise, salary system, reformation, post salary scheme iii沧州炼油厂薪酬体系改革方案设计 目 录 第一章 引言1 §1-1 研究背景…1 1-1-1 企业背景…1 1-1-2 企业薪酬管理现状…2 §1-2 研究内容…3 第二章 国内外相关薪酬理论研究综述…4 §2-1 薪酬及薪酬管理的界定4 2-1-1 薪酬的含义4 2-1-2 薪酬管理的界定4 §2-2 薪酬管理的理论概述…4 2-2-1 薪酬管理的基本理论5 2-2-2 薪酬管理的研究动态7 第三章 沧州炼油厂现薪酬体系及其弊端分析9 §3-1 沧州炼油厂现薪酬体系9 3-1-1 岗位工资9 3-1-2 技能工资…9 3-1-3 工龄工资10 3-1-4 各类津贴与补贴…10 3-1-5 奖金…10 §3-2 沧州炼油厂现薪酬体系的弊端分析10 3-2-1 职工调查问卷统计11 3-2-2 现薪酬体系弊端分析…16 第四章 沧州炼油厂薪酬体系改革方案设计18 §4-1 薪酬改革方案设计基本原则…18 iv河北工业大学工程硕士学位报告 4-1-1 基本原则18 4-1-2 主要内容18 §4-2 岗位测评技术方案18 4-2-1 岗位设置方案18 4-2-2 岗位测评要素标准设计19 4-2-3 岗位测评方法和步骤…21 §4-3 薪酬制度改革方案…22 4-3-1 工资构成22 4-3-2 岗位类别划分和评定…22 4-3-3 岗位工资23 4-3-4 年功工资25 4-3-5 试用期工资…25 第五章 薪酬制度改革的配套措施27 §5-1 完善绩效考核方案…27 5-1-1 绩效考核原则27 5-1-2 考核的组织领导…27 5-1-3 车间和部门绩效考核…28 5-1-4 普通员工绩效考核30 §5-2 深化人事制度改革…31 第六章 结论32

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