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随着中国经济的高速发展,工业对环境尤其是水资源的污染日趋严重。水资源作 为人类赖以生存的根本,饮用水的卫生安全、废水再利用已成为缓解水资源短缺和推 动其可持续发展的核心环节。为确保用水安全和水环境的安全,杀菌消毒是水处理工 艺必不可少的一个步骤。大功率紫外线灯杀菌消毒系统由于其具有,①杀菌效率高, ② 不产生二次污染,③ 杀菌广谱性,可杀灭各种细菌、病菌、寄生虫类,④ 紫外消 毒无臭味,无噪声,⑤基建费用、运行费用较低,只须定期更换紫外线灯和清洗套管 ⑥ 紫外消毒技术运行安全可靠、安装维修简便、占地面积小、可以实现自动控制等优 点成为水体消毒的必然选择。 在欧美发达国家,大功率紫外线杀菌灯已广泛应用在城市供给系统、污水处理系统 等各类大型水处理工程的 UV 消毒系统中。到目前为止,西方发达国家已在各类污水处 理厂安装近 6000 套大型紫外线消毒系统,应用该技术的厂家约占污水处理厂总数的 10 %。我国在该工程项目上落后国外近 20 年。因此发展大功率紫外杀菌灯,并将其配套 的紫外线消毒系统应用于水处理领域,对提高我国的用水安全具有重要意义。目前国内 多为低压紫外线灯,仅适用于低浓度、小排量的小型水处理厂,发展高强度、大功率紫 外线杀菌灯具有广阔的市场空间。 本报告首先论述了该项目产生的背景和意义;运用战略管理的理论对项目内部环境 及外部环境进行了分析,从中发现大功率紫外线杀菌灯的潜在市场机会,并依此制定了 该项目的战略;随后运用市场营销的理论来进行市场细分、确定目标市场及进行市场定 位,并制定与之对应的营销计划;然后运用财务管理的知识制定财务计划,对该项目的 财务决策指标进行评价;最后运用风险管理的相关理论对项目执行过程中可能遇到的风 险进行分析并提出相应的风险控制对策。 通过本文研究表明,大功率紫外线杀菌灯市场前景广阔,项目的产品及配套服务具 有明显的优势,项目动态投资回收期为 3.4 年,内部收益率高达 35%,项目的经济效益 显著,而项目风险可控制在较低水平。研究结论显示本投资项目可行。 本商业计划书为 KW 公司提供决策参考,希望 KW 公司顺利实施对该项目的投资, 成功实现公司产品结构转型,以达到投资者、客户、员工乃至社会的多赢目标。 关键词,UV 杀菌灯;水处理;商业计划书II ABSTRACT Along with the rapid development of China economy, industrial pollution on the environment, especially on the water resources, has become increasingly serious. Water is the core of human survival. To ensure the health and safety of drinking water and establish the waster water recycling becomes the key links of mitigating the shortage of water resource and leading the way to sustainable development. For Water Supply Insurance, sterilization is essential for water treatment process. High power UV lamp disinfection system is the logical choice of water disinfection, for which has the following advantages: 1. high germicidal efficiency. 2. no secondary pollution. 3. broad spectrum activity, it can kill all kinds of bacteria, germs & parasites. 4. odorless, noiseless. 5. with low capital cost and operating cost, it only need to regularly replace the UV lamp and cleaning casing. 6. UV disinfection technology can operate safely, easy installation and maintenance, cover small area and can automatic control. In developed countries, high power UV germicidal lamp has been widely applied in UV disinfection system of all kinds of large scale water treatment project, such as urban supply system, sewage treatment system. So far, in Western developed countries there are more than 6000 sets of large UV disinfection systems installed in various sewage treatment plants, the plans applied the UV disinfection technology is about 10 percent of total number of sewage treatment plants. On this project, China is backward abroad for nearly 20 years. To develop high power UV germicidal lamp, popularize and apply the matched UV disinfection system in water treatment field, it has significance to improve water safety in China. In current market, there are mostly the low power UV lamp which is suitable for small-scale water treatment plants with low density and small displacement. So it will have a broad market to develop high-intensity and high-power UV germicidal lamp. This paper discusses the background and meaning of that project. To analysis the internal and external environment of that project by applying the theory of strategic management, from which we find the potential market opportunities for high power UV germicidal lamp, and then we make the project strategy. After that, we ascertain marketing segmentation, target market, market positioning by using the theory of marketing, and make a marketing plan. Following, we make the financial plan based on the theory of financial management, and evaluate the financial decision-making indicators. Finally, we analysis the risks which may encounter during project implementation process by using the theory of risk management, and table appropriate risk control measures.III This study shows that: high-power UV germicidal lamp market has broad prospects, the project products and matched disinfection system have obvious advantages, this project dynamic investment recovery period is only 3.4 years, its internal rate of return as high as 35%, its benefit is remarkable, and the risks can be controlled at a lower level. The study shows that investment of this project is feasible. The Business Plan provides decision-making reference for the KW company, and hope KW company successfully implement its investment in this project and restructure the product in order to meet investors, customers, employees and the community as a win-win goal. Key words: UV germicidal lamp; water treatment; business planIV 目 录 摘要.........................................................................................................................................I ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................................................II 图表清单.................................................................................................................................VII 第一章 绪论............................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究的背景及意义.......................................................................................................... 1 1.2 文献综述.......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 商业计划书............................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 战略管理理论........................................................................................................... 2 1.2.3 市场营销理论........................................................................................................... 4 1.2.4 财务管理理论........................................................................................................... 5 1.2.5 紫外线杀菌灯生产企业商业运作的文献综述....................................................... 5 1.3 研究方法与内容.............................................................................................................. 6 第二章 项目概况......................................................................................................................8 2.1 项目简介.......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 项目技术分析.................................................................................................................. 9 2.2.1 紫外线消毒技术及大功率 UV 杀菌灯(LPHO)的发展与现状......................... 9 2.2.2 项目核心竞争力..................................................................................................... 13 2.3 KW 公司及项目简介..................................................................................................... 14 2.3.1 KW 公司概况 .......................................................................................................... 14 2.3.2 项目组织架构......................................................................................................... 15 2.3.3 项目团队主要成员介绍.........................................................

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