随着科技的发展和人民生活水平的提高,智能设备在人们的日常生活工作 中越来越普遍,但由于机身电池容量的限制,对起到电池续航功能的移动电源 的需求也越来越大。SD公司移动电源产品的市场规模大,项目的市场定位准,公 司有研发、生产制造、销售渠道各方面的整合能力,移动电源项目对SD公司来 说,是个很好的市场时机。 为了把握市场机会,SD公司拟设立研发中心,聘请资深的研发人员,组成 有实力的优秀研发团队,开发设计出创新优质的产品;聘请优秀的营销人才组 成营销团队,配合可行的营销策略,预计能获得一部分移动电源的市场份额。 本文是为SD公司制定的商业计划书。首先介绍了本计划书的产生的背景和 意义,然后以SWOT方法对公司内外部环境和自身的优劣势进行了分析,发现市 场机会,选择项目战略。然后用3C方法对市场规模、竞争对手及自己的优劣势 做了分析,预测项目在未来3年的市场销售量;运用4P的方法制定了营销策略。 最后分析了项目的融资规模和融资方案,对项目的盈利能力做了预测,对存在 的风险进行了分析,同时制定相应的控制措施;并关注了项目未来的退出机制。 通过本文的分析表明,本项目的市场前景光明,项目的生命周期为35年, 项目的投资回报率高。结论是该移动电源项目的投资可行。 本计划书是为SD公司的项目决策提供参考,希望SD公司考虑本项目的投放, 以实现公司、员工、客户、社会的共同效益。 关键词:SD公司;移动电源项目;商业计划书 I MBA学位 作者:尹奥琴 SD公司移动电源项目商业计划书 ABSTRACT With the development of science and technology and the improvement of people's living standard, intelligent equipment and in the daily life of people work more widely, but because of the battery capacity constraints, so the demand of power bank is also growing. Power bank products market size, market positioning of the project,the company has Ihe ability to integrate all aspects of R & D,manufacturing, sales channels, power bank project on the SD company, is a very good market timing. In order to seize the market opportunities, SD company intends to set up R & D center, hire senior R&D personnel, composed of outstanding power R&D team, develop innovative quality products; hire excellent marketing talents of the marketing team, with viable marketing strategy, is expected to receive a portion of the power of the mobile market share. This article is for the development of micro source of the company's business plan. This article first introduces the background and significance of this plan is generated, and then to the SWOT method of internal and external environment and its own strength and weakness are analyzed, finding market opportunities, choose the project strategy. Then use the 3C method on tiie merits of market size, competitors and their potential to do the analysis, forecasting the market in the next 3 years sales; and to develop marketing strategies using 4P method. The final analysis of the project financing and financing scheme,on the profitability of the project be predicted, the risks are analyzed and corresponding control measure; and to project future exit formulated the exit mechanism. Through the analysis of this paper shows that, the market prospect of the project is bright, the project life cycle for 4 5 years, project a high rate of return on investment. The conclusion is that the mobile power project investment feasibility. The plan is to provide a reference for the decision - the source of the company's project, hope SD company consideration on this project. To realize common benefit for SD company,employees, customers, society. Key words: SD Company, Power Bank Project, Business Plan MBA学位 作者:尹奥琴 SD公司移动电源项目商业计划书 目录 一、绪论 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究思路与内容 1 (三)研究方法与工具 2 二、SD公司及移动电源项目介绍 4 (一)SD公司及移动电源项目概述 4 (二) SD公司及移动电源项目战略 6 (三)公司及移动电源项目的团队/企业结构 9 三、移动电源的研发制造及可行性分析 13 (一)产品描述及特色 13 (二)移动电源的研发制造 13 (三)产品可行性分析 17 四、SD公司市场和竞争分析 20 (一)市场规模及增长趋势 20 (二)竞争对手及SD公司的竞争优势 22 (三)未来3年市场销售预测 22 五、SD公司营销策略 25 (―)产品策略 25 (二)价格策略 26 (三)渠道策略 27 (四)促销策略 28 六、SD公司财务规划和融资 31 (一)融资需求与投向 31 in MBA学位 作者:尹奥琴 SD公司移动电源项目商业计划书 (二)融资方案 32 (三)盈利预测 34 (四)风险分析 35 (五)退出机制 38 七、实施日程 40 八、结论 43