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II 摘要 随着我国老年人口数量的剧增、家庭空巢化加剧,给社会供养带来了越来越 大的难度,社会养老负担日益加重,老年管理与服务类产业在我国老龄化日益严 重的今天,势必将成为一项飞速发展的蓝海产业,但目前我国现有的养老机构服 务质量偏低,从业人员缺乏专业的技术技能,满意度欠佳是不争的事实,所以提 升产业质量势在必行。 高校校企合作是以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向,以培养高技能技术型人才为 目标,遵循“合作带来共赢、共赢促进发展”的合作机制,充分发挥校企双方各 自优势,在相应领域建立长期、紧密的校企合作关系,突出学生实践能力的培养, 加强院校为地方和区域经济、社会发展服务的能力,是校企合作的意义所在。因 此,高职院校面向欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司产业,开始开设老年管理与服务类专业,通过与区域内的 老年管理与服务企业合作,可以提高专业核心竞争力,培养出养老产业真正需要 的人才。该专业的校企合作可以充分利用企业的养生敬老院作为学生实习实训基 地,企业也可利用学校现有的专业教师队伍和学生,提升专业服务产业的能力, 为企业储备优秀的专业技术人才,提供企业员工职业培训,校企共同合作开发科 研项目、提升研究课题质量。老年管理与服务专业属于新缺专业,在人才培养过 程中仍存在校企合作过程中发生争议无规可依、人才培养与岗位需求不对称、校 企共建实习实训项目未达到预期效果和专业人才质量难以监控等问题,如何优化 人才培养模式,提升产业服务质量,亟待我们去探索和解决。为了适应专业发展 的需要,老年服务与管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司多方寻找解决方案,通过构建校企合作调控保障机 制、加强校企双方在老年服务与管理专业人才培养内涵上的融通、校企联合开发 科研项目、规范专业人才培养模式、构建有效考核评价指标体系等手段,有效的 优化了该专业原有的人才培养模式,与此同时校企双方也在共同探索现代学徒 制、工学交替人才培养模式等新的育人模式,原有人才培养模式的优化、新育人 模式的探索,缓解了当地老年服务与管理专业人才的供需矛盾,也取得了比较理 想的效果。 本文主要采取文献研究、实证分析、对比分析等研究方法,通过对老年服务 与管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展的趋势、企业对该专业人才需求的现状以及该专业市场人才供需摘要 III 缺口的都做了深入的分析和探究,在坚持我国高等职业教育发展特色的基础上, 充分汲取德国“双元制”模式、英国“工读交替”模式、美国“合作教育”模式 等国外校企合作人才培养的成功经验,结合 K 企业近年来在校企合作人才培养工 作上所采取的主要措施以及取得的成效,展望老年服务与管理专业采用的优化创 新后的人才培养模式发展前景,从而得出结论:校企合作人才培养模式是高质量 培养老年服务与管理专业技能人才以及适应国内老年服务与管理欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司快速发展 需要的有效途径。 关键词:校企合作;老年服务与管理;人才培养模式Abstract IV Abstract As the number of elderly people rapidly increases and the empty nest phenomenon gets increasingly intensified in China, it has become more and more difficult for the society to provide for the aged, with the burden of social supporting becoming increasingly heavier. As the aging problem becomes more and more serious, the elderly services and management industry is bound to become a blue ocean industry featuring rapid development. However, services provided by the nursing institutions for the aged in China are currently low-quality, employees in these institutions lack professional technical skills, and the customer satisfaction is relatively low, all of which are indisputable facts. Therefore, it is imperative to improve the quality of the industry. As a cooperation mechanism believing that “cooperation brings win-win results which promote development” with providing services as the purpose, employment as the orientation and cultivating high-skilled technical talents as the objective, school-enterprise cooperation gives full play to the respective advantages of both universities and enterprises. School-enterprise cooperation aims to establish long-term and close school-enterprise cooperation relationships in relevant fields, highlight the cultivation of students’ practical ability, and strengthen the ability of universities in serving local and regional economies as well as social development. Therefore, to satisfy the industry needs, higher vocational colleges began to set up majors relating to elderly services and management. By cooperating with elderly services and management in the local place, higher vocational colleges can improve the core competitiveness of their majors and cultivate the talents really needed by the pension industry. As for school-enterprise cooperation with regard to such majors, schools can utilize health care and nursing homes as the training bases for students. Enterprises can also improve their professional services with the help of professional teachers and students in schools. Schools reserve excellent professional and technical personnel for enterprises and provide vocational training for enterprise employees. Moreover, schools and enterprises can work together to develop scientific research projects andAbstract V improve the quality of research topics. Since majors relating to elderly services and management are new and scarce majors, there are many problems remaining to be urgently explored and solved. For instance, there is no regulation to abide by if any dispute occurs during the process of talent cultivation; the talents trained fail to meet the job requirements; the internship training projects jointly organized by schools and enterprises fail to achieve the expected results; the quality of professional talents is difficult to monitor. Optimizing the talent training mode and improving the quality of industrial services admit of no delay. To promote the development of such majors, professional development, the elderly services and management industry seeks solutions in many ways. By establishing a school-enterprise cooperation regulation and control mechanism, strengthening the integration of schools and enterprises in the connotation of training elderly services and management talents, jointly developing scientific research projects, standardizing the training mode of professional talents and constructing an effective evaluation index system, the original talent training mode of the major has been effectively optimized. Furthermore, both schools and enterprises are also exploring new methods of cultivating talents such as the modern apprenticeship and alternation of working and learning. The optimization of the original talent training mode and the exploration of new methods of cultivating talents have achieved satisfactory results in alleviating the imbalance between supply and demand of elderly services and management talents in the local place. In this study, research methods such as literature research, empirical analysis and comparative analysis were used to deeply analysis and explore the development trend of the elderly services and management industry, the current situation about enterprises’ demand for professional talents in this field and the gap between the supply and demand of talents. Adhering to the development characteristics of China’s higher vocational education, the paper fully learns the successful experience of foreign countries in school-enterprise cooperation in talents training, e.g. the German mode of “dual system”, the UK mode featuring “alternation of working and learning” and the US mode of “cooperative education”. Based on the main measures taken by K Company in cooperating with schools in training talents and the results achieved during recent years, the paper explores the development prospect of the talent trainingAbstract VI mode achieved by the elderly services and management major through optimization and innovation, concluding that the school-enterprise cooperation talent training mode is an effective approach to cultivate skilled talents engaged in elderly services and management and to adapt to the rapid development of the elderly services and management industry in China. Keywords: School-enterprise cooperation; Elderly services and management; Talent training mode目录 VII 目 录 摘要......................................................................................................... I Abstract .................................................................................................... IV 绪论....................................................................................

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