随着社会的快速发展,当下对人才的评定标准越来越高。我国高校的教育体 制已经从应试教育逐步向素质教育转型和过渡,同时对人才的培养也需要高素质 的“综合性”人才。随着国家教育体制的不断改革和完善,为高校体育的发展和 进步带来了机遇和新的挑战。高校体育课程改革的目的是,首先,选修课的内容 要丰富多彩,将项目增多,把新的元素吸入到高校体育课程之中;其次,让每个 大学生都可以积极、主动的参与到体育锻炼中来,逐步养成终身体育意识。因此, 开发新的体育课程资源是现在高校体育改革的重点之一。在高校开展瑜伽运动提 高了学生的身体素质、培养学生良好的心理素质和健全的人格以及良好的社会适 应能力,有助于推动全民健身体育意识、拓展现行的体育课程内容、丰富了校园 文化生活、提高当代大学生的整体素质与社会的适应能力。 本文是在阅读和参考大量的相关文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的基础上,以研究黑龙江省地区 20 所高校中选取 10 所院校的体育教师和学生为研究对象,运用文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、教师访 谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等诸多研究方法相结合。通过对调查黑龙江省高 校目前瑜伽现在开展的状况,其中包括师资力量、场馆设施、校领导的态度和学 习瑜伽的动机和热情程度等,同时对瑜伽作为选修课引入黑龙江省高校课堂的可 行性、面临的问题、解决问题以及对策等进行全面调查、深入研究,并对高校瑜 伽选修课程做了初步的教学设计方案,同时也对开设瑜伽选修课提出了一些建议, 为瑜伽作为选修课在黑龙江省高校顺利开展提供了理论依据。通过对黑龙江省高 校开展瑜伽选修课的调查得出以下结果, (一)黑龙江省大部分高校在师资安排、场馆设施等多方面已经初步具备了 开展瑜伽课程的基本条件。少数部分高校已经成功开设瑜伽选修课,效果甚好, 这为其它高校开设瑜伽选修课提供了宝贵经验。 (二)黑龙江省高校开设瑜伽选修课的可行性依据有,1、以健康第一的指导 思想和终生体育观为开设瑜伽选修课程提供理论依据。2、本科院校开设瑜伽选修 课是学校体育改革的必然结果。3、浓厚的校园文化为高校开设瑜伽选修课提供了 环境。4、黑龙江省本科院校开设瑜伽选修课是学校体育过渡到社会体育的途径。5、瑜伽锻炼对人的身心健康具有重要的价值。6、部分领导、体育教师和专家给 与极大的支持与肯定。7、黑龙江省经济的快速增长和人民生活水平的提高为高校 开始瑜伽选修课奠定了物质基础。 (三)根据整篇文章的调查,针对现在瑜伽在黑龙江省本科院校的发展所存 在的问题,笔者认为,首先,要优化教学内容,改革教学体制,在教学过程中结 合电脑、多媒体等现代技术;第二,在可能的条件下改善瑜伽课程的教学环境、 完善场馆器材设施;第三,丰富瑜伽教学内容,借鉴其它体育课程发展的经验建 立、完善的考评制度。终身体育理念始终贯穿整个教学过程,进行多方向、多角 度的创新教学,使黑龙江省高校体育选修课向更高、更新的一个台阶迈进。 关键词,本科院校;瑜伽;选修课;可行性Abstract With the rapid development and evaluation of talent, needs more extensive. Higher education system in China has been gradually from the examination-oriented education to quality education transformation and transition, while the training is also needed high-quality comprehensive talent. As the state education system continues to reform and improve the development and progress of college sports has also brought opportunities and new challenges. The purpose of Physical Education in college, first the content of elective courses to a variety of projects increased, a new element to the PE curriculum inhalation; followed by the students so that each can be positive and active participation in physical exercise to gradually develop a lifelong awareness. Therefore, the development of new physical education curriculum resource is now one of the key reforms of college sports. Yoga at university, students not only improve physical fitness, psychology students good quality and good character, good social adjustment, and help promote awareness of fitness sports. Expand the existing physical education curriculum content, a rich cultural life on campus; improve the overall quality of college students and social adaptability. This article is a lot of reading and reference materials on the basis of relevant literature to study the 30 universities in Heilongjiang Province in 10 colleges and universities randomly selected from physical education teachers and students as the research object, the use of literature, teacher interviews, questionnaires, mathematical statistics, and many other methods combined. Universities in Heilongjiang Province by the investigation of the current development situation of yoga now, including faculty, facilities, school leadership and learning the attitude and enthusiasm for learning yoga degree, while the introduction of yoga as an elective course the feasibility of College Classroom , the problems, solutions to this problem and so a full investigation in-depth study, and yoga courses of university teaching to do a preliminary design, as well as elective courses on the creation of a number of recommendations yoga, yoga electivecourses for the University in Heilongjiang Province smoothly to provide a theoretical basis. Universities in Heilongjiang Province by the surveys carried out yoga about the results of elective courses: (A) Most of Heilongjiang Province has been teachers and college venues and facilities, and many already have the basic conditions for carrying out yoga classes. University have successfully created a small number of elective yoga, the effect is very good too, while for other elective of setting up yoga has provided valuable experience. (B) In Heilongjiang Province feasibility of setting up elective basis for yoga include: 1 Health First's guiding ideology and concept of lifelong PE elective courses for the creation of Yoga provide a theoretical basis. 2 Colleges offering Yoga School Physical Education elective course is the inevitable result. 3 Strong for the college campus culture provides an environment offering Yoga elective. 4 Universities in Heilongjiang Province to learn Yoga Course when the transition to a social sport sports channels. 5 Yoga Exercises to physical and mental health has an important value. 6 Leaders and experts and sports teachers to give great support and affirmation. 7 Heilongjiang Province rapid economic growth and raise living standards for the college began to lay the material foundation for yoga elective. (C) According to surveys the whole article: Universities in Heilongjiang Province for yoga is the development of a problem now, first to optimize the teaching content, teaching system reform in the teaching process with computers, multimedia and other modern technologies; where possible, improve the yoga classes under the teaching environment, Complex equipment and facilities; enrich the content of Yoga teaching, drawing on the experience of other sports curriculum development to establish a sound evaluation system. Lifelong PE teaching philosophy has always been throughout theprocess, the multi-directional, multi-angle of innovative teaching, so that the College Sports Elective even higher and a step forward. Keywords: college;Yoga;optional course;viability目 录 中文摘要........................................................... I ABSTRACT...................................................... III 目 录............................................................ VI 第 1 章 绪论........................................................ 1 1.1 研究目的和意义..................................................... 2 1.2 研究现状........................................................... 3 1.2.1 瑜伽在国外发展现状及研究现状..............................3 1.2.2 瑜伽在国内发展现状及研究现状..............................5 第 2 章 研究对象与研究方法.......................................... 8 2.1 研究对象........................................................... 8 2.2 研究方法........................................................... 8 2.2.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法................................................8 2.2.2 教师访问法................................................9 2.2.3 问卷调查法................................................9 2.2.4 数理统计法................................................9 2.2.5 问卷效度与信度检验........................................9 第 3 章 结果与分析................................................. 11 3.1 黑龙江省本科院校开设瑜伽选修课的理论基础.......................... 11 3.1.1 瑜伽运动的起源和发展..........