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啦啦操是一项具有独特魅力的新型体育运动,在短时间内便得到了世界上众多国家 的人们的青睐。早在 20 世纪 80 年代,美国举国上下都举行青少年、高中乃至大学学员 之间的啦啦操比赛。啦啦操已有了自己的世界锦标赛,成为一项世界性的竞技运动,人 们也开始建议将啦啦操列入奥运会的比赛项目。目前,我国啦啦操的发展还处于初级阶 段,在实践方面虽然已经取得了一定的成果,但与国外相比仍然存在很大的差距。 目前,我国开设啦啦操课程的大学也仅局限于体育院校,有些普通高校也只是有自 己的啦啦队而已。在高职院校开设啦啦操选修课有利于啦啦操在我国科学、持续、快速 地发展。 近年来,随着高等学校素质教育改革的不断深入,作为素质教育重要组成部分的高 校体育逐步树立了''健康第一的指导思想。为了贯彻这一指导思想,各级教育行政部门 对高校体育工作提出了相应的要求。2002 年教育部颁布了《全国普通高等学校体育课 程教学指导纲要》和《学生体质健康标准(试行)》,并于 2005 年下发了《关于进一步加 强高等学校体育工作的意见》,教育部周济部长提出了每天锻炼 l 小时,健康工作 50 年, 幸福生活一辈子的倡导。目前,高职院校已成为高校教育的一个重要组成部分,其体 育教学普遍存在着体育教材内容缺乏时代感,学生不感兴趣以及教学方法陈旧僵化,学 生不愿接受等缺陷。因此,必须要调整和补充高职院校现有体育教材的内容。面对新的 形势,为更好地适应高校体育教育的发展趋势和特点,最大限度地满足学生身心健康的 需要和社会的需求,依据《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》,在总结近几年 教学实践经验基础上,结合高职类院校的培养目标,特进行了高职院院校开设啦啦操课 程的可行性研究。啦啦操是一项深受广大群众喜爱的、普及性极强,集体操、舞蹈、音 乐、健身、娱乐于一体的体育项目。本文主要采用了文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法、调查法、实验法和数 理统计等方法,对高职院校开设啦啦操的可行性进行研究。研究结果表明, 1. 石家庄市高职院校的体育场地、器材设备已基本满足开设啦啦操选修课的客观 条件。 2. 舞蹈啦啦操倍受学生喜爱,说明开设啦啦操选修课是可行的。 3.啦啦操运动对提高学生身体素质、改善身体机能和身体形态有非常显著的作用,说明在高职院校开设啦啦操选修课是可行的。 4.高职院校的广大学生喜爱啦啦操运动,为啦啦操的发展打下了坚实的群众基础。 5.应加强专业啦啦操教师的培训工作。 6.为推动啦啦操的发展应加大媒体宣传力度。 关键词,高职院校 开设 啦啦操选修课 可行性Abstract Cheerleeding is a new type of athletic sports of unique fascination and have become very popular among many countries worldwide in a short time. As early as in the 80s of 20 th century, cheerleeding competitions were held among the juveniles, high schools and colleges all over the United States. Now, cheerleeding has its own world championship contests, and became a world competitive sport, so the suggestions are increasingly hot that cheerleeding should be listed into the Olympic competitions. Today, the development of cheerleeding in China is still in its initiative stage, which fell behind considerably comparing with that in other countries, although we have achieved certain fruits in practical fields. For now, the colleges that offered cheerleeding classes are limited within the physical culture institutes, and other regular higher educational institutes only have their own cheering squads. So the implementation of offering cheer dance as selective class in higher vocational colleges will guarantee a scientific, sustainable and fast development of cheerleeding in China. In recent years, with the deepening of the reform of all-round education in advanced educational institutions, the course of physical training in advanced institutuions, as a vital component of all-round education, gradually established the idea of health the foremost as the guideline. In order to carry out this guideline, educational administrative sections of all levels put forward relevant requirements, the Guiding Outline for the Teaching of Physical Courses in General Higher Educational Institutions of China and the Standard for the Students' Physical Health (Trial Implementation) have been published by the ministry of education in 2002, and the document of On Further Enhancing the Physical Training in Higher Educatonal Institutuions has been issued in 2005. Chinese educational minister, Zhou Ji acclaimed one hour of exercise in a day, healthy working for 50 years, and a happy living for a lifetime, as a proponent. Currently, vocationl college has become an importangt component of the higher education. There are many drawbacks widespreading in the physical training courses among various advanced vocational colleges, such as the complication, redundancy, and the lacking the sense of the times in the physical teaching materials, whichare not interested by the students either, as well as the old fashioned, stereotyped teaching method which is also the least receivable. Thereby, the content of the current physical teaching materials in advanced vocational colleges must be tailored for the sense of the times, facing the new trend, to meet the mental and physical requirements of students as well as the demand of the society as much as possible, by better complying to the developing tendency and the attributes of physical training in advanced institutions. In accordance with the Guiding Outline for the Teaching of Physical Courses in General Higher Educational Institutions of China, on the basis of summing up the experiences in recent years' teaching practices, in the combination with the training goal of the advanced vocational colleges, the feasible study of offering the cheerleading in advanced vocational colleges has been carried out in particular. Cheerleading is a sports item very popular in the public, with a potential of widespread, integrated with group gym show, dancing, music, body-building and entertainment. This thesis studies the feasibility of offering cheerleading in higher vocational colleges, mainly using the methods of literature searching, survey procedure, experimentation and mathematical statistics, etc. The study shows that: 1. The sports field and equipments on higher vocational colleges of Shijiazhuang city reach the objective standards in terms of offering the selective class of cheerleading. 2. Cheerleading is widely popular among students, which says something about the feasibility of offering cheerleading as a selective class. 3. The sport of cheerleading exerts very remarkable effects on improving the students' physical constitution, body function and shape, which is also supportive to the offering of cheerleading as a selective class in higher vocational colleges. 4. The vast extensive students in higher vocational colleges who are fond of cheerleading are a solid mass foundation for the development of cheerleading. 5. The training of cheerleading teachers should be enforced. 6. The media popularization should be more widespread and forceful in order to promote the development of cheerleading. Key Words: advanced vocational colleges, offer, course of cheerleading, feasibility目 录 摘要 Ⅰ Abstract Ⅲ 引言(绪论) 1 1 前言 2 1.1 啦啦操的定义与分类 1.1.1 啦啦操的定义 … 2 1.1.2 啦啦操的分类 … 2 1.2. 啦啦操是一项新兴的现代体育运动项目 1.2.1 啦啦操运动的起源与发展 2 1.2.2 啦啦操运动的功能 3 1.3 啦啦操运动的特点 1.3.1 团结协作性 … 6 1.3.2 动感活力性 6 1.3.3 风格突出性 6 1.3.4 目的性… … 6 1.4 研究现状 1.4.1 国外研究现状 … 6 1.4.2 国内研究现状 … 7 1.5 选题背景 1.5.1 石家庄市高职院校的特点 8 1.5.2 高职院校学生特点及开展啦啦操课的优势 9 1.5.3 选题意义 … 9 2.研究对象及方法 2.1 研究对象 … 11 2.2 研究方法 11 2.2.1 文献欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司法 112.2.2 调查法 11 2.2.3 实验研究法 11 2.2.4 数理统计法 13 3.研究结果 3.1 石家庄高职院校开设啦啦操选修课可行性现状调查结果 … 14 3.2 石家庄市高职院校开设啦啦操选修课问卷调查结果 … 14 3.3 实验结果 3.3.1 实验前后学生身体素质指标的比较 15 3.3.2 实验前后学生主要身体形态指标的比较 16 3.3.3 实验前后学生主要身体机能指标的比较 … 17 3.3.4 啦啦操练习过程中学生心率的变化 18 3.3.5 实验后学生调查问卷分析 18 3.3.6 实验前后学生自信心调查与分析 … 18 4 分析与讨论 4.1 高职院校开设啦啦操选修课的价值分析 … 20 4.1.1 啦啦操运动可提高大学生身体素质、增强体质、增进健康 20 4.1.2 啦啦操运动有益于高职院校学生心理的健康发展 … 20 4.1.3 啦啦操运动可以丰富学生的业余文化生活、促进校园精神文明建设 … 20 4.1.4 啦啦操运

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