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知识经济时代,市场竞争日益表现为人才的竞争,人力资源成为企业的第一资源, 员工成为企业的宝贵财富,维持稳定而有战斗力的员工队伍成为企业管理者需要重视 的问题。对企业而言,人员稳定是相对的和动态的,人才合理流动能够为企业带来新 鲜血液,增强员工队伍的活力。然而,一旦合理流动演变成持续流失,就会给企业带 来较大的压力,一方面正常的生产经营活动会因此受到干扰甚至无法进行,另一方面 会对在职员工士气造成巨大影响,导致员工队伍缺乏积极性和热情。尤其是在知识型 员工为主的企业中,员工的诉求相对复杂,欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司、企业和员工多方面因素共同导致员 工流失问题比较严重,成为亟待解决的当务之急。 实际上,由于一些现实的原因,员工流失在国有研究机构中表现的更为突出,基 于此种情况,本文以 H 研究设计院为样本,对员工流失问题展开系统研究,主要工 作包括以下几个部分: 首先,对研究背景和意义、国内外研究现状、研究思路和研究方法做了介绍。其 次,对支撑研究的相关理论做了梳理和介绍。接着,在介绍 H 研究设计院情况的基 础上,实施有效样本为 278 人的问卷调查,发现内部原因——激励不足在导致 H 研 究设计院员工流失的问题上权重最大,导致员工的忠诚度不高,具体表现在薪酬福利 水平较低、工作缺乏挑战性、遭受不公平对待、职业前景欠佳、对组织文化缺乏认同 等,外部原因和员工个人原因也现实存在但相对次要。最后,针对问卷调查的提示, 本文从外部、内部和员工个人三个层面设计了对策建议,力图通过优化和完善内部激 励机制设计来解决 H 研究设计院的员工流失问题。 鉴于内外环境因素以及知识型员工的诉求相对复杂,且问卷调查难以覆盖所有员 工,本文对 H 研究设计院员工流失问题所做的探讨难免会存在疏漏与不足,后期会 通过不断完善样本,加深对问题的理解和认知来加以改进。 关键词:知识型员工;流失;激励;策略;保障I ABSTRACT In the era of knowledge economy, market competition is increasingly manifested as c ompetition for talents. Human resources become the first resource of the enterprise, and the employees become the precious wealth of the enterprise. Maintaining stable and effective workforce is a problem that business managers need to pay attention to. Personnel stability is relative and dynamic for the enterprises. Reasonable flow of talents can bring fresh bloo d to enterprises and enhance the vitality of the staff. However, if reasonable flow evolves i nto continuous loss, it will bring greater pressure to the enterprise. On the one hand, norma l production and operation activities will be disrupted or even cannot be carried out. On the other hand, it will have a huge impact on the morale of the existing employees, resulting i n a lack of enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the staff. Especially in enterprises with knowledg e-based employees, the demands of employees are relatively complicated. The problems of industry, enterprises and employees have led to a serious problem of employee turnover, w hich has become an urgent task to be solved urgently. In fact, staff turnover in state-owned research institutions is more prominent, due to so me practical reasons. Based on this situation, this paper takes the H research and design ins titute as a sample to conduct a systematic study on employee turnover. The main work incl udes the following parts: Firstly, the background and significance of the research, the current status of the resea rch at home and abroad, research ideas and research methods are introduced. Secondly, su mmarizing and introducing the relevant theories of supporting research. Thirdly, a question naire survey with a valid sample of 278 people was conducted on the basis of introducing t he H research and design institute. It is found that the internal cause -- insufficient motivati on is the most important factor in the loss of H research and design institute employees. Th e low loyalty of employees, which is manifested in the low level of salary and welfare, lack of challenge, unfair treatment, poor career prospects, lack of recognition of organizational culture and so on. External and personal reasons of employees also exist but are relatively minor. Fourthly, the paper designs the countermeasures and suggestions from the external, internal and personal levels according to the tips of the questionnaire. We try to solve the p roblem of staff turnover in H research and design institute by optimizing and perfecting the internal incentive mechanism design. Finally, we discussed how to ensure the effective im plementation of the proposed countermeasures from the institutional, organizational, leader ship and individual levels in this paper.II Because of the relative complexity of internal and external environmental factors and the demands of knowledge workers, it is difficult to cover all employees by questionnaire. This paper discusses the problem of employee loss in H research and design institute, inevi tably there are omissions and deficiencies. Later, we will improve the sample and deepen t he understanding and cognition of the problem. KEYWORDS: Knowledge workers; Brain drain; Incentive; Strategy; Guarantee1 目 录 第一章 绪论 ................................................. 1 第一节 研究背景与研究意义..........................................1 第二节 国内外研究现状..............................................2 第三节 研究思路与方法..............................................4 第二章 员工流失问题的相关理论 ............................... 7 第一节 员工流失的相关理论..........................................7 一、员工流失概念 ................................................7 二、员工流失危害 ................................................8 三、员工流失管理方法 ............................................8 四、员工流失常用理论 ............................................9 第二节 员工激励的相关理论.........................................10 一、需求层次理论 ...............................................10 二、双因素理论 .................................................10 三、期望理论 ...................................................11 四、公平理论 ...................................................11 五、成就需要理论 ...............................................11 第三章 H 设计院基本情况及员工流失情况 ....................... 13 第一节 H 设计研究院的基本情况 .....................................13 第二节 H 设计院的组织结构 .........................................14 第三节 H 设计院员工流失情况 .......................................14 第四章 H 设计院员工流失的原因分析 ........................... 17 第一节 H 设计院员工问卷设计与调查 .................................17 一、H 设计院员工问卷设计........................................17 二、H 设计院员工问卷调查........................................18 第二节 H 设计研究院员工问卷调查统计分析 ...........................19 一、流失原因分布 ...............................................19 二、薪酬和福利满意度分析 .......................................20 三、对公司认同感分析 ...........................................20 四、对设计研究院工作量满意度分析 ...............................21 五、对设计研究院员工晋升满意度分析 .............................21 六、对企业文化满意度分析 .......................................22 第三节 H 设计研究院员工流失的原因分析 .............................23 一、外部环境原因:欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司景气度低 .................................23 二、内部环境原因:有效激励不足 .................................23 三、员工个人原因:特质与工作不匹配 .............................26 第五章 解决 H 设计院员工流失问题的对策建议与实施保障......... 272 第一节 解决 H 设计研究院员工流失问题的对策建议.....................27 一、推进业务转型,应对外部挑战 .................................27 二、完善激励机制,提升员工忠诚 .................................27 三、科学甄选员工,实现爱岗敬业 .................................29 第二节 解决 H 设计研究院员工流失问题的实施保障.....................29 一、制度层面保障:重视并完善激励机制 ...........................29 二、组织层面保障:建立学习型组织 ...............................30 三、领导层面保障:树立科学管理理念 .............................31 四、个人层面保障:让胜任素质说话 ...............................31 第六章 结论与展望 .......................................... 32 第一节 结论.......................................................32 第二节

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