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摘要 薪酬管理作为人力资源管理的重要环节,对企业有着举足轻重的作用。一 个适合企业的薪酬制度可以帮助企业吸引、培养和留住需要的人才,实现企业 的战略目标;反之,一个不适合企业的薪酬制度会让企业流失人才,阻碍企业 的发展。机场作为公共基础设施,一直依赖各级政府部门的扶持,可是随着航 空业的快速发展,机场企业必须依靠自己的优势资源,优化业务流程,提高运 行效率,加强企业的核心竞争力。因此,探索一条适合机场欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的薪酬制度有 着极其重要的作用。 本文以江西省机场集团公司薪酬体系为研究对象,首先概述薪酬管理理论 及能力素质模型相关知识;然后对江西省机场集团公司薪酬体系现状进行描述, 着重分析了其存在的主要问题;最后,根据江西省机场集团公司战略发展的需 要,融合基于能力的薪酬体系特点,建立适合企业的能力模型及任职资格标准 体系,构建了基于能力的薪酬体系,并提出了方案实施的保障措施。 本文采用理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,旨在通过薪酬理论的学习与 江西省机场集团公司战略分析,对其现有薪酬体系进行改进,为构建学习型组 织、增强企业核心竞争力提供基础,为员工职业生涯规划提出路径。同时,探 索其对机场欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司的普遍适用性。 关键词:机场集团;薪酬体系;改进;方案 I Abstract ABSTRACT As the important part of human resource management, payment management plays the pivotal role in enterprises. A payment system fitting for enterprise can help with attracting, training and retaining talented people, so as to achieve the strategic target of the enterprise itself. Conversely, one that does not fit may lead to the loss of the talented, and block the development of itself. Airport, as the public base installation, is always relying on the supports from government at all levels. However, with the rapid development of aircraft industry, airport enterprise has to be self-dependent on its superior resources, to optimize business process, boost the operating efficiency, and strengthen the core competitiveness. Therefore, exploring a suitable payment system for air industry is vitally important. This article themed the payment system of Jiangxi province airport groups company. At first, the summarize of theoretical knowledge of payment management and competency model was illustrated; afterwards, the status quo of Jiangxi province airport groups company was introduced, among which the existed problems were analyzed; at last, an idea, that the characters of payment system based on the ability can be merged according to developing of strategy of Jiangxi province airport groups company establish the ability models and qualifications standard systems, was put forward, and a safeguard measure of implementation was come up with.. This article adopts the method of combining theoretical research with empirical analysis, aiming at improving the existing payment system, setting stage for construction of learning organization and enhancement of enterprise core competitiveness, and proposing a path for career planning of employees, through learning the payment theory and strategically analyzing the airport group companies in Jiangxi province. Meanwhile, its general applicability for all the aircraft industry was explored. Key Words: airport groups; payment system; improvement; method ii S录 目录 第1章绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究目的与意义 3 1.2.1研究目的 3 1.2.2研究意义 3 1.3研究思路、内容与方法........* .4 1.3.1研究思路与内容 4 1.3.2研究方法 5 1.4研究的创新之处 5 第2章研究的相关理论 6 2.1薪酬管理理论 6 2.1.1相关概念 6 2.1.2薪酬的构成 , 7 2.1.3薪酬体系的构建方法 8 2.1.4薪酬体系的构建流程 :: 9 2.2能力素质研究相关理论 10 2.2.1能力与能力素质模型 10 2.2.2能力素质模型的类型及构建流程 12 2.2.3能力素质模型研究现状 13 第3章江西省机场集团公司薪酬体系现状 17 3.1公司概况 17 3.1.1公司简介 17 3.1.2公司组织机构 18 3.2公司薪酬体系现状 19 3.2.1总体情况概述 : 19 III 03.2.2现有岗位评估的内容及方法 20 3.2.3现有岗位绩效薪酬描述 23 3.2.4特殊人员薪酬构成 24 3.3公司现有薪酬体系存在的主要问题及原因分析 25 第4章薪酬体系改进方案构建 29 4.1改进方案确定的依据 29 4.1.1企业愿景 29 4.1.2核心战略 29 4.2改进方案构建 、 30 4.2.1企业职位簇梳理 30 4.2.2典型岗位能力素质模型构建 32 4.2.3典型岗位薪酬体系我I建 :........:.35. 4.3员工福利体系构建 37 4.3.1企业年金构建 37 4.3.2弹性福利体系构建 39 第5章薪酬体系改进方案实施保障措施 42 5.1提高高层薪酬激励意识提高薪酬执行力 42 5.2完善薪酬管理组织体系保障薪酬实施力 42 5.3畅通薪酬沟通渠道提高员工对薪酬的接受力 -43 5.4严格制度体系提升员工职业规划力 44 第6章结论与展望 : 45 6.1 结论 45 6.2进一步工作的方向 45 画 46

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