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F 汽车金融公司消费信贷业务市场营销策略优化研究 随着中国经济持续多年的平稳较快发展,中国汽车消费市场及相伴衍生而出的汽 车金融市场亦在近年来经历了爆炸式增长。在这个伟大的历史进程中,以整车制造商 (主机厂)为股东,从而与其产生密切关联的汽车金融公司——称为“专属汽车金融公 司”——抓住机遇,依托主机厂及其经销商网络快速发展,成为中国汽车金融市场最 重要的参与者之一,为促进居民汽车消费和金融市场繁荣发挥了十分重要的作用。 但与此同时,专属汽车金融公司亦应清醒认识所面临的空前的挑战和风险:2018 年中国汽车销售市场结束长达 28 年的连续增长,进入下行通道;互联网经济愈发深刻 地改变着产业生态,电动化、共享化、智能化、网联化等汽车“新四化”趋势方兴未 艾;汽车销售渠道不可逆转地向三线及以下城镇下沉;Fin-Tech(金融科技)、大数据、 AI(人工智能)等前沿科技引领汽车金融欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司营销和风控转型发展;大量融资租赁公司 强势入场,竞争进一步加剧……在此背景下,专属汽车金融公司绝不能再因循守旧、 固步自封,尤其是在日新月异的市场营销领域,必须顺应趋势,锐意创新,寻求突破, 引领潮流。 F 汽车金融公司(以下简称“F 公司”)是 F 汽车集团旗下专门从事汽车消费信贷 和经营性贷款业务的汽车金融公司,自成立以来取得了长足发展,资产规模、贷款余 额、市场份额和客户满意度等核心指标均跻身欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司前列,是专属汽车金融公司的典型 代表。但与此同时,F 公司也存在着诸多待改善革新之处,尤其是相较位于一线发达地 区的其他主流汽车金融公司,在市场营销领域仍有一定差距,需要通过持续不懈的富 有前瞻性的创新迭代寻求突破,迎头赶上,引领欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司未来发展。 本文基于对汽车金融公司所处宏观环境和微观环境的分析,以 F 公司消费信贷业 务为典型研究对象,以其市场营销策略及创新为研究课题,利用 PEST 分析法、SWOT 态势分析法对其内外部、主客观条件进行深刻剖析,使用 STP 分析法、4Ps 营销理论等 理论工具和文献研究法、调查研究法等研究方法对其营销核心要素(业务模式、产品设 计、渠道建设、促销投放等)提出创新发展建设性意见,为以 F 公司为代表的中国专属 汽车金融公司的营销创新和业务发展提供借鉴和参考。II 关键词: 汽车金融公司,消费信贷,市场营销III Abstract Research on Marketing Strategy Innovation of Consumer Credit Business of F Auto Finance Company With the steady and rapid development of the Chinese economy for many years, the Chinese auto consumer market and the accompanying auto finance market have experienced explosive growth in recent years. In this great historical process, the automaker (the main engine factory) is a shareholder, so that it is closely related to the auto finance company, called exclusive auto finance company, seizes the opportunity, relies on the rapid development of the OEM and its dealer network, becomes one of the most important players in China's auto finance market, and plays a very important role in promoting residents' automobile consumption and financial market prosperity. At the same time, however, the exclusive auto finance company should also be aware of the unprecedented challenges and risks faced. In 2018, the Chinese auto sales market has continued its 28-year continuous growth and entered the downtrend channel; the Internet economy has changed the industry ecology more profoundly. The trend of “new four” of automobiles, such as electrification, sharing, intelligence and network connection, is on the rise; the automobile sales channel irreversibly sinks to the third-tier and below cities; Leading-edge technologies such as Fin-Tech (financial technology), big data, AI(artificial intelligence) have led the development of marketing and risk control in the auto finance industry;a large number of financial leasing companies have entered the market with strong capacity, and competition has been intensified. . . Under this circumstance, exclusive auto finance companies must not follow the old-fashioned and self-sufficient, especially in the ever-changing marketing field, must adapt to the trend, be determined to innovate, seek breakthroughs, and lead the trend. F Auto Finance Company (hereinafter referred to as “F Company”) is an auto finance company specializing in automobile consumer credit and operating loan business under the China F Auto Group. Since its establishment, F Company has made great progress, and its core indicators such as asset size, loan balance, market share and customer satisfaction are among the top in the industry. It is a typical representative of exclusive auto finance companies. At the same time, however, F Company also has a lot need to be innovated and improved, especially compared with other mainstream auto finance companies located in theIV first-tier developed regions. There is still a certain gap in the marketing field, and it needs relentless and forward-looking innovation iteration, seeking breakthroughs, catching up and leading the future development of the industry. Based on the analysis of the macro-environment and micro-environment of the exclusive auto finance company, this paper takes F Company consumer credit business as a typical research object and uses its marketing strategy and innovation as the research topic, using the PEST analysis method and the SWOT situation analysis method. Internal and external, subjective and objective conditions are deeply analyzed, using STP analysis, 4Ps marketing theory and other theoretical tools and literature research methods, research methods and other research methods, put forward constructive opinions on innovation and development to its core marketing elements (business model, product design, channel construction, promotion, etc), and provide a reference for the marketing innovation and business development of China's exclusive auto finance company represented by F Company. Keywords: Auto Finance Company, Consumer Credit, MarketingV 目 录 第 1 章 绪论......................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景..................................................................................................1 1.2 研究的目的和意义..................................................................................1 1.3 研究方法..................................................................................................2 1.4 结构框架..................................................................................................3 第 2 章 相关理论和研究综述..........................................................................4 2.1 相关理论综述..........................................................................................4 2.1.1 PEST 分析模型 .................................................................................4 2.1.2 微观环境分析理论............................................................................4 2.1.3 4Ps 营销理论.....................................................................................5 2.1.4 STP 营销理论....................................................................................5 2.2 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司研究综述..........................................................................................6 2.2.1 相关概念说明....................................................................................6 2.2.2 国外欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展概述............................................................................6 2.2.3 我国欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展概述............................................................................7 第 3 章 F 公司消费信贷业务市场营销环境分析........................................10 3.1 宏观环境分析........................................................................................10 3.1.1 政治环境分析..................................................................................10 3.1.2 经济环境分析..................................................................................11 3.1.3 社会环境分析..................................................................................12 3.1.4 技术环境分析..................................................................................13 3.2 微观环境分析........................................................................................13 3.2.1 F 汽车集团内部环境分析 ..............................................................13VI 3.2.2 F 公司企业内部门分析 ..................

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