ContentsIntroduction Key Insights 03 The State of Ecommerce 04 Category Trends 07 Digital Content 09 The Purchase Journey 11 Developments in Ecommerce 16 Notes on Methodology 19 More from GlobalWebIndex 21 Commerce presents GlobalWebIndex’s very latestfgures for online commerce, consumer behaviors andengagement levels. Among other topics, this reportcovers: The markets driving online commerce trends The roles that different devices play in onlinepurchasing The changing dynamics of how people are paying forproducts The potential and current impact of social commerce,voice commerce, and New Retail Purchasing behaviors in specifc categories The important touchpoints along the path to purchase Key Insights The shift to mobileaffects all areas ofthe purchase journey Researching products, buyingproducts, and banking onlineare all mobile-frst activities.The PC is still popular andrelevant, especially in theWest, but with the riseof mobile payments, thecommerce landscape isbeing shaped by the smallerscreen. Social is a go-to inthe purchase journey Younger consumers look tosocial before search enginesfor information on products.Brand-consumer interactionis becoming more social andvideo minded. Subscription modelsare coming to the foreWithin entertainment,subscriptions are catchingup with or surpassingdownloads. Following inthe footsteps of flm andTV, music subscriptions arenow almost as popular asdownloads. Advertising can be anexperience, not thebarrier to experience Against a background of ad- resistance, the lines betweenmarketing and entertainmentare blurring, especially forbrands looking to reach outto younger consumers. Voice tech has thepotential to reshapethe competitivecommerce landscape Uptake for New Retail tech isin its infancy, but foundationsare being laid for it by sellersand manufacturers. Voicecommerce, driven the byability to tap into consumerconvenience, is now animportant tool for onlineretailers in routing consumersto their products. 03 Commerce The State of Ecommerce Flagship Report 2018 。。。。。。