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险评价和战略风险控制三个步骤,对 CT 集团的战略风险管理和控制进行研究,
系,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对 CT 集团的战略风险进行评价,建立
CT 集团战略风险决策模型,最终为 CT 集团进行风险控制提出了具体的决策方
业战略管理和企业运行两个方面阐述了战略风险的产生机理,为以后分析 CT
战略路线进行分析,对 CT 集团的战略风险进行识别,并据此构建 CT 集团战
基于 CT 集团战略风险指标体系,运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对 CT
最后,对 CT 集团的战略风险进行控制,建立 CT 集团战略风险决策模型,
最终为 CT 集团进行风险控制提出了具体的决策方案
关键词:CT 集团;战略风险;风险识别;风险评价;风险控制浙江理工大学硕士专业学位论文
The implementation of strategic risk management plays an important role in
improving operational efficiency and operating efficiency. Based on the related
theories of strategic management, risk management, decision management theory,
using the research methods of inductive method, comparative analysis method and
case analysis method, study the strategic risk management and control in accordance
with the three steps of strategic: risk identification、evaluation of strategic risk and
strategic risk control of CT group, established the strategic risk evaluation index
system which including 4 level risk indicators and 13 two level indicators of risk,
and evaluate the strategic risk of CT group by using AHP and fuzzy comprehensive
evaluation method, establish the CT group&39;s strategic decision-making model, finally
put forward the concrete scheme decision the CT group of risk control, and strive to
provide a reference for other enterprise strategic risk management.
First of all, this paper given the definition of strategic risk and the
characteristics of strategic risk, and expounds the formation mechanism of strategic
risk especially from the two aspects of enterprise operation and enterprise strategic
management which provide an important theoretical basis for the analysis of CT
group&39;s strategic risk management after.
Secondly, by PEST, Potter&39;s five forces analysis of CT group&39;s strategic
environment, strategy analysis, I identified the strategy risk of CT group, and
construct the index system of strategic risk management accordingly.
Thirdly, I use the analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive
evaluation method to evaluate the strategic risk of CT group.
Finally, the CT group strategic risk decision-making model is established, and
finally, given the specific decision-making program for the risk control of CT group.
Key Words:CT Group; Strategic Risk; Risk Identification; Risk Evaluation; Risk
目 录
Abstract.......... III
目 录.....V
1 绪论.....1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义......1
1.1.1 选题背景 ...1
1.1.2 研究意义 ...1
1.2 国内外研究现状..2
1.2.1 战略风险的概念 ...2
1.2.2 战略风险的内涵 ....3
1.2.3 战略风险的识别及评估 ....3
1.2.4 研究述评 ...4
1.3 研究内容和研究方法......5
1.3.1 研究内容 ...5
1.3.2 研究方法 ...6
1.3.3 研究框架图 ...........7
2 战略风险概念及产生机理 ....9
2.1 战略风险概念的界定......9
2.2 战略风险的特征10
2.3 企业战略风险的产生机理........10
2.3.1 战略管理过程中风险机理分析 .. 11
2.3.2 企业运行过程中战略风险产生机理 ......14
3 CT 集团战略风险识别........17
3.1 战略风险的识别对象、步骤和衡量标准........17
3.2 战略风险识别方法........17
3.3 战略风险识别方法在 CT 集团的应用 19
3.3.1 CT 集团简介 ........19
3.3.2 CT 集团当前发展战略 ....19
3.3.3 CT 集团宏观环境风险识别 ........22
3.3.4 CT 集团微观环境风险识别 ........24
3.3.5 CT 集团资源与能力战略风险 ....25
3.3.6 CT 集团战略管理风险识别 ........27浙江理工大学硕士专业学位论文
3.4 CT 集团战略风险指标体系的构建......27
3.4.1 CT 集团战略风险评价指标体系构建的原则 ....27
3.4.2 CT 集团战略风险评价指标体系 28
4CT 集团战略风险评价.........29
4.1 战略风险评价方法........29
4.1.1 层次分析法概述 ..29
4.1.2 模糊综合评价法 ..30
4.2 战略风险评价方法在 CT 集团的应用 32
4.2.1 层次分析法的应用 .........32
4.2.2 模糊综合评价法的应用 .35
5 CT 集团战略风险控制........39
5.1 CT 集团战略风险的预警管理..39
5.2 CT 集团战略风险应对方法......40
5.2.1 战略风险规避 ..
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