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司发行上市的每股股票估值在 18.44 元,对应 2016 年 12 月 30 日江西铜业的收盘价为
16.73 元有一定的低估,建议投资者买入。第二,有色金属欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司属于周期性欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,目前
The share price of a company fluctuates around its value and will finally return to its value.
If we are able to find out the values of listed companies by adopting certain analytical model,
and compare the result with the corresponding share prices, then we can provide clear
investment evidence to investors in the market. As a fundamental material industry for
economic development, nonferrous metal industry involves the interests of the state and the
people, and it is considered irreplaceable particularly in fields such as electricity and
electronics, consumer goods, machinery, transportation, and construction industry. This
paper chooses Jiangxi Copper Limited Liability Company (Jiangxi Copper, code: 600362.SZ)
as the research object of nonferrous metal industry investment value, and complete the
evaluation and research using the knowledge learned during MBAperiod.
This paper uses a top-down investment value evaluation approach. Through the analysis of
macro-economic situation, we realize that the investment policy of Chinese fixed assets has a
major influence on t he development of nonferrous industry, and that import, export and
consumption have a great effect on the price of copper. Secondly, we analyze the financial
ratio indicators, growth possibility and industry of Jiangxi Copper, and find that the company
is in good financial condition and is competitive in nonferrous industry. Thirdly, we evaluate
the value of Jiangxi Copper using P/E ratio, P/B ratio and discounted cash flow technique in
combination with financial indicators and expected profit. Finally, we give an appropriate
evaluation range for Jiangxi Copper and present corresponding investment advice.
This paper argues that: Firstly, based on P /E ratio, P/B ratio and discounted cash flow
technique, the value of each share issued by Jiangxi Copper is estimated at 18.44 yuan, and
the corresponding closing price on December 30th, 2016 was 16.73 yuan. Hence the value of
the share is undervalued, and we suggest investors buy in stocks. Secondly, nonferrous
industry is a cyclical industry and is in its trough at present. As a leading enterprise in
nonferrous industry, Jiangxi Copper has solid resource advantages, which will lead to great
profits for shareholders with the recovery of the industry.
The research significance of this paper: We evaluate the investment value of Jiangxi Copper
through multiple analysis methods, find that there is a positive correlation between the西安电子科技大学硕士学位论文
development of nonferrous metal industry and macro economy development, and obtain the
evaluation approach of investment value according to the feature of the industry. On the
other hand, this paper helps investors understand the current development of Jiangxi Copper
and its industry, and provides an appropriate evaluation range for investors.
Keywords: Jiangxi Copper , Investment value,Analysis and evaluation插图索引
图 3.1 固定资产投资增速和资金来源增速........... 16
图 3.2 三大需求对GDP的贡献率 2009--2015....... 17
图 3.3 铜欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司产业链结构... 19
图 3.4 世界主要国家铜金属储量 2015 年. 19
图 3.5 中国精铜消费结构... 21
图 3.6 近 10 年中国各类PMI指标对比...... 23
图 3.7 伦敦交易所铜库存量与铜价指数程负相关关系... 24
图 3.8 全球铜供需平衡表... 26
图 3.9 SHFE铜库存和铜的价的关系......... 26
图 5.1 2005-2016 年江西铜业股股票价格走势..... 46表格索引
表 3.1 GDP同比增长速度......15
表 3.2 中国进口和出口增速变化趋势..........16
表 3.3 中国精铜供需平衡表..22
表 4.1 江西铜业公司主要股东情况..29
表 4.2 江西铜业公司上市以来分红情况......30
表 4.5 有色矿采加工欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司分析..........32
表 4.6 江西铜业公司股份主营业务构成按产品分类..........32
表 4.7 江西铜业公司近三年来主要财务指标..........33
表 4.8 江西铜业公司每股指标..........34
表 4.9 江西铜业公司利润表摘要 2011-201534
表 4.10 江西铜业公司资产负债表摘要 2011-2015..35
表 4.11 江西铜业公司现金流情况 2011-2015..........35
表 4.12 江西铜业公司盈利能力情况 2013-2015......36
表 4.13 江西铜业公司存货情况 2013-2015..37
表 4.14 江西铜业公司债务情况 2013-2015..37
表 4.15 江西铜业公司比率指标 2014-2016..38
表 4.16 江西铜业公司成长情况 2010-2015..38
表 4.17 江西铜业公司盈利指标情况 2010-2015......39
表 4.18 江西铜业公司 2016-2018 年收入与利润情况预测.39
表 5.1 江西铜业公司
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