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关键字 财务岗位 BSC KPI 绩效管理 经营分析II
Our country&39;s enterprises in the process of market reform and opening up after
nearly 40 years of ups and downs, in groping exploration to the survival and
development of enterprises, has a very significant symbolic meaning of these
precious experiences for the development of enterprises Chinese. These experiences,
let the enterprise management personnel should be mindful of the enterprise
performance management, it can be said that the performance management of the
enterprise is the enterprise problem to some extent. But have to face. In the
performance management of private enterprises, we are looking for suitable tools and
ideas to standardize the management of the company. The theory circle of our
country does not stop to drop in industrial circles give advice and suggestions. This is
only for the financial department performance management plays an important role in
the enterprise to carry on the analysis, this is a very important role in the development
of enterprises pocketbook of enterprises. But the past experience of enterprise
performance evaluation but also highlights some management issues, the financial
sector itself such as the financial sector work responsibilities are not clear, the
financial personnel configuration is not reasonable, the financial position is not
complete job responsibilities, which are caused by the financial sector performance
appraisal method implementation, performance indicators, performance of work can
not be unable to develop to carry out the performance management. For enterprises,
but also to the company&39;s financial management problems. Therefore, the
performance of the financial sector and the management of the financial position of
the KPI indicators clear task imminent. In order to solve the DC company
management and performance evaluation of financial center, through the use of BSC
strategy map tool, combined with the company strategy and financial KPI, clearly
outlines the performance index of KPI company&39;s financial sector, and through the
planning and adjustment of organizational structure, financial center position fix
position, the financial sector KPI adjusted to the position, at the same time, also
added a quality assessment of financial personnel required indicators, making the
company&39;s financial departments and posts KPI is complete and executable. This is a
successful experience of setting up performance evaluation of KPI company&39;s
financial staff, it is worth learning and reference, this paper from the theory,
according to the DC&39;s face in the past financial personnel performance management
problems, and the later model by BSC and KPI, DC of the company&39;s financial
indicators for analyzing the process of KPI with the excavation, support reliable case
for the performance management of other companies in the financial sector.
Keywords :financial position BSC KPI performance management business
第一章 概论...........1
第一节 选题意义与背景.. 1
第二节 文献综述.. 2
第三节 创新之处.. 3
第四节 研究方法.. 3
一、 文献收集法........3
二、 实地调查法........3
三、 经验总结法........3
第二章 KPI 与 BSC 理论....4
第一节 KPI 理论... 4
第二节 平衡计分卡理论.. 4
第三节 企业 KPI 与 BSC 设计流程与逻辑关系.. 4
第三章 DC 公司 BSC 与财务 KPI 指标..... 6
第一节 DC 公司简介......... 6
第二节 DC 公司原绩效考核问题分析..... 6
第三节 DC 公司 BSC 与财务 KPI 指标制定流程. 7
一、 公司 BSC 战略地图的设计........8
二、 财务中心组织架构调整..........12
第四章 DC 公司财务 KPI 指标分析....... 40
第一节 DC 公司财务 KPI 指标分析—绩效满意度层面........... 40
第二节 DC 公司财务 KPI 指标分析-KPI 设置层面...... 43
第三节 DC 公司财务 KPI 指标分析-费用管理层面..... 50
第四节 DC 公司执行 BSC 绩效管理分析-公司财务层面.......... 53
一、 收入利润率分析表......53
二、 成本利润率分析表......54
四、 总资产盈利能力因素分析表..........
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