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With the development of the social economy and the process of the
technology,we have to demand higher requirements to innovation. The frequency
and speed need to be accelerated. Thus innovation has become the main driving
force of social development in today’s society. The integration trend of science and
technology , economy , society has become more and more obvious. The
development of today’s socio-economy is not only dependent on one side,but on
the interactive cooperation and the joint pushing forward of many sides,which is
the main trend. Under these trends,the development of industry-university-research
cooperation become more and more urgent,governments have also increased year
by year in efforts to promote the construction of industry-university-research
cooperation. Thus the development of industry-university-research has been pushed
to the height of development strategy. In the city of Harbin,which is the center of
the Northeast Economic Development,industry-university-research has become one
of the main ways of boosting the economy of the government and the adjustment of
industrial restructure. The good development of industry-university-research cannot
do without a good platform for cooperation. Therefore it is significant to the
development of industry-university-research of Harbin,even to the development of
the economy of Harbin.
This paper reviewed the research achievements of domestic and international
scholars, from the basic concepts and their theories,classified by the research
results and the experience of the past. We summed up the problems of
industry-university-research cooperation in Harbin and the current method. And
then we study how to build a better cooperation platform of Harbin. From the
present situation and the key factors of building platform,hierarchical structure of
the platform and its system structure,we have a detailed analysis of the construction
of building industry-university-research cooperation of our city. At the end,from
each subject and the angle of cooperation platform respectively proposed
countermeasures to the development of industry-university-research plat form.
Hope to have a reference in the practical work of university industry cooperation
platform for Harbin city construction.Abstract
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Key words: Industry-University-Research, Platform Construction, Operating Mechanism目录
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摘要 ...........II
ABSTRACT .......... III
第 1 章绪论.1
1.1 选题背景及研究意义 .. 1
1.1.1 选题背景 ........... 1
1.1.2 研究意义 ........... 2
1.2 相关概念界定. 3
1.2.1 产学研的概念 .... 3
1.2.2 产学研合作的概念......... 4
1.2.3 产学研合作平台的概念 . 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 ......... 5
1.3.1 国内学者相关研究........ 5
1.3.2 国外学者相关研究........ 7
1.3.3 对国内外学者研究的述评 ........ 9
1.4 本文研究方法、主要内容及创新之处 ........... 10
1.4.1 主要研究方法.. 10
1.4.2 主要研究内容.. 11
第 2 章 哈尔滨产学研合作平台现状及存在的问题 ......13
2.1 哈尔滨市产学研合作现状及问题 ....... 13
2.1.1 哈尔滨市产学研合作现状 ...... 13
2.1.2 哈尔滨市产学研合作的主要问题 ....... 14
2.2 哈尔滨产学研合作平台现状 .. 15
2.2.1 哈尔滨产学研合作平台的概况 ........... 15
2.2.2 哈尔滨产学研平台的类型 ....... 16
2.2.3 哈尔滨产学研合作平台模式 ... 17
2.2.4 哈尔滨产学研合作平台资源 ... 17
2.2.5 哈尔滨产学研合作平台的层次结构 ... 19
2.2.6 哈尔滨产学研合作平台的系统结构 ... 20
2.2.7 影响产学研合作的关键因素情况分析 ........... 20
2.2.8 影响产学研合作平台运行的关键因素情况分析 ........ 23
2.3 哈尔滨产学研合作平台建设存在的问题 ........ 25目录
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2.3.1 平台运行方式上存在的问题 ... 25
2.3.2 平台各主体间在认识上存在差异 ....... 26
2.3.3 平台缺乏真正的管理 ... 26
2.3.4 资金方面问题 .. 26
2.3.5 项目的来源 ...... 27
2.3.6 服务平台成果落地率很低 ....... 27
2.3.7 平台上各主体的忠诚度问题 ... 28
2.3.8 平台上各主体间需要相互支持 ........... 28
2.3.9 规模和专业性是平台运行的基座 ....... 28
2.4 本章小结 ...... 28
第 3 章 哈尔滨市产学研平台优化建设及模式选择 ......29
3.1 哈尔滨产学研合作平台建设规划 ....... 29
3.1.1 哈尔滨市产学研合作平台建设的目标 ........... 29
3.1.2 哈尔滨市产学研合作平台建设的原则 .......... 29
3.1.3 哈尔滨市产学研合作平台建设的重点内容... 30
3.1.4 哈尔滨产学研合作平台建设步骤 ....... 31
3.2 哈尔滨市产学研合作平台优化建设的模式选择 .......... 32
3.2.1 哈尔滨部分产学研平台失败的根本原因 ....... 32
3.2.2 哈尔滨产学研平台市场化模式运行的基础条件 ........ 33
3.2.3 经典模式和成功经验借鉴 ...... 34
3.2.4 哈尔滨产学研合作平台模式选择 ...... 36
3.3 本章小结...... 40
第 4 章 发展哈尔滨产学研合作平台的对策......41
4.1 产学研合作平台体系要完善 .. 41
4.1.1 建立专门的产学研合作研究中心 ....... 41
4.1.2 产学研合作平台需要整合建设 ........... 41
4.1.3 要注重特色高科技产业园的建设 ....... 41
4.1.4 政府管理服务职能要加强 ...... 42
4.1.5 科技中介服务体系向信息化方向发展 ........... 42
4.2 产学研平台运行体制应创新 .. 42
4.2.1 产学研合作平台必须市场化运作 ....... 42
4.2.2 产学研合作项目应来源于企业需求 .. 43
4.2.3 产学研合作的模式要边创新边完善 .. 43
4.2.4 政府应收购闲置专利 ... 43目录
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4.3 产学研合作的科技人员的队伍建设工作要加强......43
4.3.1 积极培养和引进高层次人才....... 43
4.3.2 科技人才的评价和奖励制度要进一步做完整...44
4.4 产学研平台政策支持要到位....44
4.4.1 支持和鼓励企业和社会资金对科技的投入......44
4.5 产学研平台合作机制和环境有待改善...........45
4.5.1 产学研平台合作机制要灵活.........45
4.5.2 科技成果交易市场要规范.45
4.5.3 建立和完善风险共担、利益共享机制....46
4.6 产学研合作的金融和财税支持力度要加大.. 46
4.6.1 从各方政府财政方向积极争取更多的资金投入...........46
4.6.2 产学研合作的金融政策要及时贴合实际改善...46
4.6.3 财税政策的合理运用是提高产学研合作的创新能力的关键..46
结论........ 48
致谢........ 57
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