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自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,金融危机和银行危机案例层出不穷。凡是危机爆发时,
本文以信用风险为视角、压力测试为主线、以某 S 城商行为例,通过几个部分来
监管管理委员会的管理要求和 S 城商行信贷业务实际状况、风险管理水平来构建信用
风险压力测试模型进行实证分析。在研究分析中,我们借助 Wilson 模型,利用统计
分析的方法定量地研究在轻度、中度和重度宏观经济压力情景下对 S 城商行信贷资产
不良率造成的影响,从而为 S 城商行的贷款政策、资本充足率水平和信用风险管理提
作 者:王恬恬
指导老师:陈作章英文摘要 我国商业银行宏观信用风险压力测试现状分析-以 S 城商行为例
Analysis on the current situation of macro stress testing
of commercial banks in China
--S urben commercial bank for example
Credit risk is one of the main risks facing the banking industry, which affects not only
all aspects of modern social and economic life, but also affects a countrys macroeconomic
policy and development, and even affect the stability of the global economy and the
coordinated development. Therefore, how to effectively measure and manage the credit
risk is the issue that the bank risk managers pay close attention to, and have to face all the
Since 1980s, the financial crisis and banking crisis have emerged in an endless stream.
When they happend, the banking industry realizeg that the financial system risk and
vulnerability not only from the innovation and development of the banking system inside,
more is from the macro economic and financial environment change,those unlikely but
destructive consequences may lead to extremely serious macroeconomic events on the
banking system . Andbanking industry before was lack of forward-lookingon this part of
the consequences of the foreseeable future,, and was too optimistic to the stability of the
banking system .
This paper comes from the perspective of credit risk,and use stress testing as the main
line, taking a S Urban Commercial Bank as an example, through several parts to elaborate
the research and application of stress testing in the credit risk management of our
commercial bank, and the feasibility of the credit risk management of Chinas banking
industry operation.
This paper uses the method of combining theory and practice, adopts the research
methods of multivariate statistical analysis and principal component regression, from the
credit risk management、credit risk stress testing theory and empirical analysis of credit
risk stress test, not only based onstress test theory,but also combined with management of
China Banking Regulatory Commission and the actual situation of S Urban commercial
bank. In the research, we use Wilson model and quantitative statistical analysis method to我国商业银行宏观信用风险压力测试现状分析-以 S 城商行为例 英文摘要
study effects of mild, moderate and severemacroeconomic stress scenario of S urban
commercial bank credit rate, so as to provide reference and theoretical support for the S
urban commercial bank’s loan policy, capital adequacy ratio level and credit risk
Key words:Commercial Bank; macroeconomic; stress testing; credit risk;
Written by:Wang Tiantian
Supervised by:Chen Zuozhang目 录
第 1 章 绪 论 .......1
1.1 商业银行信用风险压力测试的研究背景 ...1
1.2 商业银行信用风险压力测试的研究意义和目的 ...1
1.3 国内外信用风险压力测试研究分析 ..........2
1.4 研究方法、思路和基本框架 ..........3
第 2 章 相关理论及文献 ...5
2.1 国外文献综述 ...........5
2.2 国内文献综述 ...........5
2.3 总体评述 .......6
2.4 支持本研究的相关理论及简要分析 ...........6
2.4.1 马克思的银行体系内在脆弱性假说理论 ....6
2.4.2 凯恩斯的经济周期理论 ........7
2.4.3 明斯基的金融不稳定假说理论 ........7
2.4.4 资产价格波动理论 ....7
第 3 章 商业银行信用风险压力测试的理论分析...........8
3.1 商业银行信用风险理论 .......8
3.1.1 商业银行信用风险的概念和特征 ....8
3.1.2 现代商业银行信用风险计量模型 ....8
3.2 商业银行压力测试理论 ....15
3.2.1 国内外商业银行压力测试概述 ......15
3.2.2 商业银行信用风险的压力测试基本框架 ..17
第 4 章 S 城商行宏观经济信用风险压力测试的实证研究......26
4.1 S 城商行信用风险现状分析 ..........26
4.1.1 银行不良贷款总额数量大 ..26
4.1.2 信用风险集中程度高 ..........26
4.1.3 银行资本充足率情况良好 ..26
4.1.4 信用风险管理体系不完善 ..26
4.2 S 城商行压力测试分析 ......26
4.2.1 S 城商行信用风险压力测试目的 ...26
4.2.2 S 城商行压力因素、压力指标、承压对象和承压指标 ...27
4.2.3 变量和数据选取 ......27
4.2.4 信用风险压力测试模型构建 .........28
4.2.5 压力测试结果分析 .30
4.2.6 信用风险压力测试结果对 S 城商行信用风险管理的借鉴 ..........31
第 5 章 S 城商行宏观经济信用风险压力测试的现状与问题分析......32
5.1 压力测试体系不健全 .........32
5.2 开展信用风险压力测试数据质量不高 .....33
5.3 信用风险压力测试系统尚未搭建 .34
5.4 信用风险压力测试人才稀缺 .........35
第 6 章 建立和完善 S 城商行信用风险压力测试的政策建议.36
6.1 需要搭建信用风险压力测试体系 .36
6.2 需要完善信用风险数据质量,加快内部评级系统建设 .36
6.3 需要开发信用风险压力测试信息系统...37
6.4 需要培养信用风险压力测试人才队伍...38
参考文献 .....39
致 谢 .....41
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