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因为在管理和生产方面存在问题,导致内忧外患的 TY 纺织染整有限公司公司一度陷
象和信誉;第三步是确定合理的生产布局,这一措施是针对 TY 纺织染整有限公司的
生产效率;最后是实施 6s 生产,对于精益生产中的各个环节制定了细则,将精益改
中文摘要 精益生产在 TY 公司生产改进的应用研究革进一步具体化、明确化,有益于
益化是一个永无止境的改进过程。TY 纺织染整有限公司的精益化改进之路注定也不
关键词:生产优化、精益生产、成效、6s 管理
作 者:成台荣
指导老师:尹洪英精益生产在 TY 公司生产改进的应用研究 英文摘要
Application Research of lean production in TY company
Since implementation of reform and opening-up policies, a rapid development has
been achieved in Chinese economy and a considerable progress seen in China
manufacturing industry. However, when comparing with western developed countries,
some gaps still exist in various aspects. As an important part of China manufacturing
industry, textile industry is featured labor-intensive and conforms to the basic realities of
our populous country. So, during the past years, textile industry developed fast and became
an important part in national revenue of our country. However, along with industrial
structure adjustment carried out in China and due to changes in local and foreign economy
situation, Chinese textile enterprises have suffered great impact and quite a number of
problems and crisis have been revealed. In front of such a situation, textile enterprises must
carry out reform and transformation in order to drive the past prosperous and glorious
business into the future.
The company business operation method introduced in this paper is similar to that in
family businesses - a rather arbitrary management mode is adopted and collective wisdom
gets no way to play a full role. Since financial crisis in , problems in management and
production put the textile dyeing and finishing company with existing various internal and
external problems into great trouble for a time. Facing a situation like this, the leader of the
company decided to introduce Lean Production concept into the company.
In order to ensure a successful Lean Production reform, the author of this paper and
the leader of the company studied Lean Production theory, analyzed the company’s overall
existing production /operation status and problems. It was found that problems of different
levels were present in the company’s workshop layout, production process and production
site management. Toward these problems and company current status, we further carried
out reform necessity and feasibility analysis. Finally, we proposed a set of Lean Production
optimization steps based on Lean Production theory. The first step is systematic training,
including LP concept training for all personnel and LP training for front-line workers. LP
concept training for all personnel focuses on LP theory introduction with the purposes of
staff mobilization and forming an atmosphere of All People with One Mind for the LP英文摘要 精益生产在 TY 公司生产改进的应用研究
reform of the company; LP training for front-line workers focuses on cultivating front-line
workers with LP skills and habits based on LP theory and thus forming a sound basis for
subsequent LP renovation activities. The second step is evaluation of company production
capacity, with which the company’s production capacity can be confirmed for orders
received before production starts so that late delivery caused by insufficient production
capacity can be avoided and the company image and reputation in market can be improved.
The third step is establishing a rational production layout. This step was proposed
specifically for the unreasonably distributed production sites in the textile dyeing and
finishing company and aiming to eliminate wastes, such as waiting – a time waste caused
by unreasonably distributed production layout. The fourth step is implementation of
standardized operation and standardization of production process in order to realize
on-time production and increase production efficiency. The last step is implementation of
6s production, with which detailed rules have been established for each step of LP
production, therefore LP production reform becomes further detailed and definite and can
be carried out more smoothly in the company.
After a period of LP reform movement in the company, the overall situation has been
evidently improved. Afterwards, we carried out quantified improvement assessment for the
company. LP reform assessment was carried out in aspects of production delivery rate,
warehouse stock and product percent of pass. Moreover, we performed assessment for the
company culture change and employee occupational quality improvement. In general, the LP
reform can be regarded as a successful try and having reached the expected targets. However,
just as emphasized in LP theory, there is not “the best”, but always a better result can be
achieved in our future work. LP is an endless reforming process, so it’s deemed that TY
company will not be always smooth on its road for LP reform and some crooked roads have
been passed during its advance in LP reforming process. Although the company on its way
for LP reform has made some successes, some old and newly-occurred problems still need to
be solved quickly and more improvement is required in the company in coming days.
Keywords: production optimization, lean production, effective, 6s management
Written by: Tairong Cheng
Supervised by: Hongying Yin目 录
引 言 ...........1
第一章 绪 论 .......3
1.1 研究的背景及意义......3
1.2 国内外研究综述..........4<
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