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关键词 中小板;主要财务指标;股票价格;相关性分析;电器Ⅱ
Stock price refers to the stock at the prices of securities traded in the market, not
only affected by the changes in the external factors such as the national macroeconomic
environment, fiscal policy, the influence of the market supply and demand, etc, but
also by the company's financial information, such as the company's financial information
transparency, people's expectations of the stock market, and the market supervision,
etc. Among these factors,the majority of people can grasp the direct contact and effective
mainly disclosed financial information of listed companies, so the research and analysis
of the financial information of listed companies the correlation between stock price and is
necessary for investors. The financial indicators is directly and effectively reflect the
company's financial results and operating of the financial information, so this paper
choose the small and medium-sized board listed financial indicators as independent
variable, the stock price as the dependent variable, by using SPSS statistical software to
analyze data, and establish a model of empirical research, in regression analysis,
mainly reflecting the profit ability, operating ability, growth ability and cash flow
ability, capital stock expansion ability of financial indicators are placed in the regression
equation, dividing the stock price as the dependent variable,, through linear regression
analysis, the following conclusion: except operation ability, small and medium-sized
boards of listed companies there is significant correlation, financial information and
share price, in which the strongest correlation is between profitability and stock price,
the correlation between solvency and shares are also increased year by year, that’s to
say, investors in the investment not only focus on the profitability of the enterprise,
but also continue to consider the risk of enterprise ability, of course ,the price has
certain correlation with the value of other indexes. Through the above conclusion, we
hope the research to help investors to make investment and the development of the stock
market . for the investors to rational investment, analysis of key financial indicators,
and helping investors make a more accurate and reasonable investment plan, it can put
forward effective Suggestions. It is alse helpful to strengthen the attention to financial
information , improve the real financial information disclosure of the sense of
responsibility, ensure that the rue and correct.disclosure of financial information for
small and medium-sized board listed listed companies. In addition, it is necessary for
actively cultivate institutional investors to prevent big shareholders infringe on theIII
interests of small shareholders. Most investors are not particularly professional investment
knowledge, investment has the flock effect and blind investment. So it is necessary to
vigorously develop institutional investors, and improve the professional quality of
investors. Let those professional institutional investors on behalf of the financial
management, rational division of labor, raise its long. At the same time, to the
standardized management of financial information disclosure of listed companies in China
it also provide effective Suggestions, regulators should establish and perfect the
information disclosure system, constantly promote the efficient operation of the stock
market and rational allocation of resources
Key words Small and medium-sized board; The main financial indicators;Stock
prices; The correlations l analysisⅣV
目 录
摘 要 ··I
第 1章 绪 论 ·· 1
1.1 问题的提出· 1
1.2 研究内容和方法· 2
1.2.1 研究内容 · 2
1.2.2 研究方法 · 3
1.3 研究意义· 3
第 2 章 文献综述及相关理论· 5
2.1 文献综述· 5
2.1.1 国外研究现状 · 5
2.1.2 国内研究现状 · 7
2.2 财务信息与股价相关性的概述 · 9
2.2.1 信息观 10
2.2.2 计价模型观11
2.2.3 计量观11
2.2.4 研究方法的比较及选择 12
2.3 本章小结14
第 3章 研究设计·17
3.1 研究假设17
3.2 变量设计19
3.2.1 自变量的选取 19
3.2.2 因变量的选取 19
3.3 数据来源与样本选择20
3.3.1 数据来源 20
3.3.2 样本选择 20
3.4 本章小结21
第 4 章 研究结果及分析23
4.1 相关性分析23
4.2年样本数据的相关性分析比较 ·25Ⅵ
4.3 结论26
4.4 本章小结27
第 5 章 对策与建议29
5.1 对投资者的建议29
5.2 对上市公司的建议29
5.3 积极培养机构投资者30
5.4 对监管者的政策建议30
5.4 本章小结31
第 6 章 结论错误!未定义书签
第 1 章 绪 论
1.1 问题的提出
21 世纪,社会不断日新月异,经济不断突飞猛进。在这快速发展的经济中,证
上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易系统分别在 1990 年 12 月和 1991 年 7 月建立,标
志我国的证券市场步入正轨。我国股票市场已经具有 20 多年的历史,随着市场管理
刚开市的时候上市股票只有 5 只,而开户数也不足 40 万户。而发展到年底,
沪深两市上市股票数量已经增长到 2556 只,股票账户开户总数为 2.38 亿户,总市值
突破了 60 亿万元大关,增速不可谓不迅猛。当前阶段,证券市场不但是国民经济体
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