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基于此,本文以 2009 年~2012 年沪深股市 A 股上市公司的数据为样本,借
鉴 Richardson(2006)期望投资模型以衡量企业投资效率水平,并采用多元线性
Investment has played a very important role in economic and social development.
As one of the core issue of modern firm theory, investment decision-making has
played a vital role in the company to create its value. Investment can make the growth
of economic and the investment efficiency has a close relationship with the success of
the company, thus each enterprise hope to make an optimal investment decisions.
However, in the real world, the perfection of the market, information asymmetry and
the principal-agent conflict can lead to problems such as excess or insufficient
investment behavior. The main content of the corporate control theory is to study the
resource allocation in company. The separation of ownership and control makes the
enterprise control configuration be divided in the shareholders and board and
managers. Different ways of control configuration can make different influence on
enterprise's investment decision-making behavior.
Based on those options, this thesis uses the companies’ data as sample from year
2009 to year 2012 of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock market to find the relationship
between control configuration and the investment efficiency, and the results of the
regression model are as follows: ①different equity will produce different effects on
corporate governance and the state-owned holding companies are more likely to
produce inefficient investment behavior; ②The biggest shareholder’s shareholding
proportion has negative correlation with the investment efficiency and the
state-owned holding company performance more obviously; ③The management
ownership has positive relation with the investment efficiency significantly, and
non-state-owned holding companies performance more obviously; ④The independent
directors proportion has positive effect to reduce the investment efficiency and the
influence of the non-state-owned holding companies is more obvious. At the same
time, the joining together of two position is not conducive to business investment
efficiency. On the basis of regression analysis, the thesis put forward the methods to
improve efficiency in corporate investment from the nature of the company and the
biggest shareholder and the management shareholding and the board state. In addition,
this thesis lists the limitation of the full text, and proposes the prospect for future
related research.
Key words: allocation of control rights; investment efficiency; empirical research
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