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本文旨在以中冶集团资源开发公司(以下简称 MRDL 公司)在巴基斯坦经营近
理论和大量的实际调查访谈为指导,结合 MRDL 公司多年来与巴基斯坦相关政府部
础;第三章主要介绍了 MRDL 公司及 MRDL 公司的人力资源管理外部环境,随后就
第五章主要结合对 MRDL 公司人才流失问题进行分析的基础上,提出应对之策;第
六章为结论部分,对 MRDL 公司人才流失问题探析进行小结,并总结出资源企业有
The current era of economic globalization and integration has urged companies to
acknowledge the importance and value of talents, who are the source power of corporate
development amid ever more fierce competition. Therefore, modern enterprises pay
especial attention on questions such as how to retain talents, bring out their potentials
and keep talents’ personal improvement in line with companies’ prospect. Meanwhile,
only through pool of talents and effective human resources management can enterprises
take a foothold in the competitive market. Highly developed information network and
effective integration of resources, however, have greatly facilitated talent flow and
made brain drain increasingly troublesome for employers, especially for enterprises in
mineral development sector.
This dissertation intends to delve into the brain drain issue urgently confronted by
mineral enterprises through theoretical discussion based on Human Resources
Principles and case study that taking into account the operation experience of MCC
Resources Development Company (Pvt.) Limited (MRDL) in Pakistan during the past
decade and the company’s current internal and external environment. MRDL’s
communication and cooperation with Pakistani governments and local tribes were also
elaborated on, in order to offer reference and suggest solutions on talents-keeping for
other mineral development enterprises.
The dissertation is made up of six chapters. Chapter One introduces research
background, signification and major train of thought. Chapter Two mainly discusses the
relevant documents and theories of brain drain, laying a theoretical foundation. Chapter
Three presents information and background of MRDL’s human resources management
and explains the talents make-up in MRDL. Based on the above information, Chapter
Four then digs deep into the brain drain problem of MRDL. In Chapter Five, solutions
are tentatively offered after deep analysis. Chapter Six encloses this dissertation by a
brief summary and suggestion of five principles against brain drain for mineral
development enterprises: 1. Strengthen cross-culture management 2. Create harmonious
atmosphere 3. Keep a constant and steady working team 4. Establish a collaborative
development pattern 5.Set up effective training and development mechanism.
Key word: Brain Drain, International Enterprise, Human Resource Management
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