摘要M 公司作为国际知名工程机械品牌 K 在中国的代理商,受全球经济危机影响及国内政策调整的影响,公司销售受到了很大的冲击。在现阶段恶劣的市场环境中 , M 公 司 提 出 利 用 基 于 设 备 管 理 与 状 态 监 控 技 术 ( EquipmentManagement/Condition Monitoring, EM/CM)的客户主动服务系统,来提升客户服务水平,增强自身竞争力。但由于 M 公司缺乏系统规范的项目管理经验,在EM/CM 系统实施初期,公司只是简单的将这一技术手段在原有的日常工作标准操作流程进行“叠加嵌套”,公司原有职能式组织结构、业务流程等都没有做相应调整,因此在实施初期 EM/CM 系统并未达到预期的效果。项目管理相关理论和方法已经在国内广泛应用于新兴 IT 产业系统设计和开发、产品优化和升级等领域中,并且取得了显著的成果。但在国内传统欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司如工程机械欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司内,应用项目管理于售后产品服务支持方面还不多见。本文以 M 公司实施 EM/CM 系统为研究对象,利用现代企业项目管理的理论和方法,深入分析EM/CM 系统对企业原有运营模式带来的冲击和改变,提出一套针对 M 公司特征的 EM/CM 系统项目化实施方案。论文首先对前期项目的运行实施情况作出一个阶段性的评估以发现其中存在的问题;然后逐一对问题进行分析,找出问题的根本原因;在此基础上,提出 EM/CM 系统项目化实施方案;最后通过项目的绩效评估来验证实施效果。关键词:传统欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,项目管理,企业项目化管理实施,EM/CM 系统ABSTRACTAs the Chinese area dealer of brand K which is the world famous constructionmachine manufacturer, Corporation M has affected by the global economic crisis andthe domestic policy adjustment, and also impacted in the market performance. Becauseof the poor marketing environment, Corporation M launched the Proactive ServiceProject which based on the application of Equipment Management/ConditionMonitoring technology, hoping the success of this project could improve improve thelevel of customer service and their own competitiveness. In the previousimplementation, due to lacking the experience of systematic and standard projectmanagement, Corporation M has just simply “encoded” this technology into their dailywork SOP but has not adjusted the existed functional organization chart or businessprocedure etc at all. The project can not achieve the setting goal.Project management theory and methods have been widely used in the domesticemerging IT industry as system design and development, product optimization andupgrading etc, and they have remarkable achievement. It is not usual that using projectmanagement theory and methods in the domestic traditional industry such asconstruction machinery industry. This thesis focuses on the implementation ofCorporation M EM/CM system. By using the theory and methods of modern enterpriseprojectification management, deeply analyzes the impact and transforming of theimplementation of EM/CM system to the original operation mode, and completes afeasible plan for Corporation M. First of all, accomplish the periodic evaluation forprevious project implementation and finds the issues. Secondly, confirm the rootcauses based on on analysis of existing issues one by one. Next, resolve thoseproblems by applying the standard project management process groups and relatedknowledge areas. In the end, verifies the result by project performance evaluation.KeyWords:Traditional Industry, Project Management, Enterprise ProjectificationManagement Implementation, EM/CM System