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本文以经济传导效应介绍为开篇,阐述经济变革与转型在产业链下游企业 IT
部门 ICT 服务投资策略上的体现和引导上游 ICT 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展战略调整的必然性趋势,
同时引入 N 公司 ICT 产业链结构模型及其 X 客户 ICT 投资决策的过程为案例,揭
示经济结构变革大环境下对 ICT 产业链效能升级提出的迫切要求。
借鉴产业链融合的动机理论以及在商业环境中的具体应用,本文首先提出由 N
公司这样的 ICT 服务商来主动发起优化产业链结构的重要意义。在产业链融合战略
导向上通过 SWOT,五力模型等分析确定通过 ICT 产业链上游服务商向下游客户企
其次在方案设计上,本文通过以 N 公司为样本的 ICT 服务商在产业链融合方案
设计上的探索。以所在的 N 公司应对上述产业链优化的过程:在战略地图模型框架
指导下整理出一套从 ICT 服务运营模式;产品部署创新理念;到管理模式变革的演
进思路来推动产业链融合战略的落实。以 ICT 产业链下游投资取向为主导的战略定
量市场开发以及企业内部运作上的革新方案,将经济变革对 N 公司及下游实体经济
提出的挑战转化为可持续发展的机遇,为 N 公司的中长期发展规划提供参考和建
最后,本文将个案研究推广到欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司普遍适用意义,对 ICT 服务商的产业链融合
策略和具体实现方案进行应用讨论,介绍拥有不同价值链资产优势的 ICT 服务商启
动产业链融合战略的切入点。对于整个 ICT 服务欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司从投资驱动型模式向产业链融
合提高能效方向倾斜资源配置和 ICT 服务商加速产业链优化具有重要的理论价值。
关键词: ICT 产业链;产业链融合;战略地图;ICT 投资绩效。
The thesis intends to depicts ICT service provider’s future sustainable development
blueprint and the way to benefit ICT service provide and it’s downstream customer on
the ICT service industry chain with Win-Win approach. The thesis’s thread follows the
process of analyzing challenge and pressure to the ICT service industry that periodical
economy variation calls to; ICT service industry chain evolution and raising solutions on
restructuring ICT service provider’s business model, product deployment, and ICT
service provider’s resource configure optimization.
This thesis starts with the up-to-date economy background introduction and its effects
of economic conduction on industry chain. Then make it easier to explain the sequence
how business environment variation projects on preference change of downstream firms’
ICT investment; therefore leads upstream firms of industry chain to accommodate those
trends by adjusting their development strategies. Meanwhile, the thesis involve the ICT
service provider (N company’s) industry chain model and its customer X company’s ICT
investment decision-making process as one real case reference to reveal that business
environment change eagerly requests efficiency improvements on ICT service industry
Refer to industry chain integration motivation theories as well as their applications, the
thesis emphasizes the importance that ICT service company to lead the progress of value
chain integration. Assisted by SWOT, Porter&39;s Five Forces Model analysis, the thesis
declare: extend ICT service provider’s competitive advantage value chain to downstream
will be a key to reengineer conventional ICT service model; maximize the efficiency of
industry chain; solve the problem now they are having on hand and eventually bring
value added benefit to downstream customer.
Secondly, at the methodology design part, the thesis set N company as a research
target of industry chain integration exploration. By summarizing the N company’s
experiences in response to the ICT industry chain optimization practices which also
instructed by the strategic map framework, the thesis is trying to sort out a suit of ICT
service provider’s successful operation model; product/service deployment policies;
evolution of resource management to guide the program of industry chain integration
strategy. There could be a unique view angle of this thesis is that development strategy
should be evaluated dynamically with downstream customer’s investment preference, in
compare with conventional ICT service industry research. The thesis outputs with the
company’s assets configure methodologies which can apply to N company’s future
business expansion and the innovative development approach towards existing &
incremental market share. The output will benefit N company by turning business
variation challenges to business opportunities therefore gain sustainable development of
ICT service provider.
Finally, the thesis summarize the common ideas which can generally be applicable to
the whole ICT industry, especially the discussion of application feasibility to the
methodologies of ICT industry chain integration by introduce the different approach for
companies featured with various of value chain respectively. I believe it will also benefit
ICT service industry’s fine tuning with in sight of resource configuration; efficiency
upgrade; industry chain optimization in the industry’s future development powered by
performance orientations rather than simply driven by investment needs.
Keywords: ICT industry chain; Industry chain integration; strategic map; ICT
investment performance evaluation
第1章 绪论
1.1. 研究背景
中国自 2001 年加入世界贸易组织(WTO)以来,经济规模不断呈现出跨越式
著名经济学家王志乐在《跨国公司与中国加入 WTO 十年》
世对于中国经济发展的强推动力“入世 10 年,跨国公司全面进入中国,与中国经
加入 WTO 十年,中国对外经济的三大方面,即外贸、外资和对外投资都出现了超
乎人们预想的高速发展。从 2002 年到 2010 年不到 10 年的时间,中国对外贸易总
额从 5097 亿美元增加到近 30000 亿美元。2011 年前 10 个月是,中国外贸总额已达
到 2010 年全年的水平。加入 WTO 后,中国引进外资的数量与规模明显加大。从
2001 年引进外资 469 亿美元到 2010 年引进外资 1057 亿美元。2010 年引进外资比
随着 2001 年底加入 WTO,2002 年到 2010 年外资持续涌入中国,加速了国内
华企业分支又对 ICT 基础设施和通信网络有着的高度依存关系,因此 ICT 服务市场
从 2002 年开始的 10 年间,ICT 服务商在国内的发展迅速,为企业级信息化服
ICT 服务。同时,ICT 服务商借助于对欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司发展有着深刻认知;具备高水平的项目
《计世资讯》研究统计 2008 年 4 月 28 日发布,“2007 年中国 ICT 服务市场规模为
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