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Relationship Management of Assembly plant And Its Tier Suppliers
Assembly manufacturing forms of socialized production industry, the paper
focuses on the typical assembly manufacturing assembly plant how to manage and
deal with the core tier suppliers.
The so-called assembly manufacturing industry, including heavy and light
industries, heavy industries, including automobile manufacturing, equipment
manufacturing industry; Light Industry, including home appliances, electronics, small
machinery manufacturing. White goods manufacturing industry reshuffle after
numerous competition now survive appliance giant undoubtedly has brilliant
performance, but in the assembly manufacturing industry, in particular, low barriers
to entry specific. Belong to human social division of labor, the automobile
manufacturing industry complexity of most integrated industry, but the most
important characteristics of the industry chain a lack of competition. Essential
difference of the equipment manufacturing industry and the appliance industry, the
automotive industry in its basic cannot achieve a large number of quantitative
production, its order type, the only type of production model also has the distinction
with other assembly manufacturing.
In these three typical core businesses are the main mode of production, assembly
factories upstream and downstream enterprises to undertake the core of dominant
position in the industry chain, therefore Dubbed the assembly plant, assembly plant,
plant, synthetic plants and so on. Their parts, components of the production process is
generally called the supplier, supporting business, collaboration, processors, etc. A
supplier called direct suppliers or suppliers once, with the gradual refinement of the
social division of labor, the importance of supplier management is self-evident,
especially in large and complex products, heavy equipment, and high-tech products.IV
Large assembly plant, its supplier’s different categories: hundreds of types, thousands
of suppliers, hundreds of thousands of parts. How management and coordination of
the many features of different suppliers, assembly plant materials supply mission
success important consideration, but also determines the assembly plant how to
control the core issues of the industry chain.
Assembly plant corresponds to the suppliers; the general is in a dominant
position. Core tier suppliers related to the assembly plant development and the
stability of the supply chain, enhance its monitoring and support both to maintain its
own development, but also the entire industry group. Management of a supplier can
constantly optimize the supply channel, to ensure the quality and timely supply of the
procurement of goods, reduce the direct costs of the supply. The vast majorities of the
assembly plants are hoping to expand the scope of their control, or even want to
create a corporate empire governed by their own.
In this paper, Analysis of a typical assembly manufacturing industry, the core tier
suppliers in the industry, the supply chain, as well as its impact industrial chain; core
tier suppliers from the assembly of many types of manufacturing suppliers, different
levels of vendor differentiation in separate, individually explore and analyze. Turn to
the assembly plant to provide a management ideas, to explore how the assembly plant
and a supplier collaboration to maximize industry interests. Study such relations
management problem classification perspective, the perspective of state interest in the
management and suppliers of different types of targeted, the focus of the analysis and
management of comprehensive ideas and methods for the assembly plant
management supplier system .
key words:
Assembly manufacturing, assembly plant, Tier SuppliersV
目 录
摘 要......I
ABSTRACT ......... III
引 言.... 1
第 1 章 典型装配制造业的采购......... 2
1.1 不同类型的装配制造业 .... 2
1.2 典型白色家电制造业 ........ 2
1.3 典型汽车制造业 .... 4
1.4 典型装备制造业 .... 8
第 2 章 总装厂与零部件供应商的关系....... 10
2.1 供应商分类 .......... 10
2.2 总装厂与供应商间的问题 .......... 11
2.3 企业内部的车间与供应商的区别 .......... 13
2.4 一级供应商与二级供应商的关系 .......... 15
第 3 章 一级供应商在产业链中的作用....... 16
3.1 总装厂在产业链中的定位 .......... 16
3.2 如何在产业链中为一级供应商定位...... 21
3.3 关键零部件供应商影响总装厂 .. 22VI
3.4 核心一级供应商如何影响产业链 .......... 23
第 4 章 总装厂对一级供应商的管理........... 25
4.1 总装厂从技术支持角度的供应商管理.. 25
4.2 核心一级供应商的评价标准 ...... 27
4.3 引入与替换战略供应商 .. 31
4.4 监控与管理一级供应商 .. 33
4.5 政策性倾斜与战略扶持管理 ...... 34
4.6 管理及扶持核心一级供应商 ...... 35
结 论 .... 38
参考文献 .......... 40
致 谢... 421
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