The Internal Revenue Service strives to maintain the fairest and most effective system of voluntary tax compliance in the world. The environment in which we operate is complex and constantly changing, and the IRS must change with it.
For example, accelerating globalization and the development of new business models challenge IRS efforts to ensure that all businesses pay the taxes they owe. The tax laws are increasingly complex, and the role of tax practitioners and other third parties in the system is expanding. The explosion in technology has raised taxpayer expectations for new ways to interact with the IRS – and has significantly increased security risks, requiring more vigilance.
Even in the face of these challenges, however, studies of international tax systems show that the U.S. tax system is extremely effective, and the IRS has a highly motivated workforce that clearly understands its mission. The IRS must continue to deliver this high level of performance both in how we serve taxpayers and in how we enforce the tax laws. The Strategic Plan 2009-2013 will guide the IRS in this work by emphasizing two overarching goals.
Our first goal is to improve service to taxpayers