Limited Warranty for PV Modules JIANG YIN HAREON POWER CO., LTD. HUANG TANG INDUSTRIAL ZONE, XIAKE TOWN, JIANG YIN CITY, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA QUALITY WARRANTY 小组件有限保证 2017保证条款 1. Limited Product Warranty – Ten Years Repair, Replacement Remedy 有限产品质保——十年的修理或更换 HAREON POWER warrants its module(s) and laminate(s), to be free from defect in materials and workmanship under normal application, installation, use and service conditions. If modules fail to conform to this warranty during the period of Ten (10) years from the WARRANTY START DATE, HAREON POWER will, at its option, either repair or replace the product. The repair or replacement remedy shall be the sole and exclusive remedy provided under the “Limited Product Warranty” and shall not extend beyond the period set forth herein. This “Limited Product Warranty” does not warrant a specific power output, which shall be exclusively covered under Clause 2. hereinafter (“Limited Peak Power Warranty”). Note: For laminate product, silicon/tape sealing, framing, junction box mounting related process and materials flaws are excluded, the laminate defects such as scratch, dint, etc. potentially caused by following processing are also excluded. 江阴海润太阳能电力有限公司保证它所生产的光伏组件/层压件在正常使用、安装,当时科学、 技术水平下没有材料和工艺上的缺陷。如果组件同担保的条款丌相符,从质保期起始日起10 年内 生产商可以修理,或更换。基二“有限产品质保”条款,或依据质量保证书,仅限二10年内进行 修理,更换。故在此声明,此“有限产品质保”条款丌包含在下文条款事中与门提到的“有限峰 值功率保证”。 说明:海润提供层压件的情况下,层压件边缘密封,装框,安装接线盒等后续工序和材料引起的 组件外观和性能缺陷,以及因为这些工序的丌当操作造成的层压件本身的损伤丌在质保范围内。 2. Limited Peak Power Warranty - Limited Remedy 有限峰值功率保证——有限赔偿 Except for special case listed in clause 4, from the WARRANT