巴基斯坦建筑业导入绿色、精益和六西格 玛的关键影响因素研究 Critical Factors Affecting Green, Lean and Six Sigma Adoption in the Construction Sector of Pakistan 一级学科:工商管理 研究方向:质量管理 作者姓名: kramat Hussain (胡山) 指导教师: 何桢 (教授) 答辩日期 答辩委员会 主席 2022年02月 27日 姓名 职称 工作单位 李勇建 张敏 天津大学 天津大学 教授 教授 教授 教授 教授 许晖 南开大学 委员 吴晓丹 毛照昉 何曙光 河北工业大学 天津大学 天津大学 天津大学管理与经济学部 二〇二二年三月 Abstract Abstract Green, Lean and Six Sigma (GLS) approaches are critical in the construction practices for firm performance, competitive advantage and customer satisfaction. It can help Pakistans construction sector support sustainable development by decreasing waste, carbon footprint, and resource consumption. However, GLS adoption (GLSA) is not straightforward and is influenced by different contextual factors (drivers, barriers & enablers), and its promotion is challenging, especially for the construction sector of developing economies. Very few researchers attempted to identify and investigate the influence of different factors on GLSA and the impact of GLSA on firm performance (FP) through customer satisfaction (CS) and competitive advantage (CA). For GLS promotion, it is a prerequisite to identify, categorize, comprehend interrelationships and develop systematically structured models of factors influencing GLSA in the construction sector of Pakistan. Thus, the objectives of this study are: (1) to explore and analyze the drivers for GLSA; (2) to identify and examine the critical barriers to GLSA; (3) to explore and analyze the critical enablers to support GLSA; (4) to examine and model the influences of critical factors (CFS) on GLSA, as well as the moderating role of environmental proactivity (ENP) between drivers and GLSA, enablers and GLSA and barriers and GLSA. In addition, the dissertation examines and models the mediating role of GLSA between CFS and CS and between CFS and CA. The study selected factors from literature reviews and data collected from experts with que