分类号: UDC: 学校代码: 10139 学 号: 20201251091 硕士研究生学位论文 学生类别: 非全日制专业学位硕士 中文题目: 英文题目: 学位类别: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 良品铺子全渠道销售模式 Liangpinpuzi omnichannel sales model 工商管理硕士 柳建峰 侯淑霞教授 二○二三年九月 中文摘要 在人们的生活水准不断提高、消费不断提升的今天,小吃已逐渐成为人们日常 生活中不可缺少的一环。根据有关相关欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司显示,中国的休闲零食市场占比为世界 第一,2022年的市场规模为8749亿元,未来几年将不断攀升,复合增速预估为7.3%, 则2025年将突破一千亿,排名在前五位的是蜜饯类,坚果炒货类,香脆零食类, 面包糕点类,肉制品类,占了24.16%,占了18.26%,占了11.30%,占了11.30%, 占了10.70%,占了10.16%。 创立于2006年的休闲零食品牌良品铺子,目前在国内的零食欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司中位于头部, 产品线丰富,品类涉及肉类零食、坚果炒货、糖果糕点等多个品类,竞争力较强。 一直处于头部位置的良品铺子,有着较强的竞争力,但随着其他竞品的迅速发展如 百草味、三只松鼠,良品铺子面临的挑战和竞争仍然较为激烈。所以,面对这样的 大环境,对于良品铺子这样的传统零售业来说,如何对其进行营销渠道的改造和升 级已经成为当务之急。 本文通过文献法、案例分析法、数据分析法对良品铺子的现状现状进行分析, 其存在着线下门店分布问题、线上线下融合性差问题、渠道整合问题、营销缺乏 缺乏差异化和持续性问题,因此本文提出,从打破消费地域限制、建立线上线下一 体化营销策略、整合营销渠道、对各渠道开展差异化经营从而建立良品铺子全渠 道营销模式,最终实现全渠道零售。这对良品铺子实现长足发展至关重要,同时也 能够对我国休闲零食品牌的发展提供借鉴和帮助。 关键词:良品铺子;休闲零食;全渠道;营销策略 ABSTRACT While Chinas economic development and peoples living standards are improving, they are gradually aware of the superiority of nut fruits, and the market demand for nut fruits is increasing day by day, which has led to the expansion of their planting areas. According to statistics, from 2014 to 2020, Chinas nut harvest area continued to grow, and as of 2020, Chinas nut harvested area has reached 27,400 ha, an increase of 1.86% over the same period of the previous year. With the continuous acceleration of peoples pace of life and the continuous change of dietary structure, people began to adopt the "eat less and eat more" eating mode, making the boundary between meals and snacks more and more blurred, and the meal replacement of snacks puts forward higher requirements for the types and nutrition of snacks. There are many competitors in the nut fried goods industry, and although the track is getting smaller and smaller, the "super oligarchy" still has not appeared, whether in the nut field or in other fields, it is in a very divided state. Among them, represented by th