中文摘要 中文摘要 随着信息技术的创新和发展,职场压力的来源也日趋多元化,员工在角色塑 造和工作方式等方面产生了重大变化,而且面临的工作压力不只体现在工作强度 不断增强,还有压力形式和压力属性等方面的多样化。近几年来,在组织管理领 域中将不合规任务纳入了新型职场压力源研究的新方向。当员工被分配了不在自 身工作范畴内的甚至是不合理的工作时,往往会结合多种影响因素和途径对员工 产生不同程度的消极影响。 本研究基于公平理论,通过整合不合规任务(自变量)、付出-回报失衡(中 介变量)、代际差异(调节变量)和时间侵占行为(因变量)领域的国内外文献 欧亿·体育(中国)有限公司,在以往学者研究的基础上深入探讨企业不合规任务影响员工时间侵占行为 的过程,以及在这个过程中付出-回报失衡的中介作用和代际差异的调节作用。 基于此,本研究提出了研究假设和模型,通过问卷调查的方式收集了 338份有效 样本数据,并使用 SPSS25.0和 AMOS18.0等软件进行实证分析,最终得出以下 研究结果:企业不合规任务与员工时间侵占行为呈正相关关系,企业不合规任务 正向促进员工付出-回报失衡感,付出-回报失衡在此影响过程中起到中介作用, 而代际差异在不合规任务和付出-回报失衡之间的关系中起到调节影响作用。最 后根据研究结果,为企业管理者提供有效的激励措施和建议以推动组织健康发 展。 关键词:不合规任务;时间侵占行为;代际差异;付出-回报失衡 I 黑龙江大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With the innovation and development of information technology, the sources of workplacestressarebecomingmoreandmorediversified.Employeeshave significant changes in roles and working methods, and the work pressure they face is not only reflected in the increasing intensity of work, but also the diversification of the forms and attributes of pressure. In recent years, in the field of organization management, the non-compliance task has been included in the new direction of the study of new workplace stressors. When employees are assigned to work that is not within their own work scope or even unreasonable, different influencing factors and approaches tend to have different degrees of negative impact on employees. Based on the equity theory, this study integrates domestic and foreign literature in the field of non-compliance tasks (independent variable), payment-return imbalance (mediating variable),intergenerational difference (moderating variable)and time encroachment behavior (dependent variable), and on the basis of previous studies, explores the process of non-compliance tasks affecting employees time encroachment behavior. And the mediating role of payback imbalance and the moderating role of intergenerational differences in this pro