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密级:公开 论文类型:专题研究 工商管理硕士学位论文 M宠物食品公司产品营销策略研究 Research on product Marketing Strategy of M Pet Food Company 培养单位:管 理学 院 专业领域:工 商管 理 学生姓名:李 茂 校内导师:秦一方 副教授 校外导师:乔志东高级经济师 二○二三年五月 1 摘要 摘要 随着经济高速发展和人民生活水平的快速提升,宠物主的养宠观念也发生巨 大转变,宠物主更加注重对宠物的科学喂养和健康饮食,“它经济”已经成为消 费市场快速崛起的新生力量,加强对营销策略的研究将对企业的发展起着重要的 作用。 M宠物食品公司早期实现了规模和利润的同步增长,依靠的是高质量的产品 和传统的销售模式。但是随着国内宠物食品品牌不断增多, M宠物食品公司的销 售业绩开始下滑,再加上中国经济增速放缓,国内的宠物食品市场也有所萎缩, 因此 M宠物食品公司开始出现市场营销危机。本论文是在宠物食品市场迅速发展 的前提下,以国内外市场营销大量的相关文献和理论作为基础,研究 M宠物食品 公司当前面临的市场营销危机,并通过对 M宠物食品公司的真实市场营销现状进 行分析,尤其是对公司的宏观环境、竞争环境、内部环境进行深入研究,找到了 造成当前危机的根本原因所在:目标顾客定位不精细、促销方式不全面、顾客缺 乏产品购买体验感、宣传理念不丰富、渠道开发不健全,这些问题共同作用才最 终导致 M宠物食品公司的营销情况不断恶化。最终通过问卷调查分析、4C营销理 论应用,同时结合 M宠物食品公司的实际经营状况,优化企业营销策略措施,为 其制定科学有效的实施方案,帮助 M宠物食品公司摆脱营销危机带来的困扰,有 效地提高营销渠道的运行效率,增强市场竞争力。 关键词:宠物食品;市场营销策略;4C营销理论 Abstract Abstract With the rapid development of the economy and the rapid improvement of peoples living standards, pet owners have also undergone a great change in the concept of pet keeping. Pet owners pay more attention to scientific feeding and healthy diet of pets. "Other economy" has become a new force in the rapid rise of the consumer market. M Pet Food Company achieved simultaneous growth in scale and profits early on, relying on high-quality products and traditional sales models. However, with the increasing number of domestic pet food brands, the sales performance of M Pet Food Company began to decline. In addition, Chinas economic growth slowed down, and the domestic pet food market also shrank, so M Pet Food Company began to face a marketing crisis.On the premise of the rapid development of the pet food market, based on a large number of domestic and foreign marketing literature and theories, this paper studies the current marketing crisis facing M pet food Company, and analyzes the real marketing status quo of M petfood Company, especially the companys macro environment, competitive environment and inter

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