# 以下为纯文本简介,不带文件格式;详细内容请下载文档查看;
The economic
potential of
generative AI
The next productivity frontier
June 2023
Michael Chui
Eric Hazan
Roger Roberts
Alex Singla
Kate Smaje
Alex Sukharevsky
Lareina Yee
Rodney Zemmel
The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
Key insights3Spotlight: Pharmaceuticals
and medical products30 Chapter 1: Generative AI
as a technology catalyst4 Chapter 3: The generative
AI future of work: Impacts
on work activities, economic
growth, and productivity32 Glossary6 Chapter 2: Generative AI use Chapter 4: Considerations
cases across functions and
for businesses and society
488 Appendix53 Spotlight: Retail and
consumer packaged goods27 Spotlight: Banking28 The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
12 The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier
Key insights
Generative AI’s impact on
equal to an additional $200 billion
to $340 billion annually if the use
cases were fully implemented. In
retail and consumer packaged
goods, the potential impact is also
significant at $400 billion to $660
billion a year.
6.Generative AI can substantia。。。以下略