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A new era of
generative AI
for everyone
The technology underpinning
ChatGPT will transform work
and reinvent businessTable of 03Welcome to AI’s new inflection point
Contents 04How did we get here? | Milestones in the journey to generative AI
05Consume or customize: Generative AI for everyone
08A look ahead at the fast-paced evolution of technology, regulation and business
12Embrace the generative AI era: Six adoption essentials
19The future of AI is accelerating
21Glossary and References
A new era of generative AI for everyone | 2Introduction
Welcome to AI’s new inflection point
ChatGPT has woken up the world to A foundation model is a generic term for Business leaders recognize the significance
the transformative potential of artificial large models with billions of parameters. With of this moment. They can see how LLMs
intelligence (AI), capturing global attention recent advances, companies can now build and generative AI will fundamentally
and sparking a wave of creativity rarely seen specialized image- and language-generating transform everything from business, to
before. Its ability to mimic human dialogue models on top of these foundation models. science, to society itself—unlocking new
and decision-making has given us AI’s first Large language models (LLMs) are bothperformance frontiers. The positive impact
true inflection point in public adoption.a type of generative AI and a type ofon human creativity and productivity will be
Finally, everyone, everywhere can see thefoundation model. massive. Consider that, across all industries,
technology’s true disruptive potential forAccenture found 40% of all working hours
themselves.The LLMs behind ChatGPT mark a significant can be impacted by LLMs like GPT-4. This
turning point and milestone in artificial is because language tasks account for 62%
intelligence. Two things make LLMs game of the total time employees work, and 65%
ChatGPT reached 100 million monthlychanging. First, they’ve cracked the code onof that time can be transformed into more
active users just two months after launch, language complexity. Now, for the first time, productive activity through augmentation
making it the fastest-growing consumer machines can learn language, context and and automation (see Figure 3).
application in history.intent and be independently generative and
creative. Second, after being pre-trained
on vast quantities of data (text, images or
audio), these models can be adapted or fine-
tuned for a wide range of tasks. This allows
them to be reused or repurposed in many
different ways.
A new era of generative AI for everyone | 3 Machine learning: Analysis and prediction phase
How did weThe first decade of the 2000s marked the rapid advance viewed machine learning as an incredibly powerful field
of various machine learning techniques that could analyze of AI for analyzing data, finding patterns, generating
get here? massive amounts of online data to draw conclusions – insights, making predictions and automating tasks at a
or “learn” – from the results. Since then, companies have pace and on a scale that was previously impossible.
Milestones in the journey
Deep learning: Vision and speech phase
to generative AI
The 2010s produced advances in AI’s that search engines and self-driving cars use
perception capabilities in the field of machine to classify and detect objects, as well as the
learning called deep learning. Breakthroughs voice recognition that allows popular AI speech
in deep learning enable the computer visionassistants to respond to users in a natural way.
Generative AI: Enter the language-mastery phase
Building on exponential increases in the size and phase in the abilities of language-based AI applications. Models
capabilities of deep learning models, the 2020s will be such as this will have far-reaching consequences for business,
about language mastery. The GPT-4 language model, since language permeates everything an organization does day to
developed by OpenAI, marks the beginning of a new day—its institutional knowledge, communication and processes.2
A new era of generative AI for everyone | 4Consume or
Generative AI
for everyone
A new era of generative AI for everyone | 5

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