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“硕士论文_新生代员工工作场所乐趣对现场非正式学习的影响研究PDF”第1页图片 “硕士论文_新生代员工工作场所乐趣对现场非正式学习的影响研究PDF”第2页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
Relationship between Workplace Fun and Informal Field-
Based Learning about the New Generation Staffs
Major:Business Management
Graduate Candidate: Zhang zhi
Academic Advisor: Chenchun
In pursuit of a holistic learning environment, information is growing geometrically,
the old routine and balanced order is being broken, and employees need to improve their
learning abilityandobtain learningopportunities continuouslytomaintain their
development. Compared with traditional learning methods, informal learning is becoming
increasingly important in the workplace, as it helps employees to voluntarily accumulate
practical work experience and improve work skills and techniques that match their work
needs. Compared to "Other Intergenerational employees", new generation employees are
mostly self-centered, have poor emotional regulation ability and concern about the fun in
the workplace. So how to promote informal learning in the workplace for the new
generation is becoming a hot topic of research. Workplace fun is a vital element in
organizational achievement, "Working for fun" is favored by managers, and more and
more companies are committed to creating a "fun, open, and relaxed" work environment
to help the new generation of employees adapt to coworker relationships, organizational
culture, and work content. This paper explores the relationship between workplace fun
and Informal Field-Based learning at the individual level based on the social exchange
theory perspective. It introduces organizational support and values matching into the
research model to answer the question of how workplace fun facilitates employees'
Informal Field-Based learning and its intrinsic influence mechanism.
This paper reviews the findings of related studies at home and abroad, uses empirical
analysis of new generation employee data by using statistical software empirically test on
393 samples collected through Questionnaire survey. The main conclusions of the survey
are as listed below: First, workplace fun positively influences Informal Field-Based
Learning; Second, workplace fun also has a significant positive effect on the sense of
organizational support; Third,the sense of organizational supportpartially paly a
mediating role between workplace funand Informal Field-Based learning; Fourth,
person-organization value matching can moderate the influences of workplace fun on
feelings of institutional support.
Finally, based on the existing research,the following suggestions are put forword
on the management of the new generation of employees: (1) to promote the practice of
fun in the workplace ; (2) to enhance the sense of organizational support of the new
generation of employees; (3) to coordinate the new generation of employees Individual
and organizational values fit. On this basis, the organization will pay more attention to
building a supportive learning climate that promotes Informal Field-Based learning in a
fun environment for new generation employees to improve organizational performance
for efficient corporate HRM construction.
Organizational Support, New Generation Staffs
摘要:............ I
Abstract......... II
1 绪论........... 1
1.1 选题背景............ 1
1.2 研究目的............ 2
1.3 研究意义............ 3
1.4 研究内容............ 4
1.5 研究方法与框架...... 5
1.6 拟解决的关键问题以及创新点........ 6
2 研究综述....... 7
2.1 工作场所乐趣相关研究....... 7
2.2 现场非正式学习相关研究..... 9
2.3 组织支持感相关研究........ 11
2.4 价值观匹配相关研究........ 13
2.5 文献述评........... 14
3 理论分析与研究假设.......... 15
3.1 理论基础........... 15
3.2 研究假设........... 16
4 问卷设计与数据收集.......... 22
4.1 问卷设计........... 22
4.2 预调研............. 22
4.3 正式调研........... 24
4.4 统计方法........... 25

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