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“硕士毕业论文_消费者预期内疚情绪对绿色消费意愿的影响研究PDF”第1页图片 “硕士毕业论文_消费者预期内疚情绪对绿色消费意愿的影响研究PDF”第2页图片 图片预览结束,如需查阅完整内容,请下载文档!
At present, as a series of social problems such as global warming, industrial pollution and
ecological destruction become more and more serious, people gradually realize the importance
of harmony between man and nature, and the awareness of environmental protection is
gradually improved. As a consumption conceptthat keeps pace with the times,green
consumption has also been vigorously advocated and popularized in recent years. At the same
time, asan importantsubject of socialconstruction, consumersplay avital role in
environmental protection. According to some researchers, individual consuming behaviors are
responsible for more than a third of environmental concerns. Exploring the elements that
influence green purchasing behavior from the perspective of consumers is a critical step in
advocating for the adoption of the green and low-carbon concepts, and it also offers a
foundation for human society to accomplish the objective of sustainable development.
Green consumption intention has long been a hot topic in consumer behavior research as
an explanatory variable of green purchasing behavior. Integration of previous research of
scholars both at home and abroad, found that some scholars focus on the population statistics,
government policy, social support and other external factors and environmental consciousness,
perceived value,environmental responsibility moralfactors suchas environment, and
individual psychological characteristics, self concept and specific emotions such as individual
psychological characteristics study of the impact of green consumption is not yet perfect. This
research is based on cognitive dissonance theory and involvement theory, and from the
perspective of specific emotions, it deeply explores the influence mechanism of guilt, which
is a pro-social negative emotion, on green consumption intention. This study collected a total
of 426 valid questionnaires through questionnaire survey, andfound through empirical
research that: (1) Anticipated guilt has a positive effect on green consumption intention; (2)
Anticipated guilt has a positive effect on perceived consumer effectiveness; (3) Perceived
consumer effectiveness has a positive influence on green consumption intention; (4) Perceived
consumer effectiveness plays a part of the mediating role between anticipated guilt and green
consumption intention; (5) Green involvement plays a positive moderating effect on perceived
consumer effectiveness of consumers' anticipated guilt.
The conclusion of this paper is of great significance both in theory and practice. In theory,
we first explore the mediating role of perceived consumer effectiveness by taking anticipated
guilt as an ante-variable of green consumption intention, so as to reveal the internal influence
mechanism of anticipated guilt on green consumption intention. Secondly, it adds the degree
of green engagement into the study model, investigates and explains the impact of various
levels of involvement on green consumption, and extends on previous research on the elements
that influence green consumption intention. In addition, from a practical point of view, the
research conclusion provides theoretical support for relevant governments and enterprises to
carry out sustainable green marketing, which is not only conducive to the popularization of
green consumption concept, but also can promote residents to form a positive intention of
green consumption behavior, promote the pro-environment participation of the whole people,
and accelerate the construction of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.
Key words: anticipated guilt; perceived consumer effectiveness; green involvement;
green consumption intention
第一章绪论 ............ 1
第一节研究背景............ 1
第二节研究目的和研究意义......... 2
一、研究目的 ........... 2
二、研究意义 ........... 2
第三节国内外研究现状...... 3
一、国外研究现状 ....... 3
二、国内研究现状 ....... 6
三、国内外研究述评 ............ 9
第四节研究内容和研究方法........ 10
一、研究内容 .......... 10
二、研究方法 .......... 11
第五节创新点............. 12
第二章相关概念与理论基础 ........... 13
第一节相关概念界定....... 13
一、绿色消费意愿 ...... 13
二、预期内疚 .......... 13
三、消费者感知效用 ........... 14
四、绿色涉入度 ........ 15
第二节相关理论基础....... 16
一、认知失调理论(CDT) ...... 16
二、涉入理论(IT) ........... 17
第三章研究假设与研究模型 ........... 18
第一节研究假设........... 18
一、预期内疚与绿色消费意愿的关系 .... 18
二、预期内疚与消费者感知效用的关系 ......... 19
三、绿色涉入度的调节作用 ..... 20
第二节研究模型........... 21
第四章调查设计 ....... 22
第一节研究变量的操作性定义和测量....... 22
一、研究变量的操作性定义 ..... 22
二、研究变量的测量 ........... 22
第二节问卷设计........... 24

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